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Blow Skills' Success Sound Effect



on offmod when a character land a blow skill (deadly, mortal, lethal etc..) successfully it has a critical strike effect, but on l2j it has the same effect for both success and fail. I never saw it working properly on l2j. why?


here is a video about it.


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My first guess, because its NPC, some packs block dmg on NPC, therefore they get no damage and make no sound/effect/stance etc.

Sound effect is not linking with npcs block or what ever with 'targets'.. its clearly about the attacker and his conditions


so which pack has it right? I tested it on acis btw


acis havent implemented this one as i know. i dont know where you can find it completed .. im working with my own so .. :/

Edited by melron
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Since we are speaking for effect nothing to do with damage..

Should work normally..

Test it here l2centos.com

Edited by Reborn12
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My first guess, because its NPC, some packs block dmg on NPC, therefore they get no damage and make no sound/effect/stance etc.

L2j Developer ? wtf ? what is this ? just tell me what are you going there ?


they show on video how work on  official and ask how can fix it on l2j and you talk about packs ? wtf ?


one Moderator can get this membership from this new " java dev " ( it is ridiculous )




package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.skillhandlers;



on success send packet sound

Edited by pirama
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how can I do that exactly?


find this

if (activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance)
        ((L2PcInstance) activeChar).sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, true, false);

and make it

if (activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance)
	((L2PcInstance) activeChar).sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, crit, false);
	activeChar.sendPacket(new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02"));
Edited by pirama
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find this

if (activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance)
        ((L2PcInstance) activeChar).sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, true, false);

and make it

if (activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance)
	((L2PcInstance) activeChar).sendDamageMessage(target, (int) damage, false, crit, false);
	activeChar.sendPacket(new PlaySound("skillsound.critical_hit_02"));

It says playsound cannot be resolved to a type after I edit the code. sry for being a nab Im new at this

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It says playsound cannot be resolved to a type after I edit the code. sry for being a nab Im new at this

you mean this (new PlaySound ...... )   ?


you have add the import ?


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PlaySound;


your pack is ?


go the mouse on error and get print screen

Edited by pirama
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