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[Updated][Guide][Share] Collection The Best Server Modification Java Only !!!

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Cobra - I made litle updates for Your shares (added much more new shares) this is it:






Vote Point System Credits: Rizel

Java AntiPhx Enchant Credits: KidZoR

Banking System (Now with Commands!) Credits: Mafia_007

Hero skills for all subclass! Credits: Cobra

An item to become hero untill restart Credits: Vago

Java Anti-Phx Announce Credits: KidZoR

Forbid to equip some kind of items Credits: Rizel

Solution for Corrup GMs Credits: Mafia_007

Security fix on enchants Credits: Vago

Java - Item Reward for pvp/pk kill Credits: Vago

PvP Color system Credits: Vago

How to Put .info Command Credits: xMafia

How to change Server name On Restart Credits: xMafia

All class available for subclass Credits: Interpid

Hero Shine on PvP kills Credits: Vago

How to write big white text Credits: emylus

.stat Voice Command Credits: Vago

Core Buffer Credits: Vago

Set Hero Donator Noblesse Credits: KidZoR

.res voice command Credits: Vago

Disallow potion in pvp Credits: Interpid

Subclass Delay Credits: Fogotendx20 and Strike For Translate

[GR]Subclass Delay Credits: Fogotendx20

Voice command .TvtJoin .CtfJoin .Tvtinfo .Ctfinfo Credits: Cobra

Subclass maximum lvl 85 Credits: Interpid

Vitality System Credits: L2JSerwer

Voiced Commands .heal .cansel Credits: Cobra

Multisell Bug Fixed Credits: HanWik

[sHARE] Custom starting lvl Credits: Interpid

[share]Vote for the next auto event Credits: Rizel

[sHARE]PVP/PK reward system and Alternative PK system Credits: Intrepid

[share]Max lvl 99 Credits: savorimix

[sHARE] An Item To Become Noble! Credits: §tëFØuLi§15™

Voiced Command Buffer Credits: VaneSs11

[share]Automatic Quiz Event Credits: Rizel

[share]Trade bug fix Credits: Rizel

[share]L2WalkerProtection Fix! (Anti-Walker) Credits: Cobra

StuckSub System Credits: Intrepid

Log Petitions Credits: Intrepid

Change Class Window pop-up Credits: TheEnd

Town War event Credits: Vago

[share]Add a skill for PvP's! Credits: Leeroy

[share]OverEnchant Fix! (Anti-Hacker) Credits: Nefer

[sHARE] Stefoulis15 Legend System! Credits: Stefoulis15

[sHARE]No item consumption Credits: Interpid

[share]New Automated TvT Event Engine (L2jFree) Credits: Horus

[sHARE] Multisell Black Icons? Nah! No More! Credits: Vago

[sHARE]Extended reload command Credits: Vago

[share]Admin Find dualbox Credits: TheEnd

[updated][share]Screen Message!(No Client Modding) Credits: Cobra

[share]CTF system Credits: Gio

[sHARE] Stefoulis15 Faction System! ( L2JOneo Based ) Credits: Stefoulis15

[share] Teleport to other player for an item Credits: Rizel

[sHARE] How To Create Your OWN SoE! Credits: Stefoulis15

[sHARE]Trade refusal mode for players Credits: Interpid

[sHARE] Fix Pet Enchant Exploit..! Credits: Stefoulis15

[share]Autoannounce Pk, PvP and All kills Credits: L2JForum

[share]Doors Status Hp and castle walls{IL} Credits: ZeRo*

[share] .cl voice command - Teleports you to your clan leader Credits: Vago

[sHARE]Oly fake death exploit fix Credits: Interpid

[share]Offline Trade , Craft Credits: _DS_

[share]olympiad clan skills bug fix Credits: Cobra

[share]In PvP situations, magic critical damage has been decreased. Credits: Gnacik

[share] Java CP Exploit Fix Credits: L2JSerwer

[share]Custom subclass starting level Credits: iNos




[Guide]Java - Core Modyfications Credits: Matim

[Guide] Java - How to create Your own /commands Credits: Matim

[Toturial]How to install a java mod Credits: TheEnd

Add skills At Hero Character not only valor/berseker etc Credits: Cobra

[GUIDE]Lineage 2 java basics Credits: Interpid

[Guide][share]Mana Potion [Java Modification] Credits: Cobra

[Guide]edit the subclass system Credits: Interpid




If You dont like it, just delete my post, thanx anyway  :) You can edit messages so if You like it You could edit and copy this updated list.


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