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Interlude Or H5? 2K17


What do you prefer?  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Interlude Or H5?

    • Interlude
    • H5

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what is the best version?

interlude of course


and the best 2k17 server?

la2dream.com of course

Theoritically h5 and maybe Gf bests Interlude client.Not that il is not good like we speak before,but because you like it, doesn't mean it's best.It's just on what player ask for so he can choose to play,to me there is no better or worse,every client is good,depends on what you ask to play and what server you choose to play and the standars you expect from client side and server's side.


Now for server i don't think there is any better than other in current era of game.Every server works almost same way,only way to change is for everyone who belongs to this community to become better at every aspect of the game or act and play normaly like we did a decade ago.If administration mindset in most of the servers and players behaviour and acts change e may have a betetr result and a server that can be called "better" than another one.

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Theoritically h5 and maybe Gf bests Interlude client.Not that il is not good like we speak before,but because you like it, doesn't mean it's best.It's just on what player ask for so he can choose to play,to me there is no better or worse,every client is good,depends on what you ask to play and what server you choose to play and the standars you expect from client side and server's side.


Now for server i don't think there is any better than other in current era of game.Every server works almost same way,only way to change is for everyone who belongs to this community to become better at every aspect of the game or act and play normaly like we did a decade ago.If administration mindset in most of the servers and players behaviour and acts change e may have a betetr result and a server that can be called "better" than another one.


bla bla, no time for read all

only say: interlude wins :D 

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Aren't you here to discuss and take opinions?.People expressing opinions aren't bla,bla.I don't understand why you started this discussion.


u cant discuss with 12 years old kid xdd dont lose u time

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u cant discuss with 12 years old kid xdd dont lose u time

No matter age,i still cannot understand why to start a conversation an do not even listen to other's opinions.Probably a mental issue,age has nothing to do,there are kids and some very smart that at least listen to the speaker.Shame for that guy.

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sad fact is that even childs can behave better plus they would've not open a topic to ask opinions and discuss an issue and at the same time not listen to the speakers.

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what is the best version?

interlude of course



three months after made topic yet you still cant tell us why,still no facts and still pressin f1 for arccher :d

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