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[Help]Serious help needed


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Howdy guys, you prolly know I'm DotA starter and I want to ask tons of questions but there's not time for them, so I'd like to ask for one.


Okay, I like playing for Juggernout or Lina Inverse (Sentinel) or Lion (Scourge). I almost got the system what items to buy, but I need to know what to buy FIRST


You know, for example, I wait like 10 minutes when game is started, I don't buy anything, then I collect money and buy for example Dagon. Okay, skill of Dagon is fine, but another person owns me because he didn't buy first the 2-3 lvl item, but he bought shits that give him +3 to all stats and he still owns me. So I'd need some guide what to buy and in which order.


Hope ya can help me, thanks.

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you must think logical...

For Lina Inverse...

She's a INT Hero so he needs mana...

1st item? 5v5 team?for me ring of basiLius or Null Tallisman and Tangos (trees for Life)


he's a INT Hero Too...so he needs mana...

Lion have skill for Mana so you must choose...

You Start with skill of mana regen?or then you lvling?


If you levening it later there is no meaning...

why this?when you make something for INT it gives you mana & mana reg

so what's the meaning?

so for me make lvling the 3rd skill of lion which is the mana steal

with 1st skill too

you can aLso lvling the 2nd skill the hex!

Yurnero The Juggernaut

logical again...yurnero is a hero with critical skill...

so you need lifesteal

critical steal Very Good HP

then you need something for mass critical and mass life steal...

Battle Fury ofc...

For me start items for yurnero is 2 wraith bands power tread AGI and Helm Of Dominator!

Hope You Helped!

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you must think logical...

For Lina Inverse...

She's a INT Hero so he needs mana...

1st item? 5v5 team?for me ring of basiLius or Null Tallisman and Tangos (trees for Life)


he's a INT Hero Too...so he needs mana...

Lion have skill for Mana so you must choose...

You Start with skill of mana regen?or then you lvling?


If you levening it later there is no meaning...

why this?when you make something for INT it gives you mana & mana reg

so what's the meaning?

so for me make lvling the 3rd skill of lion which is the mana steal

with 1st skill too

you can aLso lvling the 2nd skill the hex!

Yurnero The Juggernaut

logical again...yurnero is a hero with critical skill...

so you need lifesteal

critical steal Very Good HP

then you need something for mass critical and mass life steal...

Battle Fury ofc...

For me start items for yurnero is 2 wraith bands power tread AGI and Helm Of Dominator!

Hope You Helped!


Yea, you quite explain it to me, thanks.


get what ever you like but no boots of speed in the beginning


Yea, I never got those in the beggining.

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Don't listen to strike.... BECAUSE...


There type of the heros in some cases doesn't actually matter... For example the hero is INT maybe you have to do some other item that gives STR or agilit. Item build is not something you can learn , you build your own tactic with which you own. For example they are that kinda ppl that doesn't follow guides[i will call them crazy] yes they die until the moment they think to do something crazy like ...Nerubian Assasian .. its AGI hero and guys though this guy needs something for agility true enough than again that very same crazy guy made DAGON on him... the ppl were: LIKE WTF lol nub DIE modafokert omg mega retard than again he made a godlike within 10 minutes SO.... what i am trying to say here is that if you want a tip here's one:

Don't follow gides follow instinct/logic.

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there is a base which you need to follow for a start....first of all the money that are given to you at the beggining depend on the players playing exp(5vs5=640 gold)...items that i buy are 1 healing salve +

if your hero is str.

2 gauntlets of streng.

1 circet of nobility

which will become later to bracers....

if your hero is Agi,

2 slippers of agility

1 circet of nobility

which will become later wraith bands

if your hero is Int.

2 int clocks(don't remember what it's called :P )

1 circet of nobility

which will later become 2 null talismans


Also there are some exeptions on the base(beggining) build on my opinion..



i buy for him one healing salve and boots of speed which help to get first blood thanks to the 3rd skill which will boost your speed if enemy hero has 40% HP.


2 Rings Of regeneration or Helm of iron will or Ring Of health(cause of the armor+hp regen)


afterwards the next item you need also for every hero is threads...there are some exeptions like omniknight who needs boots of travel and some others!

after this items you go for your 1st Main Item example,For Yurnero Battle fury!


thats how i play at the beggining....hope helped!

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Don't listen to strike.... BECAUSE...


There type of the heros in some cases doesn't actually matter... For example the hero is INT maybe you have to do some other item that gives STR or agilit. Item build is not something you can learn , you build your own tactic with which you own. For example they are that kinda ppl that doesn't follow guides[i will call them crazy] yes they die until the moment they think to do something crazy like ...Nerubian Assasian .. its AGI hero and guys though this guy needs something for agility true enough than again that very same crazy guy made DAGON on him... the ppl were: LIKE WTF lol nub DIE modafokert omg mega retard than again he made a godlike within 10 minutes SO.... what i am trying to say here is that if you want a tip here's one:

Don't follow gides follow instinct/logic.

tell me something...

when you start dota from beggining you start with your own logic?

or guides?


so we try to enter him to meaning of dota...

when he learn some very usefull things he play with your own logic...

i agree with some idiots players for this which you say!

my expample?

Pudge The Butcher...

if i played with 5v5 team my 1st items is Vanguard and tarasque

and then?

Hex & Shiva's Guard!

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well i usually play on random so i have more money on 5v5.Well for first i get 4 branch ,6 tangos and 1 cirlet of nobility but this depence on which char you play..

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