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Clan Leader Color Name (Να Δουλεύει)



Γεια σας παιδιά μήπως υπάρχει κάποιος κώδικας για clan leader color που να δουλεύει ; 

Δοκίμασα ένα του Baggou αλλά δυστυχώς δεν δούλευε για acis 367 ! 

ευχαριστώ !

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UserInfo.java CharInfo.java des pou einai to name color k rikse tin grami edw
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You need a check there, like if clan != null && is clan leader ? parse the color you want : original check.

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writeD(_activeChar.isClanLeader() ? Config.LEADER_NAME_COLOR : _activeChar.getAppearance().getNameColor());

Antalakse tin grami s me auto kai sta 2 files kai kane to decode config na pernei to color..apo config

Edited by Reborn12
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You need a check there, like if clan != null && is clan leader ? parse the color you want : original check


Yeap :p thanks to reborn12



writeD(_activeChar.isClanLeader() ? Config.LEADER_NAME_COLOR : _activeChar.getAppearance().getNameColor());

Antalakse tin grami s me auto kai sta 2 files kai kane to decode config na pernei to color..apo config 

βγάζει error to writeD τώρα για κάποιο λόγο και στο quickfix μου έχει change method writeD int to writeD object ή cast argument 1 to int 
στο config έβαλα αυτό επάνω 
public static boolean LEADER_NAME_COLOR;

κάτω τι να βάλω ; 

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writeD(_activeChar.isClanLeader() ? Config.LEADER_NAME_COLOR : _activeChar.getAppearance().getNameColor());

Antalakse tin grami s me auto kai sta 2 files kai kane to decode config na pernei to color..apo config


Integer.parseInt(Config.LEADER_NAME_COLOR, 16);

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Integer.parseInt(Config.LEADER_NAME_COLOR, 16);


δεν κατάλαβα αυτό που πρέπει να το βάλω ; 

Edited by TEOGR_hItMaKeR
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