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Private Store Sell Issue (All L2J Projects)


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So here is the thing. There is a check for private sell stores that verifies if each of listed items has a corresponding item template.

I checked most of projects out there and all had the same issue.


Here is the code I refer to, nested in TradeList privateStoreBuy() method:

  // Check if requested item is available for manipulation
  L2ItemInstance oldItem = _owner.checkItemManipulation(item.getObjectId(), item.getCount(), "sell");
  if (oldItem == null || !oldItem.isTradeable())
      // Private store sell invalid item - disable it
      return false;

  final L2Item template = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(item.getItemId());
  if (template == null)
  weight += item.getCount() * template.getWeight();
  if (!template.isStackable())
      slots += item.getCount();
  else if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(item.getItemId()) == null)


Object 'item', which happens to be an instance of ItemRequest class, is used for retrieving item template and checking whether there are items of the corresponding ID inside buyer's inventory, in the case of stackable items.
What's really interesting is that this object has no Item ID. Private store sell listed items are usually distinct by Object ID instead.

Here is another code I refer to, nested in RequestPrivateStoreBuy class:

protected void readImpl()
	_storePlayerId = readD();
	_count = readD();
	if (_count < 0 || (_count * 12) > _buf.remaining() || _count > Config.MAX_ITEM_IN_PACKET)
		_count = 0;
	_items = new ItemRequest[_count];

	for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
		int objectId = readD();
		long count = readD();
		int price = readD();
		if (objectId < 1 || count < 1 || count > Integer.MAX_VALUE || price < 0)
			_items = null;

		_items[i] = new ItemRequest(objectId, (int) count, price);


And here is the conclusion. Private store sell never performs slot and weight checks at this point, since privateStoreBuy is searching for an item template using 0 as Item ID, therefore skipping rest of code inside loop.


Finally, using L2ItemInstance oldItem object for doing those checks, instead of ItemRequest item would probably be enough to solve this issue.

// Check if requested item is available for manipulation
L2ItemInstance oldItem = _owner.checkItemManipulation(item.getObjectId(), item.getCount(), "sell");
if (oldItem == null || !oldItem.isTradeable())
	// Private store sell invalid item - disable it
	return false;

weight += item.getCount() * oldItem.getItem().getWeight();
if (!oldItem.isStackable())
	slots += item.getCount();
else if (player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(oldItem.getItemId()) == null)


Best regards,


Edited by DnR
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  • 2 months later...

When I read that, I wanted to cry!


if (template == null)


Is this inside a loop or someone was trolling when they wrote the above lines of code?

Edited by xFranky
  • Haha 1
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