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Hello some times when i have gameserver open i get this error nothing happens on the gameplay  server runs smooth but i want to see if anyone knows how to fix it..i tried but nothing still the same


http://prntscr.com/h5olk8 here is the error

7 answers to this question

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Open your sources, and write every line of code associated to each file setted on ( ).

If it's aCis, and since L2World has been refactored since a while, I can't help you until you provide those infos.

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Posted (edited)
	if (oldRegion != null)
		// Remove the object from the L2ObjectHashSet(L2Object) _visibleObjects of L2WorldRegion
		// If object is a L2PcInstance, remove it from the L2ObjectHashSet(L2PcInstance) _allPlayers of this L2WorldRegion
		// Go through all surrounding L2WorldRegion L2Characters
		for (L2WorldRegion reg : oldRegion.getSurroundingRegions())
			//synchronized (KnownListUpdateTaskManager.getInstance().getSync())
				Collection<L2Object> vObj = reg.getVisibleObjects().values();
				//synchronized (reg.getVisibleObjects())
					for (L2Object obj : vObj)
		485 line--->>>		if (obj.getKnownList() != null)
						/*							if (object.getKnownList() != null)


Edited by ThelwHelpRePaidia
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Posted (edited)

I can't help you on this one, and I already refactored knownlist on my pack, so that's not to refactor it on another pack (since that getSync() isn't part of L2J IL at least from my memories).

If you want a working knownlist system, use the one I reworked since rev 362.

About your issue, you can add a null check obj != null, but if it fails here it will fail on other places too.

Edited by Tryskell

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