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(Roll) Who Hate the Costums Items :D

Do You Love Play Fully Costumized Servers ?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Love Play Fully Costumized Servers ?

    • Costums SUX!
    • I hate Them
    • Little
    • They Are Funny
    • I Love Costum Servers

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Well,I Love Customs but sometimes they are boring!!Now i am playing on a server with Balanced Custom Vesper Armors and weapons and L2 Mob weapons.....

It's very good and rockz  www.l2riseofhell.ucoz.com!!Try us


P.S.:Fix Ur Title


i love special/custom items but no a lot custom's in one server :for example 3 custom armor,5 diferent types of weapon custom i hate them but 1 type weapon and 1 type armor i like them ...




Sorry for my bad english


Ok here's the thing costum's are ok IF they are balanced, cause if they are unbalanced they make are not good. In some server's the admins have modded them to be balanced but in others they are sooooo unbalanced that you can't play,

eg. when someone wearing costum items hits you and gives you 50k dmg (with full set Imperial +25) thats not good.


I don't really like customs. it makes me think im not playing lineage 2 anymore, there was a guy that played a lot of javas than he went on official and asked "Where do i get epic from" A guy screenshoted him and posted him on the retail server forum i lol'd when i saw it, i don't have anything againts them but it makes the game unreal.


My opinion is.epic wpns/armors are funny.

An excample is .. Make a saggi and go pvp with a mage.. muahaha

No hope for the mage ;)


At this servers.Archers/Th's = immortal


Custom servers are better from simple servers..... simple servers with customs are sucks  >:( >:(


uh.... WHAT?

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