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Ubuntu Mysql Too Many Connections after launching gameserver



Hi there,


My problem is: I can connect remotely to the database (using navicat) when the gameserver isn't running.

However after I launch the gameserver on my server machine and I try to connect remotely to the database I get the Too Many Connections error.

After I kill the gameserver I'm still unable to connect to the DB until i restart mysql.


And the same thing happens if I simply quit navicat while I'm logged in the DB without closing the connection first.


Does anyone have any ideas what may be the issue?



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4 hours ago, Horse said:

As for HeidiSQL I used it before switching  to  Navicat Premium which seems far better in my humble opinion, but each to its own, i guess

I bet that you're using it from Windows, yeah, that's explain everything. Windows, Putty and Navicat.. lol. 

I just tried to help you to switch back to Linux, HeidiSQL and Terminal, but nevermind go with Bill you deserve eachother. haha..


@Kara` < No comments! 


P.S. Don't be shitty programmer with a handicap, Windows is for users and all programs which are running on Windows, forget Windows and sh1t. Use Linux in everything. 

.. but nevermind you're free to use whatever you like. Is not my business.


Sorry for my partially offtipic. 


I forgot to ask you smtg, your gamserver is hosted on Linux or Windows? Try to allow your IP address from server firewall.

Edited by Irelia#1
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1 minute ago, Irelia#1 said:

I bet that you're using it from Windows, yeah, that's explain everything. Windows, Putty and Navicat.. lol. 

I just tried to help you to switch back to Linux, HeidiSQL and Terminal, but nevermind go with Bill you deserve eachother. haha..


@Kara` < No comments! 


P.S. Don't be shitty programmer with a handicap, Windows is for users and all programs which are running on Windows, forget Windows and sh1t. Use Linux in everything. 

.. but nevermind you're free to use whatever you like. Is not my business.


Sorry for my partially offtipic. 

Since my deskopt pc is running on windows yea, using navicat for remote  connection is a given.

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24 minutes ago, Horse said:

Since my deskopt pc is running on windows yea, using navicat for remote  connection is a given.

Really I want to help you, but what I can't understand is that you have your gameserver on your local machine with Windows, right? But why to connect as remote on your localhost? Anyway in case if you want to connect remotely then check your .cnf file there you'll see a localhost restriction .. just comment that restriction to allow remote connections and that's all. 

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21 minutes ago, Irelia#1 said:

Really I want to help you, but what I can't understand is that you have your gameserver on your local machine with Windows, right? But why to connect as remote on your localhost? Anyway in case if you want to connect remotely then check your .cnf file there you'll see a localhost restriction .. just comment that restriction to allow remote connections and that's all. 

no no no, . The server is running on a Linux ubuntu dedicated machine. And I REMOTELY CONNECT to the DB through navicat from MY WIN7 deskopt pc.


And the mystery to me is that, when I was testing the server on my own PC Win7 and connected locally to the DB with navicat I never had the Too Many Connection error.



In a nutshell there are two big mysteries to me here:


1: When I run the server from the Linux OS Dedicated, I need to set the max_connections in the mysql's cnf higher than the MaxDBConnections in the server.properties file. Like MaxDBConnections: 100 in server.properties and in the Linux Server Mysql max_connection: 101 atleast to be able to connect to the server when the gameserver is running.


2: It seems that when I connect to the db with navicat and do not properly close the connection in navicat, or even if I try to connect with an unauthorized user and fail to actually enter the db,  that connection seems to stay active. And again, I didn't experienced such problem when I used My own Pc or when I temporarly uploaded my server to a win 2008 VPS.

It's as if idle or inactive connections stay alive when they shouldn't.

Edited by Horse
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