# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Custom User Panel (by NeverMore)# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Using this feature every single player will have the opportunity to press .user into the game !# .user command have many actions and features like (Enable/Disable pm , trade , custom effect etc etc )# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Allow .user commandAllowUserCommand=True# Allow .user commandAllowExpRefusal=True# Allow trade off/on actionAllowTradeCommand=True# Allow pm off/on actionAllowPmCommand=True# Allow .effecton/off command ( using this command ,player will get a special aura )AllowSpecialEffect=True
yeah ok, if you say what is fuctional 100% i can't say something different 😛
but if someone find hard to compile it or get vs and all that things i have here one more simple way here to put overlay in your own server or to change your window name with few money.
I've been using this for 2 years now with no issues from Discord. I don't use ogg.dll either. This one works with any l2.exe too; I don’t see any difference between them.
hmm.. ok i just see that, is different code first of all. My sources is totally different based in other way, with else libraries.
I have access to modify everything even to make the clock to stop show how many time users play in server.
1) so maybe keep some personal info more hide.
2) i dont use ogg.dll
3) i create it and give it ready + support to install it.
Plus what is mine can working with what ever .exe you want not just l2 with same simple method.
And i am sure if you try this source to compile it, after 3 hours discord will like shadowban your API too
thats my source
Hi guys, I try to add code for User Panel (by NeverMore) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/142327-user-panel-h5/ for my serverHigh Five. All goods. But in game i take " Command is disable by Admin"
Who can tell my how i can turn on?
Here is Config.
and here is voicecommandhandler:
I appreciate is somebody can help me.
Who know about activate this?
Edited by FactorX4 answers to this question
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