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command for admin Recall all aCis 384

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I come to share something I did for my server.


improvements please can comment, please remove the part of Event


code  https://pastebin.com/raw/Xa9dU7zd




Edited by Williams
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I believe you break all summoning skills, like "Summon Friend", since pressing "ok" (_answer == 1) will use the admin version of it, and not the regular player one.

Edited by Tryskell
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20 minutes ago, SweeTs said:

Obviously it's gonna fck things up. You need your own answer.


I believe (didn't check) the answer is client coded (pressing yes leads to 1, and no leads to 0).


But it can work if he uses another SystemMessageId.

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20 hours ago, Tryskell said:


I believe (didn't check) the answer is client coded (pressing yes leads to 1, and no leads to 0).


But it can work if he uses another SystemMessageId.

I just take a look again, and if I'm not wrong.. Once you execute the command, the dialog pops up and... It's enough one guy answer yes, will result in teleporting whole server aaa :dat:


The for loop, should NOT be there or my brain disconnected:forever_alone_like_a_boss:

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On 10/9/2019 at 4:52 AM, Williams said:

Main topic updated with corrections and restrictions.


Did you test it with more than 1 teleported player ? As SweeTs said, you make 2 iterations of World players.


When one player accepts the request, everyone is teleported. So basically if you got 1k players, that's 1k teleportations if everyone accept very fast. :D




Also, that check is useless, until you set it to value like 300 or so.

if (!MathUtil.checkIfInRange(0, activeChar, player, false))



And you still have the same issue than before, since you override regular behavior, you don't use the right method. Therefore you edit all retail behaviors using this system (summon friend being one of them).


You can only use a custom message id, or another, unused, message.

Edited by Tryskell
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