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Interface Programming

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thans a lot 6paTok

now i take it free haha

autotools sell this program? wtf hahahah


u wont use it a lot cuz a owners will block their systems like fange.ru did

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u wont use it a lot cuz a owners will block their systems like fange.ru did


what is the problem dude.


i use now interface program and isnt good.


For take augment need much life stones u can't select the augment and take it 100% need much life stones and lucky. Only is quickly...

for enchant the same and bogs same.


and some ppl sell this? omg please get a job plx

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what is the problem dude.


i use now interface program and isnt good.


For take augment need much life stones u can't select the augment and take it 100% need much life stones and lucky. Only is quickly...

for enchant the same and bogs same.


and some ppl sell this? omg please get a job plx


you get a life dude u are crying on pms to give u something and when i tell you i wont give u anything u saying lies that you are SkyLord friend and a gm on l2mid those lies to get something crappy?  every owner if block it wont work so u will cry again also you are so outdated programming works on 40-50% of servers that means from 90% it was  it decreased to 40-50% every owner just protecting his files i got a new version now and works on every svr so dont pm me i wont share anything again with no one go pay and get one thats all :)



Edited by Celestine
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xaxaxa get a life u please look when u talk man.. epic fat boy


OHOHO new version nice!!! premium!!!


its the same sh1t, u don't have nothing man.


And i i have x2 interface working in all servers. So please, shut up

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xaxaxa get a life u please look when u talk man.. epic fat boy


OHOHO new version nice!!! premium!!!


its the same sh1t, u don't have nothing man.


And i i have x2 interface working in all servers. So please, shut up


oh now u are flaming me but on pms u just beg me nice one!

works on all servers? just make me laugh for sure.

Edited by Celestine
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on all server ? omg 


easy to block it mate every server owner should block interface.u / interface.xdat ogg.dll / npkcrypt.dll / nwindow.dll and it never gonna work.

also to be more clear



Edited by Celestine
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pls celestine pls give me the new version pls


x0a0xa0x0ax, who care mate. this is one forum of l2 (a game, remember)


i see in your life l2 take big part of your life, fatz0r


i never see u in interlude servers, olympiads and nothing.. 


i play damage, and la2dream.. two sv working. np for me.


bb fat boy, dont talk more with me plx 

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yep :P


i will inform all server owners who using smartguard @ sguard and other guard protections so that free ones wont work anymore and lets see those ppl what gonna say after that :)

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i will inform all server owners who using smartguard @ sguard and other guard protections so that free ones wont work anymore and lets see those ppl what gonna say after that :)




look your life men! ---->>>>>>>>>> "I will inform all server owners" HAHAHAHAHAHA


Please stop! HHAHAHAHAHA

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look your life men! ---->>>>>>>>>> "I will inform all server owners" HAHAHAHAHAHA


Please stop! HHAHAHAHAHA


beg me more http://prntscr.com/f1vqd8

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