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CP bar info


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Hello guys , i am having a problem , i am using acis pack and the problem is that i am not able to see other players CP in interface i will give you a screenshot to see what i am talking about , any kind of hints or explication would be verry usefull for me . Thank you !



in this image you can see from the party window that player AmonRa has ~75%CP , HP 100% , but when i target it i can see only hes hp and cp is displayed as 0 , why ?

btw, i am asking in this section , i don't think is interface problem because when i use same system files on other server is working.

Edited by arm4729
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5 minutes ago, arm4729 said:

Hello guys , i am having a problem , i am using acis pack and the problem is that i am not able to see other players CP in interface i will give you a screenshot to see what i am talking about , any kind of hints or explication would be verry usefull for me . Thank you !



in this image you can see from the party window that player AmonRa has ~75%CP , HP 100% , but when i target it i can see only hes hp and cp is displayed as 0 , why ?

btw, i am asking in this section , i don't think is interface problem because when i use same system files on other server is working.

Moved to client section since this is a client issue. Although, i would suggest you not to use encrypted interfaces.

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Brother i dont think this is client problem, is server-side problem , same interface files are working on other servers , look i just changed interface to another one and have same problem , this is not from interface is a java issue side but i don't know where to look for



How can be client side if same interface works on other server look screenshot i logged on other server with same interface and worksimage.png.218fd788520d50021b09d6ed735943fd.png


Can this thing be implemented in other files than interface.u/interface.xdat ?

Edited by arm4729
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maybe any java dev know it 🙂 its Wellinton V3 yeah ? have some problem 😄 better way delete cp bar from target buttons 🙂but for fix need if dev 😄



/ BTW MP bar not work too 🙂

Edited by KejbL
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Yes is wellinton v3 , i don't really know for sure i thnk this is server-side problem , like something missing server side , it may be from the client tho .. maybe someone will bring us to light 🙂




Problem is partially solved , i found on forum a tool mxendec v2.1 and decrypted interface.xdat , i edited it a bit for my needs and removed cp/hp/mp bar in a funny way 🙂 ( they are still there but so up in the image that you can't see them even if you bring target window near buffs ^^ )

link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/mcp9v8fy8o0vd8u/interface.xdat/file


Still , if any good java developer can tell us why this is cp bar is not working without some server side modifications ?

Edited by arm4729
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14 hours ago, arm4729 said:

Brother i dont think this is client problem, is server-side problem , same interface files are working on other servers , look i just changed interface to another one and have same problem , this is not from interface is a java issue side but i don't know where to look for



How can be client side if same interface works on other server look screenshot i logged on other server with same interface and worksimage.png.218fd788520d50021b09d6ed735943fd.png


Can this thing be implemented in other files than interface.u/interface.xdat ?

Your assumption is reasonable but this still remains a client problem. If you just copy pasted this from another server then you are probably missing some files (assuming that this specific interface works in other servers as you said). You have mentioned above that you use acis 382, although you edited your post like a million times. https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/master/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/CharInfo.java server already sends information to client about cp. So probably client doesn't read/handle these information properly.

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2 hours ago, Zake said:

Your assumption is reasonable but this still remains a client problem. If you just copy pasted this from another server then you are probably missing some files (assuming that this specific interface works in other servers as you said). You have mentioned above that you use acis 382, although you edited your post like a million times. https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/master/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/CharInfo.java server already sends information to client about cp. So probably client doesn't read/handle these information properly.

Hey , i am curently using acis rev 368 🙂 , ive been edited posts in order to add screenshots i hope that is not a problem 

Edited by arm4729
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21 minutes ago, xPeNaChO said:

thank you , but i have some problem adding this , is this for acis pack ?



i can't fiind this line anywhere, even is last rev acis  "_actor.sendPacket(su);" 


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57 minutes ago, arm4729 said:

thank you , but i have some problem adding this , is this for acis pack ?



i can't fiind this line anywhere, even is last rev acis  "_actor.sendPacket(su);" 



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10 minutes ago, arm4729 said:

i have some problem i can't set packet as bolean , im still working on it

Try it!


	public void broadcastStatusUpdate()
		// Send StatusUpdate with current HP, MP and CP to this L2PcInstance
		StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(this);
+		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_HP, getMaxHp());
		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_HP, (int) getCurrentHp());
+		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_MP, getMaxMp());
		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_MP, (int) getCurrentMp());
+		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_CP, getMaxCp());
		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_CP, (int) getCurrentCp());
-		su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_CP, getMaxCp());

+		Broadcast.toKnownPlayersInRadius(this, su, 3000);
		final boolean needCpUpdate = needCpUpdate(352);
		final boolean needHpUpdate = needHpUpdate(352);


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