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[- First Page-]*Community Board



Hello everyone. Who can tell me where i can find in java First Page of Community Board? Maybe i am stupid and i no have knowledge somethimes, but it is happend now. A simple questions no have answers. So, Where ? 
l2r.gameserver.communitybbs { If it's here, in what location ? }

l2r.gameserver.communitybbs.BB { If it's here, in what location ? }

l2r.gameserver.communitybbsManagers { If it's here, in what location ? }

Thank you !


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Edit htm and move core to home board. Open cb manager or whatever it's called in sources, see which one is home and move stuff there. Dunno what you can't find as it's a simple logic, you know it's home bypass, so.. 

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My results.


Code at HomeBBS. Tell me someone what's wrong?

 * Copyright (C) 2004-2015 L2J Server
 * This file is part of L2J Server.
 * L2J Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * L2J Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package l2r.gameserver.communitybbs.Managers;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import l2r.gameserver.GameTimeController;
import l2r.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import l2r.gameserver.cache.HtmCache;
import l2r.gameserver.communitybbs.BoardsManager;
import l2r.gameserver.data.sql.CharNameTable;
import l2r.gameserver.data.sql.ClanTable;
import l2r.gameserver.data.xml.impl.HennaData;
import l2r.gameserver.data.xml.impl.ItemData;
import l2r.gameserver.data.xml.impl.MultisellData;
import l2r.gameserver.enums.CtrlIntention;
import l2r.gameserver.enums.ZoneIdType;
import l2r.gameserver.instancemanager.SiegeManager;
import l2r.gameserver.instancemanager.TownManager;
import l2r.gameserver.model.Elementals;
import l2r.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import l2r.gameserver.model.entity.olympiad.OlympiadManager;
import l2r.gameserver.model.itemcontainer.Inventory;
import l2r.gameserver.model.items.L2Henna;
import l2r.gameserver.model.items.instance.L2ItemInstance;
import l2r.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExBuyList;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExBuySellList;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowVariationCancelWindow;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowVariationMakeWindow;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.HennaEquipList;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.HennaRemoveList;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.InventoryUpdate;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PartySmallWindowAll;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PartySmallWindowDeleteAll;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SetupGauge;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ShowBoard;
import l2r.gameserver.network.serverpackets.WareHouseDepositList;
import l2r.gameserver.util.Broadcast;
import l2r.gameserver.util.Util;

import gr.sr.configsEngine.configs.impl.CommunityServicesConfigs;
import gr.sr.configsEngine.configs.impl.IndividualVoteSystemConfigs;
import gr.sr.interf.SunriseEvents;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.AutoBuff;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.BufferPacketCategories;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.BufferPacketSender;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.JavaBufferBypass;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.PlayerMethods;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.buffCommunity.dynamicHtmls.GenerateHtmls;
import gr.sr.javaBuffer.runnable.BuffDeleter;
import gr.sr.main.Conditions;
import gr.sr.main.TopListsLoader;
import gr.sr.securityEngine.SecurityActions;
import gr.sr.securityEngine.SecurityType;
import gr.sr.voteEngine.old.VoteHandler;

 * @author L2jSunrise Team
 * @Website www.l2jsunrise.com
public class TopBBSManager extends BaseBBSManager
	public String _bbshome = CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND;
	public void cbByPass(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar)
		if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ALLOW)
			activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
		String path = "data/html/CommunityBoard/index.html";
		String filepath = "";
		String content = "";
		if (command.equals(_bbshome + ""))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Command", command);
			filepath = path + "main.htm";
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), filepath);
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + ";gatekeeper"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Gatekeeper", command);
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");
			String file = st.nextToken();
			path = "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/gatekeeper/";
			sendHtm(activeChar, filepath, path, file, command);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + ";"))
			StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";");
			String file = st.nextToken();
			sendHtm(activeChar, filepath, path, file, command);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_sendMultisell"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Multisell", command);
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_SHOP_ALLOW)
				activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_SHOP_NONPEACE && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
				activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this function outside peace zone.");
					String multisell = commandSeperator(command);
					int multi = Integer.valueOf(multisell);
					switch (multi)
						case 90525:
							content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/symbolMaker.htm");
						case 90526:
							content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/warehouse.htm");
						case 90539:
						case 90540:
						case 90541:
							content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/exclusiveShop.htm");
							content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/gmshop.htm");
					if ((multi == 90527) || (multi == 90528) || (multi == 90529) || (multi == 90530) || (multi == 90531) || (multi == 90532) || (multi == 90533) || (multi == 90534) || (multi == 90535) || (multi == 90536) || (multi == 90537) || (multi == 90538))
						content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/blacksmith.htm");
					separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
					if (CommunityServicesConfigs.MULTISELL_LIST.contains(multi))
						MultisellData.getInstance().separateAndSend(multi, activeChar, null, false);
						SecurityActions.startSecurity(activeChar, SecurityType.COMMUNITY_SYSTEM);
				catch (Exception e)
					SecurityActions.startSecurity(activeChar, SecurityType.COMMUNITY_SYSTEM);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_CommunitySell"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Sell", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/gmshop.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ExBuyList(activeChar));
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ExBuySellList(activeChar, 0, true));
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_teleport"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Teleport", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/gatekeeper/main_gk.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_TP_ALLOW)
				activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
			if (activeChar.isInCombat() || activeChar.isJailed() || activeChar.isAlikeDead() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.inObserverMode() || SunriseEvents.isInEvent(activeChar) || OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(activeChar))
				activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use at the moment.");
				String tp = commandSeperator(command);
				Integer[] c = new Integer[3];
				c[0] = TopListsLoader.getInstance().getTeleportInfo(Integer.parseInt(tp))[0];
				c[1] = TopListsLoader.getInstance().getTeleportInfo(Integer.parseInt(tp))[1];
				c[2] = TopListsLoader.getInstance().getTeleportInfo(Integer.parseInt(tp))[2];
				boolean onlyForNobless = TopListsLoader.getInstance().getTeleportInfo(Integer.parseInt(tp))[3] == 1;
				int itemIdToGet = TopListsLoader.getInstance().getTeleportInfo(Integer.parseInt(tp))[4];
				int price = TopListsLoader.getInstance().getTeleportInfo(Integer.parseInt(tp))[5];
				if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.ALLOW_TELEPORT_DURING_SIEGE)
					if (SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(c[0], c[1], c[2]) != null)
					else if (TownManager.townHasCastleInSiege(c[0], c[1]) && activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.TOWN))
				if (Conditions.checkPlayerItemCount(activeChar, itemIdToGet, price))
					if (onlyForNobless && !activeChar.isNoble() && !activeChar.isGM())
						activeChar.sendMessage("Only noble chars can teleport there.");
					if (activeChar.isTransformed())
						if ((activeChar.getTransformationId() == 9) || (activeChar.getTransformationId() == 8))
					if (activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE) || activeChar.isGM())
						activeChar.teleToLocation(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
						Broadcast.toSelfAndKnownPlayersInRadius(activeChar, new MagicSkillUse(activeChar, 1050, 1, 0, 0), 810000);
						activeChar.sendPacket(new SetupGauge(SetupGauge.BLUE, 0));
						activeChar.setSkillCast(ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Teleport(activeChar, c[0], c[1], c[2]), 0));
						activeChar.forceIsCasting(10 + GameTimeController.getInstance().getGameTicks() + (0 / GameTimeController.MILLIS_IN_TICK));
					activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("Community Teleport", itemIdToGet, price, activeChar, true);
			catch (Exception e)
				SecurityActions.startSecurity(activeChar, SecurityType.COMMUNITY_SYSTEM);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_drawSymbol"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Symbol Add", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/symbolMaker.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			List<L2Henna> tato = HennaData.getInstance().getHennaList(activeChar.getClassId());
			activeChar.sendPacket(new HennaEquipList(activeChar, tato));
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_removeSymbol"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Symbol Remove", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/symbolMaker.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			boolean hasHennas = false;
			for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
				L2Henna henna = activeChar.getHennaEx().getHenna(i);
				if (henna != null)
					hasHennas = true;
			if (hasHennas)
				activeChar.sendPacket(new HennaRemoveList(activeChar));
				activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have dyes.");
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_addAugment"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Augment Add", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/blacksmith.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowVariationMakeWindow());
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_delAugment"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Augment Remove", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/blacksmith.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			activeChar.sendPacket(new ExShowVariationCancelWindow());
		else if (command.toLowerCase().startsWith(_bbshome + "_pwithdraw"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Private Wh Withdraw", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/warehouse.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			GenerateHtmls.showPWithdrawWindow(activeChar, null, (byte) 0);
		else if (command.toLowerCase().startsWith(_bbshome + "_cwithdraw"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Clan Wh Withdraw", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/warehouse.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			GenerateHtmls.showCWithdrawWindow(activeChar, null, (byte) 0);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_ndeposit"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Private Wh Deposit", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/warehouse.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			if (activeChar.getWarehouse().getSize() == activeChar.getWareHouseLimit())
			activeChar.sendPacket(new WareHouseDepositList(activeChar, WareHouseDepositList.PRIVATE));
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_clandeposit"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Clan Wh Deposit", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/warehouse.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			if (activeChar.getClan() == null)
			if (activeChar.getClan().getLevel() == 0)
			activeChar.sendPacket(new WareHouseDepositList(activeChar, WareHouseDepositList.CLAN));
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_washPK"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Clean Pk", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/exclusiveShop_decreasePK.htm");
			content = activeChar.getPkKills() > 0 ? content.replaceAll("%replace%", buttons(activeChar)) : content.replaceAll("%replace%", "<table width=750 height=20><tr><td align=center>You dont have PK Points to wash.</td></tr></table>");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_deletePK"))
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/exclusiveShop_decreasePK.htm");
			content = content.replaceAll("%replace%", buttons(activeChar));
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_ALLOW)
				activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_NONPEACE && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
				activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this function outside peace zone.");
				int i = Integer.parseInt(commandSeperator(command));
				if (Conditions.checkPlayerItemCount(activeChar, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_ID, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_PRICE * i))
					int kills = activeChar.getPkKills();
					if ((kills - i) >= 0)
						activeChar.setPkKills(kills - i);
						activeChar.sendMessage(i + " PK points removed.");
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("Community Decrease PK", CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_ID, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_PRICE * i, activeChar, true);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_vote"))
			if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_vote_main"))
				BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Vote Main", command);
				content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/vote.htm");
				content = content.replaceAll("%voteBanners%", getVoteBanners(activeChar));
				separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			if (command.contains(" "))
				final String[] subCommand = command.split(" ");
				String site = subCommand[1];
				BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Vote " + site, command);
				content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/vote.htm");
				content = content.replaceAll("%voteBanners%", getVoteBanners(activeChar));
				separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
				if (!VoteHandler.voteChecks(activeChar, site))
				VoteHandler.preActivateVoting(activeChar, site);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_atrEnchant"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Attribute Enchant", command);
				activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE_MANAGER_NONPEACE && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
				activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this function outside peace zone.");
			int currency = CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE_MANAGER_ID;
			String currencyName = ItemData.getInstance().getTemplate(currency).getName();
			int weaponPrice = CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE_MANAGER_PRICE_WEAPON;
			int armorPrice = CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE_MANAGER_PRICE_ARMOR;
			int elementWeaponValue = CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE_LVL_FOR_WEAPON;
			int elementArmorValue = CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_ATTRIBUTE_LVL_FOR_ARMOR;
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/exclusiveShop_atrEnchant.htm");
			content = content.replaceAll("%currency%", ItemData.getInstance().getTemplate(currency).getName());
			content = content.replaceAll("%weaponCurrency%", String.valueOf(weaponPrice) + " " + currencyName);
			content = content.replaceAll("%armorCurrency%", String.valueOf(armorPrice) + " " + currencyName);
			content = content.replaceAll("%armorAttValue%", String.valueOf(elementArmorValue));
			content = content.replaceAll("%weaponAttValue%", String.valueOf(elementWeaponValue));
			if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_atrEnchantHtml"))
				separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			final String[] subCommand = command.split(" ");
			String loc = subCommand[1];
			int armorType = 0;
			switch (loc)
				case "head":
					armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_HEAD;
				case "chest":
					armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST;
				case "gloves":
					armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_GLOVES;
				case "feet":
					armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_FEET;
				case "legs":
					armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_LEGS;
				case "weapon":
					armorType = Inventory.PAPERDOLL_RHAND;
					separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
					activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot enchant items that are not equipped.");
			String type = subCommand[2];
			int typeId = 0;
			switch (type)
				case "Fire":
					typeId = 0;
				case "Water":
					typeId = 1;
				case "Wind":
					typeId = 2;
				case "Earth":
					typeId = 3;
				case "Holy":
					typeId = 4;
				case "Dark":
					typeId = 5;
					separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
					activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot enchant the item. Wrong element.");
			if (Conditions.checkPlayerItemCount(activeChar, currency, loc.equals("weapon") ? weaponPrice : armorPrice))
				L2ItemInstance parmorInstance = activeChar.getInventory().getPaperdollItem(armorType);
				if ((parmorInstance != null) && (parmorInstance.getLocationSlot() == armorType))
					byte elementtoAdd = (byte) typeId;
					byte opositeElement = Elementals.getOppositeElement(elementtoAdd);
					Elementals oldElement = parmorInstance.getElemental(elementtoAdd);
					switch (parmorInstance.getItem().getCrystalType())
						case NONE:
						case A:
						case B:
						case C:
						case D:
							activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid item grade.");
					if ((parmorInstance.isWeapon() && (parmorInstance.getElementals() != null)) || (parmorInstance.isArmor() && (oldElement != null) && (parmorInstance.getElementals() != null) && (parmorInstance.getElementals().length >= 3)))
						separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
					if (parmorInstance.isWeapon())
						if ((oldElement != null) && (oldElement.getValue() >= elementWeaponValue))
							separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
							activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot add same attribute to item!");
						if (parmorInstance.getElementals() != null)
							for (Elementals elm : parmorInstance.getElementals())
								if (parmorInstance.isEquipped())
					else if (parmorInstance.isArmor())
						if (parmorInstance.getElementals() != null)
							for (Elementals elm : parmorInstance.getElementals())
								if (elm.getElement() == opositeElement)
									separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
									activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot add opposite attribute to item!");
								if ((elm.getElement() == elementtoAdd) && (elm.getValue() >= elementArmorValue))
									separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
									activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot add same attribute to item!");
					activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("Community Attribute Manager", currency, parmorInstance.isWeapon() ? weaponPrice : armorPrice, activeChar, true);
					parmorInstance.setElementAttr(elementtoAdd, parmorInstance.isWeapon() ? elementWeaponValue : elementArmorValue);
					activeChar.sendMessage("Successfully added " + subCommand[2] + " attribute to your item.");
					final InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
					activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot attribute items that are not equipped!");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_changename"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Name Change", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/exclusiveShop.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_NAME_CHANGE_ALLOW)
				activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_NAME_CHANGE_NONPEACE && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
				activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this function outside peace zone.");
					String val = commandSeperator(command);
					if (!Util.isAlphaNumeric(val))
						activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid character name.");
					if (Conditions.checkPlayerItemCount(activeChar, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_NAME_CHANGE_ID, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_NAME_CHANGE_PRICE))
						if (CharNameTable.getInstance().getIdByName(val) > 0)
							activeChar.sendMessage("Warning, name " + val + " already exists.");
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("Community Name Change", CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_NAME_CHANGE_ID, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_NAME_CHANGE_PRICE, activeChar, true);
						activeChar.sendMessage("Your name has been changed to " + val);
						if (activeChar.isInParty())
							// Delete party window for other party members
							activeChar.getParty().broadcastToPartyMembers(activeChar, new PartySmallWindowDeleteAll());
							for (L2PcInstance member : activeChar.getParty().getMembers())
								// And re-add
								if (member != activeChar)
									member.sendPacket(new PartySmallWindowAll(member, activeChar.getParty()));
						if (activeChar.getClan() != null)
				catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
					activeChar.sendMessage("Player name box cannot be empty.");
		// Change clan name
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_changeclanname"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Clan Name Change", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/exclusiveShop.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
				activeChar.sendMessage("This function is disabled by admin.");
			if (!CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_CLAN_NAME_CHANGE_NONPEACE && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
				activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot use this function outside peace zone.");
					String val = commandSeperator(command);
					if ((activeChar.getClan() == null) || !activeChar.isClanLeader())
					if (!Util.isAlphaNumeric(val))
					if (Conditions.checkPlayerItemCount(activeChar, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_CLAN_NAME_CHANGE_ID, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_CLAN_NAME_CHANGE_PRICE))
						if (ClanTable.getInstance().getClanByName(val) != null)
							activeChar.sendMessage("Warning, clan name " + val + " already exists.");
						activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("Community Clan Name Change", CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_CLAN_NAME_CHANGE_ID, CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_CLAN_NAME_CHANGE_PRICE, activeChar, true);
						activeChar.sendMessage("Your clan name has been changed to " + val);
						if (activeChar.isInParty())
							// Delete party window for other party members
							activeChar.getParty().broadcastToPartyMembers(activeChar, new PartySmallWindowDeleteAll());
							for (L2PcInstance member : activeChar.getParty().getMembers())
								// And re-add
								if (member != activeChar)
									member.sendPacket(new PartySmallWindowAll(member, activeChar.getParty()));
						if (activeChar.getClan() != null)
				catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
					activeChar.sendMessage("Clan name box cannot be empty.");
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_buffer"))
			BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Buffer", command);
			content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/buffer/main.htm");
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
		else if (command.startsWith(_bbshome + "_functions_buffer"))
			final String[] subCommand = command.split("_");
			if (((activeChar.isInCombat() || (activeChar.getPvpFlag() != 0)) && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE)) || activeChar.isJailed() || activeChar.isAlikeDead() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.inObserverMode() || SunriseEvents.isInEvent(activeChar) || OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(activeChar))
				activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use at the moment.");
				content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/buffer/main.htm");
				separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			// Page navigation, html command how to starts
			if (subCommand[4].startsWith("page"))
				if (subCommand[5].isEmpty() || (subCommand[5] == null))
				content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), "data/html/CommunityBoard/services/buffer/" + subCommand[5]);
				separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
			// Method to remove all players buffs
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("removebuff"))
				BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "functions.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
			// Method to restore HP/MP/CP
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("healme"))
				BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Buffer Heal", command);
				if ((activeChar.getPvpFlag() != 0) && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
					activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use this feature here with flag.");
					BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "functions.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
				activeChar.setCurrentHpMp(activeChar.getMaxHp(), activeChar.getMaxMp());
				BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "functions.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
			// Method to give auto buffs depends on class
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("autobuff"))
				BoardsManager.getInstance().addBypass(activeChar, "Service Buffer Auto Buff", command);
				if ((activeChar.getPvpFlag() != 0) && !activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneIdType.PEACE))
					activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use this feature here with flag.");
					BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "functions.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
				BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "functions.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
			// Send buffs from profile to player or party or pet
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("bufffor"))
				if (subCommand[4].startsWith("buffforpet"))
					JavaBufferBypass.callPetBuffCommand(activeChar, subCommand[5]);
				else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("buffforparty"))
					JavaBufferBypass.callPartyBuffCommand(activeChar, subCommand[5]);
				else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("buffforme"))
					JavaBufferBypass.callSelfBuffCommand(activeChar, subCommand[5]);
				BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "main.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
			// Method to give single buffs
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("buff"))
				JavaBufferBypass.callBuffCommand(activeChar, subCommand[5], subCommand[4], 1);
			// Scheme create new profile
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("saveProfile"))
					JavaBufferBypass.callSaveProfile(activeChar, subCommand[5], 1);
				catch (Exception e)
					activeChar.sendMessage("Please specify a valid profile name.");
					BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "newSchemeProfile.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("showAvaliable"))
				JavaBufferBypass.callAvailableCommand(activeChar, subCommand[4], subCommand[5], 1);
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("add"))
				JavaBufferBypass.callAddCommand(activeChar, subCommand[4], subCommand[5], subCommand[6], 1);
			// Method to delete player's selected profile
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("deleteProfile"))
				PlayerMethods.delProfile(subCommand[5], activeChar);
				BufferPacketSender.sendPacket(activeChar, "main.htm", BufferPacketCategories.COMMUNITY, 1);
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("showBuffsToDelete"))
				GenerateHtmls.showBuffsToDelete(activeChar, subCommand[5], "removeBuffs");
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("removeBuffs"))
				ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().executeGeneral(new BuffDeleter(activeChar, subCommand[5], Integer.parseInt(subCommand[6]), 1));
			else if (subCommand[4].startsWith("showProfiles"))
				GenerateHtmls.showSchemeToEdit(activeChar, subCommand[5]);
			separateAndSend("<html><body><br><br><center>Command : " + command + " needs core development</center><br><br></body></html>", activeChar);
	private String buttons(L2PcInstance activeChar)
		String add = "";
		final int[] PKS =
		for (int pk : PKS)
			if (activeChar.getPkKills() <= pk)
			add += getPkButton(pk);
		if (activeChar.getPkKills() != 0)
			add += getPkButton(activeChar.getPkKills());
		return add;
	private String getPkButton(int i)
		return "<table width=750 height=20><tr><td align=center><button value=\"for " + i + " PK - " + (CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_PRICE * i) + " " + ItemData.getInstance().getTemplate(CommunityServicesConfigs.COMMUNITY_SERVICES_WASH_PK_ID).getName() + " \" action=\"bypass " + _bbshome + "_deletePK " + i + "\" width=280 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr></table>";
	private String commandSeperator(String command)
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " ");
		String dat = st.nextToken();
		return dat;
	private class Teleport implements Runnable
		L2PcInstance _activeChar;
		private final int _x, _y, _z;
		Teleport(L2PcInstance activeChar, int x, int y, int z)
			_activeChar = activeChar;
			_x = x;
			_y = y;
			_z = z;
		public void run()
			_activeChar.teleToLocation(_x, _y, _z, true);
	private void sendHtm(L2PcInstance activeChar, String filepath, String path, String file, String command)
		String content = "";
		filepath = path + file + ".htm";
		File filecom = new File(filepath);
		if (!filecom.exists())
			content = "<html><body><br><br><center>The command " + command + " points to file(" + filepath + ") that NOT exists.</center></body></html>";
			separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
		content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(activeChar, activeChar.getHtmlPrefix(), filepath);
		if (content.isEmpty())
			content = "<html><body><br><br><center>Content Empty: The command " + command + " points to an invalid or empty html file(" + filepath + ").</center></body></html>";
		separateAndSend(content, activeChar);
	protected void separateAndSend(String html, L2PcInstance acha)
		html = html.replace("\t", "");
		html = html.replace("%command%", _bbshome);
		if (html.length() < 8180)
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html, "101"));
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "102"));
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
		else if (html.length() < (8180 * 2))
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 8180), "101"));
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8180, html.length()), "102"));
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(null, "103"));
		else if (html.length() < (8180 * 3))
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(0, 8180), "101"));
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8180, 8180 * 2), "102"));
			acha.sendPacket(new ShowBoard(html.substring(8180 * 2, html.length()), "103"));
	public static String getVoteBanners(L2PcInstance activeChar)
		String voteBanners = "";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_HOPZONE)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.etc_orcish_talisman_i00\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in Hopzone</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "HopZone") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote HopZone\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_TOPZONE)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.etc_barka_badge_officer_i02\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in Topzone</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "TopZone") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote TopZone\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_TOPCO)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.etc_jewel_white_i00\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in Top.co</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "L2TopCo") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote L2TopCo\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_NETWORK)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.etc_Symbol_of_dawn_i00\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in L2NetWork</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "L2NetWork") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote L2NetWork\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_GAMEBYTES)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.etc_nutrients_of_cupid_i00\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in Gamebytes</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "GameBytes") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote GameBytes\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_TOPGS00)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.etc_badge_gold_i00\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in TopGs200</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "TopGs200") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote TopGs200\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.VOTE_MANAGER_ALLOW_TOPSERVERS200)
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 height=58 align=center valign=top>" + "<table border=0 width=540 height=38 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3 bgcolor=232836>" + "<tr><td width=40 align=right valign=top>" + "<img src=\"icon.energy_condenser_i00\" width=32 height=32>" + "</td><td width=520 align=left valign=top>" + "<font color=\"a22020\">Vote in TopServer200</font><br1> <font color=c1b33a>Info:</font> You can vote " + VoteHandler.getWhenCanVote(activeChar, "TopServers200") + "" + "</td><td width=80 height=39 align=right>" + "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80>" + "<tr>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "Vote</td>" + "<td width=40 align=right valign=center>" + "<button value=\"\" action=\"bypass " + CommunityServicesConfigs.BYPASS_COMMAND + "_vote TopServers200\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Red\">" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "</td>" + "</tr>";
		if (IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.ENABLE_TRIES)
			if (Integer.parseInt(activeChar.getVar("vote_tries", "9999")) == 9999)
				activeChar.setVar("vote_tries", String.valueOf(IndividualVoteSystemConfigs.TRIES_AMOUNT));
			voteBanners += "<tr><td width=540 align=center valign=top><br>Tries: <font color=AE9977>" + activeChar.getVar("vote_tries", "0") + "</font></td></tr>";
		return voteBanners;
	public void parsewrite(String url, String ar1, String ar2, String ar3, String ar4, String ar5, L2PcInstance activeChar)
	public static TopBBSManager getInstance()
		return SingletonHolder._instance;
	private static class SingletonHolder
		protected static final TopBBSManager _instance = new TopBBSManager();


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    • Hello! I'm looking for an experienced L2 Java developer that could help sort out thread work issue on Interlude server. Server hangs up in some edge cases every now and again. Logger always is in place that gives some idea of what's up. My attempts to smoothen the possible hangs, deadlocks so far hasn't been successful, and my knowledge seems out of scope to solve it by my self. The project pack is known for it's weak thread work, hopefully someone might have came across it already and sorted it and knows exactly where to start and what to address. Please feel free to message me here on Maxcheaters, hope to hear from you and be in touch!   regards,
    • Dear friends! We are glad to present you the second season of the legendary server **Imba-games Awakening Website: https://imba-games.com/ Discord community: https://discord.gg/imbagames Grand Opening: 27 September Chronicles: Knight update + Iss Maximum amount of windows: 3 for one player Main features: Convenient premium buff Offline Farm Four world bosses** - Antharas, Valakas, Lindvior, Fafurion.  - Teleport points to world bosses. Regular events: Tarot Cards / Verutti Game and other. Telegram Bot / Discord Bot. Improved auto-hunt system, now you don't need macros (display of hunting zone, fixed hunting zone, switching target search radius). Simplified collection system. Improved world trade, buying / selling for adena or game balance. Einhasad Coin farm from monsters and dungeons. Tarot Cards obtained from dungeons. Simplified leveling of Conquest skills. Stage limits on equipment upgrades. Brooch no longer gives an advantage in PVP, only in PVE 🎁 Gift to all players And much more...
    • For most accounts we can order a Physical Card and send it to you. For the exact list, please contact us. The list of accounts may change daily. Please inquire about availability through our contacts. We can make Payment System link with Exchange on same name. If you need account that we don't have in a list contact us.   Payments-system ✔Wise - EU ✔Revolut - EU ✔Bunq - ES, DE, GB ✔ICard - BG ✔Blackcatcard - EU ✔Lydia / Sumeria - FR ✔EGlobex - FR ✔Monzo - GB ✔Moneyjar - EU ✔PayPal - EU ✔N26 - DE ✔Paysera - EU ✔Zen - EU ✔Bankera - EU ✔4x4 io - EU ✔Ibandirect / coincardi - EU ✔Capitalist - EU ✔Wirex - EU ✔Payoneer - EU ✔(AdvCash) Volet - EU ✔Cryptopay - EU ✔Skrill - EU ✔Ducascopy - EU ✔Crypterium - EU ✔Coinpayments - EU ✔Genome - EU ✔Curve - EU ✔Bitsa - EU ✔imagin - ES ✔BBVA - ES ✔Western Union - EU ✔Bilderlings - EU ✔Nexo - EU ✔TBI bank - EU ✔Weststein - EU ✔Amazon - EU ✔NagaPay - EU ✔Paysafecard - EU ✔Santander Bank - ES ✔Mercurio - EU ✔ING Bank - EU ✔AlchemyPay - EU ✔Binance - EU ✔bit2me - EU ✔Trustee Plus - EU   Business-Accounts ✔Revolut Business - EU/UK ✔Wise Business - UK/EU ✔Qonto Freelance - EU ✔Qonto Business - FR/DE ✔Stripe - EU ✔Airwallex Business - EU ✔Wallester Business - EU ✔PayPal business - EU ✔Sumup Business - EU ✔Wittix Business - EU ✔Currenxie Business - EU ✔Payoneer Business - EU ✔Blackcatcard Business - EU ✔Viva Wallet Business - EU ✔Zen Business - EU ✔Paysend Business - EU ✔Xonder Business - EU ✔Bank Millennium - PL
    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/bDVQYKMUb3 https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/bDVQYKMUb3 https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
    • Opening September 28 at 19:00 (UTC +3) Open Beta Test from September 24 /data/attachments/4/4475-0c39dd0f83d0add513fe5e6d208ef652.jpg Road Map : https://forum.lineage2dex.com/threads/16677/ For new players would be also useful to check our wiki (click here). Main features   Modern Classic client (less lags, smoother gameplay, a lot of useful interface features). Anti-bot protection - we use our own system in combine with popular solutions like AAC, so in the end our project have one of the best anti-bot shield exists. Buff book to buff yourself or your summon/pet. With regular buff book you can create only 1 buff profile, if you need more - get the modern buff book and create up to 10 profiles! Daily rewards - login to the game every day and get rewards. Expanded subclass slots - you can have 5 subclasses from the beginning and expand up to 10. Class/Gender change - you can change your main class and gender if you want. Masterwork items (can be obtained by crafting or farming RBs, have better bonuses than regular items). Item Broker Auctions in towns can sell some epic jewelry and other useful goods for adena (3 times per week). Giran Harbor Fair - daily event which allows you to get temporary epic jewelry a lot of other rare items for adena. Talents - special tree with passive skills which will help you to tune your class better. Team vs Team event with seasonal class-based ranking system and great reawards. Episodes - we open new content step by step to keep you engaged, bring more fun and extend the game. Episodes reveal following features: Hellbound Island PvP item improvement allows you to improve your items with additional bonuses. Instance Zones (Rim Kamaloka, Hall of Abyss, Labyrinth of Abyss, Crystal Caverns and others) New Epic Bosses - Freya, Beleth, Tiat, Trasken Cyclic macros (macros restarts when finishes) Other features     From the start, all characters have 24 slots buffs (Divinity Inspiration books removed from game) Following skills now learned automatically: Expand Storage, Expand Trade. 160 Inventory slots from start for all characters Increased weight limit by +200,000. Bracelet which allow you to get Hot Spring debuffs. Simplified Nobless - you will get "pieces" even if not lasthit Barakiel, so in a week you will be a nobless in any case. Reduced respawn for regular RB to 8h, improved reward in the drop from regular RBs Set enchant bonuses - the higher you enchant your set - the more bonuses you get. Changes since the last season Every new season, we are trying to bring something new and unique to make it different from the previous ones. This season will be no exception. The "back to the roots" concept worked pretty well last year, so we're going to take it further. The main goal of this season is to give you the opportunity to compete for the usual Interlude milestones:     Raid bosses Giant's codexes Life stones Enchant scrolls A/S-Grade items The methods of obtaining these items will be closer to the standard ones (according to the interlude chronicles), so will be more competition and completely different gameplay in comparison with what we usually suggested. At the same time we want to bring more advertising content for everyone! PvE Events Almost everyone knows what is "champion monsters" - the strong monster with huge amount of HP and better drop. We took this idea as a basis but developed it further. We added elite monsters which will have random set of modifiers. It can make them unpleasant for some classes and convenient for others. And if "blue" monsters can be defeated alone, then on "red" ones you will need a group or at least a healer. Sure these monsters will give you huge EXP and drop. More details will be later. PvP Events Don't like grind monsters? Register to the TvT/PvP events, gain points, take prize places in the season and receive valuable rewards! This autumn TvT seasons available from first weeks of the server. And as mentioned before we will add new type of 1x1 pvp event, where you will fight your enemies at olympiad arenas but with full buff. The longer your winning streak - the more points you get, but the more difficult the opponents will be. Epic Events Also good news for our players from North and South America. You will have an alternative versions of some Epic bosses in your time zone. Alternative Queen Ant, Core, Orfen and Zaken will spawn few hours after the original boss die. These alternative bosses will have slightly different but still valuable drop. This way there should be more opportunities for players from the other hemisphere to take part in epic battles. We hope you will enjoy it! Finally, it is worth noting that, unlike previous seasons, we will not be focusing on the upcoming merge with the Union server. Instead, we will try to make the game during the season feel measured and comfortable, so that you do not strive to "catch up" with Union. When the time comes, we will solve this "problem", so do not worry and enjoy the season  Some other important changes:     Elite version of monsters Alternative version of Low Epics for North and South America time zone Limits for boxes, maximum 3 box from 1 PC Reworked reward for instances Reduced amount of drop resourses, GC and Life Stones Deleted PvP zones from Left side of Hellbound Reworked drop on Hellbound, now mobs on hellbound dont drop adena Reduced chance of receiving masterwork compared to the last season Why choose Dex? We have destroyed the stereotypes that PvP servers live for a couple of weeks. Our Union x50 server proves it (working from April 2020 with good online and clans fighting for Epic bosses and on Daily PvP). We have enough high-end content that will allow you to maintain interest in the game all the time! And we are always working on improving the game and adding new interesting activities and content. Seasonal servers have a road map with planned list of changes to keep you engaged. When the time comes the server will be merged with the Union server. So if you're new on Dex, you can start from zero like all othe players on NEW (seasonal) server. All your items and characters will be safe, and you can continue play when season over on our main server - UNION. High-end content (unlocked over episodes) In a month after the server starts we will open big new location - Hellbound Island.     Spoiler Hellbound is an endgame location mostly for parties, but if you will be well geared you can farm most spots solo. You can get to Hellbound with help of gatekeepers. Hellbound contains multiple raid bosses and entrance to new epic boss Beleth. Drop from raid bosses and from entire island in general is very valuable. Monsters at Hellbound can drop special Hellbound Coins which can be exchanged to some useful goods at the Hellbound Trader Joseph. You can read more about specific features and spots from the list below:     Talent Tree system Steel Citadel Anomic Foundry and Elixirs Ancient Mansion, Cursed Town & Charms! Beleth - Cursed Wizard Dark Invasion Holy Grail War Tiat (PvE Epic Boss) Earth Wyrm Trasken We will be glad to hear any comments and suggestions on our discord channel, join it we have very friendly community there  - Join discord    
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