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[Request] A Server To Become GM!

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Well As title says...i was GM At many servers...i know a lot of things about How to use Game master... i was Gm about 4 years! I know all command of course and i am online  for hours! i know how to play and help the people ingame at all server rates ( low-mid-high) But especially on Mid and Of course High rate also i was GM only for one time on a low rate! If someOne want to check me About my experience Send me A PM! I wait forward for your answer!  ;D

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Ok... yes L][Zero Closed Now And I Dont know when and If will be online again! You remember good i was *HGM*DeMoNic on L][Zero server! But now i am unemployed as GM :-\ So i am searching for a server to help and show my experience that i have! ;D You can test me and you will see that i know ;)

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Seriously dude...  i would never recruit you as a GM if i had a server, i mean look at you... you don't even know proper english and when players ask you "where are you from" you always say that you are from USA but you were born in Greece.About your non-lifeness yes its true you are active alright well maybe you're not while you are at school, but once your back ...its alelluia again... About your 4 years GMing, yea right like i would believe that... GM experience ... another lie that you just made up... you know basic commands and you're still learning from admin panel GL tho...And don't forget .. if you become GM call your friends and PIMP them so they will stay...xD That was my comment about you for the time i was playing in ZeRo. Now good luck.

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I cant speak very good english because im from greece.But its not a lie that i am a GM 4 years now and i can prove this to u any time you want.I dont only know the basic commands but every single thing that someone may ask me.Ive been playing as a gm for 4 years as mentioned above and i know everything required to be an excellent GM and offer tons of my help in the community of my server...even if i dont speak very well english because its not my native language ;D


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I cant speak very good english because im from greece.But its not a lie that i am a GM 4 years now and i can prove this to u any time you want.I dont only know the basic commands but every single thing that someone may ask me.Ive been playing as a gm for 4 years as mentioned above and i know everything required to be an excellent GM and offer tons of my help in the community of my server...even if i dont speak very well english because its not my native language ;D


being a greek means that u can't speak good english?/failure

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