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Prevent Npc's Heading Being Adjusted To Player's Heading.



I don't know but it might client side(but i think it can be changed from server side since client shows server's values, right? :P). I was wondering, is there any way to prevent NPCs change their heading according to player's? When a player speaks to an NPC, this NPC change its face to the player so player and NPC can have their "conversation. I know that this is taking place to some templates only, but i think it can be changed from server (enlighten me).


EDIT: L2jserver high five.

Edited by Solomun
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MoveToPawn is the key, it makes character go to npc and when it is close, run function that turns npc around. You cannot drop that packet, because it would be impossible to come near Npcs. To fix this problem you need to dig into Engine.dll and drop  ?AdjustPawnLocation@UGameEngine@@QAEXPAVAPawn@@ABVFVector@@@Z calls.



Well, here is a clean answer and thank you for that. I already mentioned that i had this feeling it might be client side.


I am not going to make any client modifications and since it can't be otherwise, i am going to live with this NPC rotation, i guess...


Thanks again...


EDIT: I am going to test it anyway :)

Edited by Solomun
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