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-RateXp = 1000.

-RateSp = 500.

-RatePartyXp = 20.

-RatePartySp = 20.

-RateDropAdena = 200.

-RateDropItems = 10.

-RateDropSpoil = 1.

-RateDropManor = 1.




.- GMshop complete: Weapons of all grades, Armor for all grades, Ss / BSS, etc..


.- Class Manager:

.- Custom Shop:

Armor-Cronus and titanium

Items-custom: wings which increase the stats



Areas .- edited:

1 .- Area Farm

2 .- Area Farm


Gk .- Global.


.- Various events:

As search-being, PvP among others.


.- Auto-learn skills.


Weaponts .- damned:


Bloody Sword-Akamanah.


Buffs .- 2 pm.


Maximum .- lvl 85.


.- System of duels: one versus one / party vs party.


.- NPC buffer (Buffs, songs, dances, prophecies, among others).


.- Global Gatekeeper.


Seven signs .- 100%.


.- Without penalty of Clan.


Third .- change for the sub / lv maximum in sub 80.


Maximum .- enchanter safe +7 +30 with 75%.


And many other things you could see on entering the server.

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