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Hi, so i got question maybe someone done it before,

I got few custom raids, and i need that ppl can't take them to town, 


i got code in JAVA like this :

                // If the boss is above drift range (or 200 minimum), teleport him on his spawn.
                if (!isInsideRadius(spawn.getLocX(), spawn.getLocY(), spawn.getLocZ(), Math.max(Config.MAX_DRIFT_RANGE, 200), true, false))
        }, 6000, 3000);


if i edit ( MARKED RED) numbers the range of raid take away is geting shorter, but, if player in combat mode he will not respawn until player will be not cambat.

 can anyone give me advice what i need to add or remove next to this code that rb will make respawn even if player is attacking him?


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Those on red it's initial time and interval. So, first check is launched after 6s and then each 3s.

Other part of code is responsible for that, you have to find it.

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