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Posted (edited)

Hello people, i have a small noob-doubt.

How do I know what passive skill is giving by X item? or how do I know what item has by passive X skill? 


For example I have the skill id 4444, 4445, etc etc which is a passive that is given by a certain item.

How can I know which item gives that passive skill? Where can I look for the relation?


In resume i want to search the item by the skill id, especially the not_used buffs.


Thanks in advance.


Edited by surr0und

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Posted (edited)

The relation is done by server scripts, not client.


Assuming you use l2off (judging from your post history):




item_begin    weapon    6608    [arcana_mace_acumen]    item_type=weapon    slot_bit_type={rhand}    armor_type=none    etcitem_type=none    recipe_id=0    delay_share_group=-1    item_multi_skill_list={}    blessed=0    weight=1300    default_action=action_equip    consume_type=consume_type_normal    initial_count=1    soulshot_count=1    spiritshot_count=1    reduced_soulshot={}    reduced_spiritshot={}    reduced_mp_consume={}    immediate_effect=1    ex_immediate_effect=0    drop_period=10    duration={-1;0}    use_skill_distime=0    period=0    equip_reuse_delay=0    price=0    default_price=48800000    item_skill=[s_opt_acumen_a]    critical_attack_skill=[none]    attack_skill=[none]    magic_skill=[none]    item_skill_enchanted_four=[none]    capsuled_items={}    material_type=adamantaite    crystal_type=s    crystal_count=2440    is_trade=1    is_drop=1    is_destruct=1    is_private_store=1    keep_type=15    physical_damage=225    random_damage=20    weapon_type=blunt    critical=4    hit_modify=4.75    avoid_modify=0    dual_fhit_rate=0    shield_defense=0    shield_defense_rate=0    attack_range=40    damage_range={0;0;40;120}    attack_speed=379    reuse_delay=0    mp_consume=0    magical_damage=175    durability=-1    damaged=0    physical_defense=0    magical_defense=0    mp_bonus=0    category={}    enchanted=0    base_attribute_attack={none;0}    base_attribute_defend={0;0;0;0;0;0}    html=[item_default.htm]    magic_weapon=1    enchant_enable=1    elemental_enable=0    unequip_skill={}    for_npc=0    item_equip_option={}    use_condition={}    equip_condition={}    is_olympiad_can_use=1    can_move=0    is_premium=0    item_end




skill_begin    skill_name=[s_opt_acumen_a]    skill_id=3047    level=2    operate_type=P    magic_level=64    effect={{p_magic_speed;{all};15;per};{p_pvp_physical_attack_dmg_bonus;5;per};{p_pvp_magical_skill_dmg_bonus;5;per};{p_pvp_physical_skill_dmg_bonus;5;per}}    is_magic=0    mp_consume2=0    cast_range=-1    effective_range=0    skill_hit_time=0    skill_cool_time=0    skill_hit_cancel_time=0    reuse_delay=0    abnormal_time=15    attribute={attr_none;0}    trait={trait_none}    effect_point=0    target_type=self    affect_scope=single    affect_limit={0;0}    next_action=none    ride_state={@ride_none}    multi_class=0    skill_end


Client shows the passive skill acquired only when the server is live, in passive skills tab (so long as the passive is added in the appropriate .dat files).

Edited by Blitzkrieg
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