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Ingame Support Ticket system

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Hello everyone, Vinter here.

I always disliked both the petition system of Lineage 2 and the cryrage of forums, so I've decided to create an ingame ticket system.
The goal was very simple: enable better communication between players and GMs using an intuitive system; And I think I've done it.

Utilizing a NPC, or in this case a CB page, and a simple text write / read system using patterns and text detection, I've created a very simple to use system.

Here's a video:


Let me know what you think.

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Well my opinion :

  • Most of them are noobs, you force them to understand a new system to contact with you
  • A spam is possible
  • You will lose the necessary activity that you need in your server's forum.

You can just remake the petition system  (but why?)


- It is not bad as feature, You can always find a better way to work with this with some kind of reward or smt but for sure not just a contact page.


I like it and gj ;)


Edited by melron
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You are using 2 types of format and memory consumption (CB + email, both contents must be saved - and probably not temporary, but via SQL) to handle a system which already exists and is integrated directly on client. Moreover, you can simply log petitions with Logger class if you want to retain a trace. And in your case, the CB doesn't refresh automatically while petition refresh (from memory).

Not viable / extremely unefficient comparing to existing petition system imho. You reinvent the wheel, and not even correctly (on petition system you can choose which type of thing you want to talk - exploit, bug, stuck on ground, etc).

A simple "Ok" answer creates an pregenerated email with more characters than the initial message. It is simply overkill in terms of ressources usage. I don't even want to know what would happen if ppl spams you.

And a HTTP forums / Discord channel support can't be replaced.

Edited by Tryskell
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Well it's alright. Clean and simple.

However it has no real room of existence. It doesn't replace petitions which is real time and it doesn't replace forum bug reports because it eliminates the visibility.

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