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Hello to everyone this is my 1st post here ! As title says im looking for TT script egg delivery and specialty liquor delivery that ends at town of goddard at brewer valentine and warehouse keeper lietta and teleports again to jeremy and repeat the quest! I will really apreciate if someone can share with me that script ... 
im playing on l2warland

Thanks for any help in advance

Posted (edited)

Here you go it's not near perfect but it's something. The script moves through the liquor delivery first and then through the egg delivery. Beeping when it reaches an npc and giving you 10 seconds to choose the dialog option. You really need to remember that in the 5th npc you have to choose the 2 quests. It beeps twice just to remember.


It needs a lot of improvements:

- The path needs to be smother because sometimes it get stucked and you have to move it sideways so it moves again.

- The ideal would be to send a server bypass but I don't know how to obtain it for my server because the file obtained with this script is empty and hence I don't know how to explain how to change it for your server. You should try with normal dialog selection commands anyway. You just copy the dialog text into the command "Engine.DlgSel ('textHere');"

- The movement in the city could also be written but they would be different movements depending of the respawn so it's too much for me. We could do it together. If everyone who uses the script does one, we would finish pretty soon. The way to do it is, in each location to which you move you write /loc in game and copy the coordinates to a Engine.MoveTo (x, y, z) command. You move from the respawn to the grocery or the warehouse depending which one is closer, you don't need to write the commands to go to the other shop, and you don't need to go in. But the last command has to be in front of the store.

- Maybe load a config to use dash. Just create a config in the interface with dash in self-buffs and add the line Engine.LoadConfig ('configName'); at the begining of the script.

- The script could be written in a way that it knew where to go next by checking which npc you are close to with "User.InRange" commands. In case you miss a npc and you don't have to recall and begin the script again. But to do this it would have to check for the quest items that aren't in the normal inventory so I don't know how to do it. If it didn't have liquor left the path to go would be different than if it's still doing the liquor delivery.

Edited by darknesscrysis
Posted (edited)

if you tell me how i can help i will do it :D ... just tryed the script and used teleportModule going red i delete it and then go home going red ;p i delete that too and script started to run but not getting auto the quests from jeremy so i have to take them manual? also im noob on script writting so i need help if i have to change something :) thank you for your help i will try also to find a solution by my self if no one cant help 

edit : i tryed now to take manual the quest from jeremy but script running at other npcs talking but not delivering the eggs and starting to run to other npc so i have to change something for my server i guess :/ 

Edited by Filippakos
Posted (edited)
uses  TeleportModule;                            ( going red )



  change Engine.BypassToServer to your server or use Engine.DlgSel




 Jeremy = 31521;

 Beolin = 31547;

 Kuber = 31546;

 Crocus = 31545;

 Naff = 31544;

 Pulin = 31543;

 First_delay = 10 * 1000;

 Second_delay = 2 * 1000;



while true do begin

  if  User.InRange (149551, -112649, -2064, 500, 200)  then begin

    Engine.SetTarget (Jeremy);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Egg Delivery');

    //Delay (Second_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31521-1.htm');


    Engine.MoveTo (149180, -112487, -2090);

    Engine.MoveTo (147817, -113160, -2104);

    Engine.MoveTo (147562, -113278, -2112);


 PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

 Engine.SetTarget (Beolin);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Liquor');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_Liquor 31547-1.htm');

    //Delay (Second_delay);


    Engine.MoveTo (147541, -113293, -2112);

    Engine.MoveTo (147511, -112734, -2144);

    Engine.MoveTo (146069, -111869, -2408);

    Engine.MoveTo (144964, -110983, -3488);

    Engine.MoveTo (141672, -109450, -3584);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Kuber);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Liquor');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_Liquor 31546-1.htm');

    //Delay (Second_delay);


    Engine.MoveTo (141637, -108895, -3576);

    Engine.MoveTo (141319, -108302, -3560);

    Engine.MoveTo (140663, -105814, -3608);

    Engine.MoveTo (140660, -105523, -3632);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');







    //engine.bypasstoserver('Quest 621_Liquor 31545-1.htm');



    Engine.MoveTo (144297, -103071, -3584);

    Engine.MoveTo (144763, -100705, -3272);

    Engine.MoveTo (148394, -100895, -2968);

    Engine.MoveTo (150485, -101237, -2880);

    Engine.MoveTo (152728, -101598, -2888);

    Engine.MoveTo (152999, -101778, -2760);

    Engine.MoveTo (153874, -102680, -2960);

    Engine.MoveTo (154900, -104555, -2768);

    Engine.MoveTo (155612, -105732, -2752);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Naff);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Liquor');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('');

    //Delay (Second_delay);


    Engine.MoveTo (154980, -107065, -2680);

    Engine.MoveTo (153341, -110607, -2696);

    Engine.MoveTo (151961, -111661, -2416);

    Engine.MoveTo (150264, -112966, -2272);

    Engine.MoveTo (150512, -115052, -1704);

    Engine.MoveTo (151378, -115185, -1576);

    Engine.MoveTo (154096, -115000, -1544);

    Engine.MoveTo (155035, -115160, -1568);

    Engine.MoveTo (157406, -115495, -1888);

    Engine.MoveTo (157611, -115371, -1904);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Pulin);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Liquor');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_Liquor 31544-1.htm');



    Engine.MoveTo (157626, -114953, -1896);

    Engine.MoveTo (157178, -113217, -1791);

    Engine.MoveTo (156758, -112787, -1736);

    Engine.MoveTo (156714, -112605, -1744);

    Engine.MoveTo (156506, -111563, -2384);

    Engine.MoveTo (156130, -110565, -2592);

    Engine.MoveTo (156503, -107137, -2648);

    Engine.MoveTo (155865, -105984, -2760);  // Arreglar este

    Engine.MoveTo (155612, -105732, -2752);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Naff);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Egg Delivery');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('');

    //Delay (Second_delay);


    Engine.MoveTo (154900, -104555, -2768);

    Engine.MoveTo (153874, -102680, -2960);

    Engine.MoveTo (153236, -102017, -2744);

    Engine.MoveTo (152728, -101598, -2888);

    Engine.MoveTo (150485, -101237, -2880);

    Engine.MoveTo (148394, -100895, -2968); 

    Engine.MoveTo (144763, -100705, -3272);  

    Engine.MoveTo (144297, -103071, -3584);

    Engine.MoveTo (140660, -105523, -3632);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');





    //Engine.DlgSel('Egg Delivery');


    //engine.bypasstoserver('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31545-1.htm');



    Engine.MoveTo (140660, -105523, -3632);

    Engine.MoveTo (140663, -105814, -3608);

    Engine.MoveTo (141319, -108302, -3560);

    Engine.MoveTo (141637, -108895, -3576);

    Engine.MoveTo (141672, -109450, -3584);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Kuber);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Egg Delivery');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31546-1.htm');

    //Delay (Second_delay);


    Engine.MoveTo (146544, -108973, -3504);

    Engine.MoveTo (148248, -108878, -2720);

    Engine.MoveTo (149205, -109232, -2512);

    Engine.MoveTo (149714, -112041, -2144);

    Engine.MoveTo (147817, -113160, -2104);

    Engine.MoveTo (147562, -113278, -2112);


    PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Beolin);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    Delay (500);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Egg Delivery');

    Delay (First_delay);

    //engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31547-1.htm');

    //Delay (Second_delay);


    Engine.MoveTo (147562, -113278, -2112);

    Engine.MoveTo (147817, -113160, -2104);

    Engine.MoveTo (149180, -112487, -2090);


 PlaySound (exepath + '\sounds\beep.wav');

    Engine.SetTarget (Jeremy);


    Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');

    //Delay (First_delay);

    //Engine.DlgSel ('Egg Delivery');

    //Delay (Second_delay);

    //Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31521-1.htm');


    GoHome;                                  (going red)






if i delete that 2 thinks that going red then script start to run but talking to npcs without to take the quest any help? :D

Edited by Filippakos
Posted (edited)

You'll have to be much more specific so I can help you. You already knew the script didn't talk to the npcs as I already said that in my previous post. The reason why I have written it like that is because depending on the server the way to chose the dialog option is different, someones can use dlgSel command while most have to use a serverbypass command which is different in every server. If you read carefully my post you'll see I've answered your questions already. The only thing I forgot to say is that you have to download a sound to a directory called Sounds inside Adrenaline folder and call it beep.wav, or you can change the line PlaySound (exepath + 'Sounds\beep.wav'); to the name and place of the sound you download. You also have to download the TeleportModule in the same folder as the TT script or else you can change the line GoHome for Engine.EnterText ('/unstuck');

Edited by darknesscrysis

You'll have to be much more specific so I can help you. You already knew the script didn't talk to the npcs as I already said that in my previous post. The reason why I have written it like that is because depending on the server the way to chose the dialog option is different, someones can use dlgSel command while most have to use a serverbypass command which is different in every server. If you read carefully my post you'll see I've answered your questions already. The only thing I forgot to say is that you have to download a sound to a directory called Sounds inside Adrenaline folder and call it beep.wav, or you can change the line PlaySound (exepath + 'Sounds\beep.wav'); to the name and place of the sound you download. You also have to download the TeleportModule in the same folder as the TT script or else you can change the line GoHome for Engine.EnterText ('/unstuck');

ok now i made beep working i replaced also Gohome with Engine.EnterText ('/unstuck'); and now unstuck works perfect now if u can help to make script talk to npcs i took all dialogues from jeremy here we go : 

<html><body>Chef Jeremy:<br>
Humph! Don't you know who I am? You must not get out much!<br>
Listen carefully! I'm the greatest chef in the entire hot springs region! Everyone who's tasted my food says it's excellent! Would you care to try it?<br>
<a action="bypass -h npc_268465435_Quest">Quest</a>
<html><body><title>Talk about:</title><br><a action="bypass -h npc_268465435_Quest 621_EggDelivery">[Egg Delivery]</a><br><a action="bypass -h npc_268465435_Quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery">[specialty Liquor Delivery]</a><br><a action="bypass -h npc_268465435_Quest 623_TheFinestFood">[The Finest Food]</a><br><a action="bypass -h npc_268465435_Quest 624_TheFinestIngredientsPart1">[The Finest Ingredients - Part 1]</a><br><a action="bypass -h npc_268465435_Quest 625_TheFinestIngredientsPart2">[The Finest Ingredients - Part 2]</a><br></body></html>
<html><body>Chef Jeremy:<br>
You look like you could use a few extra adena...<br>
Well I'm looking for a helper! You'll earn an honest wage around here, that's for sure!<br>
All you have to do is take these hard-boiled eggs to my customers. Their names are already written on them. Deliver them quickly, and who knows? I might teach you a secret cooking technique! Ha!<br>
<a action="bypass -h Quest 621_EggDelivery 31521-1.htm">I'll deliver your eggs.</a>
<html><body>Chef Jeremy:<br>
Take these hard-boiled eggs to my customers at the hot springs resort.<br>
Everyone likes their eggs done a different way. You must deliver them in the order!<br>
Look at the note I gave you for details, and don't ever forget our motto, "The Customer Always Comes First"!
<html><body>Chef Jeremy:<br>
You look like you could use a few extra adena...<br>
Well I'm looking for a helper! You'll earn an honest wage around here, that's for sure!<br>
All you have to do is take these specialty liquors to my customers. Their names are already written down. Deliver them quickly, and who knows? I might teach you a secret cooking technique! Ha!<br>
<a action="bypass -h Quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery 31521-1.htm">I'll deliver your liquor.</a>
<html><body>Chef Jeremy:<br>
Take these specialty liquor to my customers at the hot springs resort.Our motto is "The Customer Always Comes First"! Don't ever forget it!
if you are up to help and need dialogues from all npcs tell me to post them here tnx for your time :)
Posted (edited)

Mmm nice we are playing in the same server, I couldn't get the dialog text and you could, so please let me know how you did it. The dialog with Jeremy would be:

Engine.SetTarget (Jeremy);
Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('npc_268465435_Quest 621_EggDelivery');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31521-1.htm');
Delay (500);
Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('npc_268465435_Quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery 31521-1.htm');
Delay (500);

I'm gonna go test it right now.


Edit: working perfectly.

Edited by darknesscrysis

Mmm nice we are playing in the same server, I couldn't get the dialog text and you could, so please let me know how you did it. The dialog with Jeremy would be:

Engine.SetTarget (Jeremy);
Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('npc_268465435_Quest 621_EggDelivery');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 621_EggDelivery 31521-1.htm');
Delay (500);
Engine.DlgSel ('Quest');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('npc_268465435_Quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery');
Delay (500);
Engine.bypasstoserver ('Quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery 31521-1.htm');
Delay (500);

I'm gonna go test it right now.


Edit: working perfectly.

check your messages :D

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    • never met a programmer that doesnt know english xD and as he said his knowledge and skills are beyond our imagination xD
    • nice work, welcome back to world of lineage development @melron 😄
    • He's likely baiting you to download his source full of backdoors indeed
    • Yeah inside router i had to enable udnp services 
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