hi... im trying to insert this code to l2jserver last develop rev.
but the pcstat.java isnt the same. so, anyone can helpme to do this? thx in advance:
i test that command ingame and is working fine but i need the pcstat core side working.
+++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/stat/PcStat.java (working copy){returnfalse;}++// Check, if exp gain isn't disabled by voiced command+if(activeChar.canOverrideCond(PcCondOverride.DISABLE_EXP_GAIN))+{+returnfalse;+}if(!super.addExp(value)){{returnfalse;}-++// Check, if exp gain isn't disabled by voiced command+if(activeChar.canOverrideCond(PcCondOverride.DISABLE_EXP_GAIN))+{+ addToExp =0;+}+long baseExp = addToExp;int baseSp = addToSp;
Alguém que saiba trabalhar com Engine.dll e Core.dll? Tenho hwid no servidor o código adaptado, mas não tenho parte do cliente, pois meu cliente é c4.. Alguém que faça esse tipo de serviço
Hello @Hitcher. Could you please clarify the scenario in which this happened?
Was it on GF server?
The drops that were on the ground were from the same character? These fell with autoloot off, then you activated autoloot and tried to pick? Please provide more details so we can replicate it.
hi... im trying to insert this code to l2jserver last develop rev.
but the pcstat.java isnt the same. so, anyone can helpme to do this? thx in advance:
i test that command ingame and is working fine but i need the pcstat core side working.
Datapack Side:
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