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[Guide#1 By NS]Strygwyr The BloodSeeker!

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This is my first guide at Dota section here hope you like it...I dedicate this guide to all lovers of BS(BloodSeeker)including myself too!







An unusual hybrid of Demon and Orc, Strygwyr is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures. By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays, Strygwyr can heal his wounds - even those that could prove fatal. Beware the fool who dares venturing alone, for Strygwyr can sense his blood miles away and gain vison through his helpless prey’s eyes. Having ruptured the enemy with mighty blows in his bloodthirsty frenzies, Strygwyr corners his foe into making the impossible decision - bleed to death by trying to outrun the hasty demon, or be ripped to shreds in its awesome fury.




Strength: 18 + 2.0 — Health - 492

Agility: 24 + 2.6 — Armor - 5.4 (24%)

Intelligence: 18 + 1.7 — Mana - 234

Mana Regen: 0.73

Health Regen: 0.79

Movespeed: 305

Damage: 53-59

Attack Speed: 1 attack every 1.37 seconds

Sight Range: 1800 Day/800 Night

Spell Animation: Bloodseeker has a casting time of 0.6 and a cast backswing of 1.4.

Attack Animation: Bloodseeker has damage point of 0.43 and a backswing of 0.74.


Good About BS!


* Fast hero.

* Great ganking hero, if not the best.

* Slips in and out of battle if Strygwyr’s Thirst is on.

* Has ferocious damage with Bloodrage on.

* A hero that can stay in its lane for prolonged periods.

* Great hero for first blood.

* Has silence,which makes him worst nightmare for int heroes.


Bad about BS!

* Low hp.

* Spells can backfire if not used properly and without thought.

* No real escape mechanism.

* Spells require precise timing.

* Has de-synergies with Rupture and allies that stop/slow enemies.

* Quite weak with Str heroes.




                                                Bloodrage (Active)

Drives a unit into a bloodthirsty rage. That unit is unable to cast spells, has its attack damage increased, and loses a small amount of hit points every second. 600 range at all levels.


Level 1 - 20% damage increase, loses 2 HP per second. Lasts 6 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 80 mana cost.

Level 2 - 40% damage increase, loses 4 HP per second. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 100 mana cost.

Level 3 - 60% damage increase, loses 6 HP per second. Lasts 12 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 120 mana cost.

Level 4 - 80% damage increase, loses 8 HP per second. Lasts 15 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 140 mana cost.


* Using this on Stealth Assassin reveals him.

* Bloodrage is based off the Firelord’s ladder spell, Soul Burn.

* Bloodrage only increases Base + Agility damage not pure damage items like MKB/Buriza.

* The damage is negligible. Don’t assume this spell can kill someone, at level 4 it only does 120 damage over time total.

* Bloodrage doesn’t silence enemy spells from items, so you can’t use this to stop an enemy from using Dagon for example.



                                           Blood Bath (Passive)


Whenever Strygwyr kills a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his life source.


Level 1 - 10% of the Hero’s max hp. 5% for creeps.

Level 2 - 20% of the Hero’s max hp. 10% for creeps.

Level 3 - 30% of the Hero’s max hp. 15% for creeps.

Level 4 - 40% of the Hero’s max hp. 20% for creeps.


This Skill works like lifesteal after you kill a hero or a creep!You earn more exp and less trips to the fountain ;) !It works after you deliver the final blow to the enemy!



                                                Strygwyr’s Thirst (Passive)

Enables Strygwyr to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 40% hp. If it finds one, Strygwyr gains vision of that unit and increases move speed.


Level 1 - 11% movement increase. Small AoE, 1500 Range.

Level 2 - 22% movement increase. Medium AoE, 3000 Range.

Level 3 - 33% movement increase. Large AoE, 4500 Range.

Level 4 - 44% movement increase. Huge AoE, 6000 Range


The Skill that makes BS the best chaser in the game....the enemies will say maphack or bugged char unless they don't know the skills of BS...


# With Boots of Travel and Thirst active, it would take Bloodseeker approximately 11.49 seconds to reach any given point on the periphery of his 6000 aoe. Calculated using (Distance/speed) = time, assuming that you move approximately in a straight line

# Strygwyr’s Thirst is based off the Shaman’s ladder spell, Bloodlust

# If you have Thirst triggered, and an Ogre Magi casts Bloodlust on you, you will see the animation of Bloodlust being casted on you multiple times.



                                                 Rupture (Active)

Deals a mighty blow to the enemy causing any movement to result in bleeding and loss of life. 1000 cast range.


Level 1 - 150 damage, 20% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 5 seconds. 100 second cooldown. 150 mana.

Level 2 - 250 damage, 40% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 7 seconds. 100 second cooldown. 200 mana.

Level 3 - 350 damage, 60% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 9 seconds. 100 second cooldown. 250 mana.


One of the best ulti. in dota..why i like it?because it's perfect in all the ways..If the enemy starts running he will lose his Hp dramaticaly if he stops he will be ganged...good skill for gang...


Skill Build



Blood Bath




Blood Bath


Strygwyr’s Thirst


Strygwyr’s Thirst




Blood Bath


Blood Bath


Strygwyr’s Thirst


Strygwyr’s Thirst
















Item Build 


Assuming you are playing 5v5 the best item build would look like this:






it's quite difficult to reject any item on BS and that's also a good thing about him!The best items for me are SnY cause of the attack speed and speed also the chance to mame the enemy hero!


Skill Combos

This category will tell you how to use correctly your skills creating a quite nice combo resulting a dead enemy and +256 Gold to you :D



Assuming your enemy is Int.

Silence on Enemy>Rupture>Automatical trigger of Thirst = A dead chased enemy :D

Assuming yout enemy is Agi.

Rupture>Silence(lvl3 and above) on You>Chase and hit>Triggers Thirst>Chase and hit = Dead enemy

Assuming your enemy is Str.

This occasion need a help by a team player to create a good gang.

Rupture>Silence On you>Chase and Hit>Triggers Thist>Chase and hit = Dead enemy.





width=640 height=457http://i39.tinypic.com/wi7zep.jpg[/img]



Regards NS


For any Add or mistakes feel free to post or send pm's!










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You do the radiance for damage right? Assuming he has low hp, why not 1 HoT instead of radiance, its not cheaper but its way more useful.

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If i am right because i don't usually play BloodSeeker i would never make Radiance.I think that Vladimirs is the a good option for somethink like that or somethink like AS or Battle Fury.


*Nice photos..

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Very good guide NS,


You do the radiance for damage right? Assuming he has low hp, why not 1 HoT instead of radiance, its not cheaper but its way more useful.


But agree with DreaM one HoT is better than radiance,

but and Radi is good.

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Radiance is a perfect item for farming...also the benefits of radiance is that every creep you kill with radi aura will give you Hp so no need of lifesteal...Also when you chase an enemy target you can give extra dmg by radi!

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Radi Radi Radi :D :D :D  radi aura hits other mobs too...(splash damage)=more creep kills=full hp=ungangkable=ownage :D


i cant find a reason to place Lifestealing from the time he has from his own ...


NS build is based on damage and critical so his opponents are not up for fight for very long so heart is not that really needed


i could have alternate Buriza for lothars for surprise attacks and rupture 

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that's correct...

DreaM and morian it's wrong for this mind...

Radiance is for aura to Bloodseeker...

also i dont prefer mkb

but maelstrom

and then mjolnir

Radiance with mjolnir pwn!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice Item Build.. Difficult to made thought.. :) but i think Burizza isnt that much nescesery.. i mean.. you have rupture..with Strygwyr’s Thirst..almost Gone :D ^_^ ok as you said.. depents from the enemy ;) i usually made him treands..SnY.. ButterFly and Vlads.. Then the game Ends :( xD xD xD but it Pwnzz..  ;)

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Radiance FTW!!

on ganks, I get last hits from Radiance and I just regenerate HP all the time >.<

BTW BS is a great char, you can pwn everyone!

Especially with your sneaky ulti...!



BTW nice photos, is there a link to get some photos for other chars too?

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