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(Please Help) How Can I Give Clan Halls Being Adm Or Gm L2 C4



Hello community:


I am a new user in this forum, and I'm looking for help from those who know the most, please, it's of the utmost importance. Since I'm new to the topic of creating lineage 2 servers and I'm starting out as a beginner, excuse my bad way of speaking in englis, is that I'm writing and translating everything ...

My problem is this: How can I being ADM or GM to provide a clan hall to a clan or get the clan hall to a clan, because of its bad form of administration ... is to evade problems in my future server of lineage 2 C4. chronicle 4.

Greetings Atte.

PS: I'm new to forums, forgive me if I have any problems.

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2 answers to this question

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I'm not sure if I understand you, but if you want to give a Clan Hall to a clan, you can do it by //admin but I do not know what project you use. 

So, I will give you an other way..


Go to your navicat, open clan_data table and get the clan_id from what clan name you want. After, open clanhall table, choose the clan hall, and put in there the clan_id(ownerId) and time in paidUntil. (maybe this number will work [1487563097097] ).


After restart of server, the clan will get the Clan Hall.


Should be like this:


Edited by 'Baggos'
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