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Steling posts problems


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It is a stealing post problem on this forum ,many of my guides from the old maxbastards are now posted here by other peupl.Few weeks ago i posted some scrips and now thay are gone,and reapear in the moderator name [glow=red,2,300]Francislaremot.[/glow]

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some examples plz...don't accuse people if you don't have any clues,,,....

Give links....


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i posted,the scrips for wasmith...etc


and look at this escuse

"I think this already exists but I never found it, so I decided to make it myself."


and i posted the script 1-2 weeks ago.

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It is a stealing post problem on this forum ,many of my guides from the old maxbastards are now posted here by other peupl.Few weeks ago i posted some scrips and now thay are gone,and reapear in the moderator name [glow=red,2,300]Francislaremot.[/glow]


i dont see anything strange on here. What do you mean, be more specific..

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