Based on all your comments, I realized that you are a complete beginner who doesn't understand anything about programming or even the basic concepts of the Java language.
Go study, gain some basic knowledge about the subject, and after you've studied and acquired at least a minimal understanding, you can come back here and ask for clarifications, and I’ll help you with all your questions. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You should start a comedy show on television, you're very funny, and for those who know your face as well as I do, I can say you'd make a great clown.
The more you try to explain yourself and claim you're the god of L2j, actually, I believe you think of yourself as this god of L2j, but you forget that in this world, there are many programmers better than you who don't engage in fraudulent scams against people.
just like you are doing
Ah, the relentless crusader for truth and justice strikes again! Your tireless dedication to vague accusations and baseless claims is truly inspiring. While some of us spend our days debugging code, fixing issues, and releasing stable updates for the benefit of the community, you, my friend, are out here wielding your mighty sword of… well, nothing in particular.
As for your claims about my project, allow me to say this: The proof is in the code. The official files are available for anyone to review, test, and use. If you truly believe you’ve found some grand scandal, then by all means, shine your spotlight on it. Until then, this theater of yours is nothing but a one-man comedy show ...and the reviews aren’t great.
Spoken by the great scammer who claims to help a community while charging several euros for lousy codes with backdoors.
In terms of project updates, I must agree with you. I posted this several days ago, but I will soon make available here several current fixes, including the ones you are charging innocent people a lot of money for. 🤣😂🤣😂😎
i means change Warriors attack_speed according level...any regular expression or tools?
npc_begin warrior 20001 [gremlin] level=1 acquire_exp_rate=29 acquire_sp=2 unsowing=0 clan={} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_fairies} npc_ai={[gremlin];{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=0}} category={} race=fairy sex=male undying=0 can_be_attacked=1 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=1000 ground_high={50;0;0} ground_low={20;0;0} exp=1 org_hp=39.74519 org_hp_regen=2 org_mp=40 org_mp_regen=0.9 collision_radius={10;10} collision_height={15;15} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=20 base_attack_type=fist base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=8.47458 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=4.75 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=5.78704 base_defend=44.44444 base_magic_defend=29.5916164000214 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.37 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end npc_begin warrior 20002 [rabbit] level=1 acquire_exp_rate=29 acquire_sp=2 unsowing=0 clan={} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_animals} npc_ai={[rabbit];{[MoveAroundSocial]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=0};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=0}} category={} race=animal sex=male undying=0 can_be_attacked=1 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=1000 ground_high={80;0;0} ground_low={50;0;0} exp=1 org_hp=39.74519 org_hp_regen=2 org_mp=40 org_mp_regen=0.9 collision_radius={5;5} collision_height={4.5;4.5} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=20 base_attack_type=fist base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=30 base_physical_attack=8.47458 base_critical=4 physical_hit_modify=4.75 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=5.78704 base_defend=44.44444 base_magic_defend=29.5916164000214 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.6 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end npc_begin warrior 20003 [goblin] level=5 acquire_exp_rate=7.12 acquire_sp=5 unsowing=0 clan={@goblin_clan} ignore_clan_list={} clan_help_range=300 slot_chest=[] slot_rhand=[club] slot_lhand=[] shield_defense_rate=0 shield_defense=0 skill_list={@s_race_humanoids} npc_ai={[goblin];{[MoveAroundSocial]=42};{[MoveAroundSocial1]=42};{[MoveAroundSocial2]=42}} category={} race=humanoid sex=male undying=0 can_be_attacked=1 corpse_time=7 no_sleep_mode=0 agro_range=1000 ground_high={110;0;0} ground_low={40;0;0} exp=2885 org_hp=80.17319 org_hp_regen=2 org_mp=69.6 org_mp_regen=0.9 collision_radius={10;10} collision_height={16.5;16.5} str=40 int=21 dex=30 wit=20 con=43 men=20 base_attack_type=blunt base_attack_range=40 base_damage_range={0;0;80;120} base_rand_dam=50 base_physical_attack=12.34006 base_critical=1 physical_hit_modify=9 base_attack_speed=253 base_reuse_delay=0 base_magic_attack=8.42666 base_defend=51.60553 base_magic_defend=34.3595464531323 physical_avoid_modify=0 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 hit_time_factor=0.32 item_make_list={} corpse_make_list={{[magic_ring];1;1;34.3131};{[rp_broad_sword];1;1;4.5293};{[charcoal];1;1;5.6617}} additional_make_list={} additional_make_multi_list={{{{[adena];30;42;100}};70};{{{[apprentice_s_earing];1;1;30.9858};{[magic_ring];1;1;46.0093};{[necklace_of_magic];1;1;23.0049}};25.7011};{{{[thread];1;1;29.1259};{[suede];1;1;9.70862};{[varnish];1;1;14.5629};{[stem];1;1;29.1259};{[rp_bow];1;1;11.6506};{[silver_nugget];1;1;5.82607}};6.6992}} hp_increase=0 mp_increase=0 safe_height=100 npc_end
only replace base_attack_speed if Monsters level=1
ok,use EMeditor's filter could do that...
lock this topic plz...thx
Edited by sandeagle1 answer to this question
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