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Rainbow Springs Chateau Siege



I'm looking for any useful information about this siege - mini game.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but in interlude should be working 6 sieges of clan halls?
1. Bandit Stronghold
2. Devastated Castle

3. Fortress Of Resistance
4. Fortress Of The Dead

5. Rainbow Springs Chateau

6. Wild Beast Reserve


And i need re-work:  Rainbow Springs Chateau

Ok, what i got now is this video:
and some information here:

Nowadays, what i can get on internet is info about latest versions, but i need Interlude's info.

Also, maybe can someone to tell me: this game in video is same like interlude or it has some different things?

Also,  i need some more info about this game process like:
How many min/max Chests can be spawned at once? It looks like some kind of random 1-3.
How many min/max Letters can be dropped?
How this Yeti's items trade works?
How you can get those items like Hot Springs Nectar, Hot Springs Water and etc.?  Probably from Yeti npc for letters or maybe  these letters are  generating to 1 of 4 effects , because those items 4?


Because i found only one htm file in l2off files for this Yeti npc in middle of arena.


Hot Springs Yeti:

<br><a action="bypass -h menu_select?ask=-303&reply=600">Exchange Hot Spring Letter's to Siege Buff's.</a><br>


Then what letters should do these effects like:
1. Nectar - reduces Gourd's hp

2. Mineral Water - increases Gourd's hp

3. Water - some kind of move Gourd (Still i'm not sure what this does exactly)

4. Sulfur - casts debuff for enemies, but what debuffs? I don't know too.


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C5 path notes matches with what you found on l2wiki.com, so the behavior is correct.




I suggest you to read AI.obj from L2OFF GF, since L2OFF IL version is probably half broken.

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