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hello guys well i find this great bot for protect server L2PHX i hope enjoy this and is usefull for protect ur server guys


Protection Program PHX (manipulation packages) on the client level


Select the files from the folder in the archive for his chronicles

Paste the files L2.exe and nophx.dll in the client folder in the system.

The archive for protection:




Supported Chronicles:


        * Interlude

        * Kamael

        * Hellbound

        * CT2.1

        * CT2.2

        * CT2.3




Password: www.maxcheaters.com/CriticalError


Credits to Fyyre & alekssu-la2base


lol thx dude but...

you didn't tell us how to use it or "where to drag it"

propably on system but better explain how to use this thing

and if u may drag it on your system or whatever then you send the server patch to others

they can easy remove it .... mean delete it LOL ?

nvm thx its a good protect i guess im downloading it

please answer


lol thx dude but...

you didn't tell us how to use it or "where to drag it"

propably on system but better explain how to use this thing

and if u may drag it on your system or whatever then you send the server patch to others

they can easy remove it .... mean delete it LOL ?

nvm thx its a good protect i guess im downloading it

please answer

lol please read post before posting look ..



Select the files from the folder in the archive for his chronicles

Paste the files L2.exe and nophx.dll in the client folder in the system.

The archive for protection:


why would this be in the bots section? Unless i'm understanding this correctly, you are saying that these system files are going to prevent l2phx from working?


Should I move it?


why would this be in the bots section? Unless i'm understanding this correctly, you are saying that these system files are going to prevent l2phx from working?


Should I move it?

yes right mpj123 sorry for post in wrong section please move to right section and thanks again sorry for my error :S

Nice share but what if someone take the l2.ini of your patch and paste it to a "clear" patch without the protection? :S

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