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Combobox :/



Hello guys,


so i would like to know how to create a combobox that reads xml for a GmShop so for example


if on the list there is ArmorS then show player xxx.xml ....


Does anybody know how this works i only found an example on AdminCreate in L2Jacis pack but it works with intregers so it is not quite the same could somebody give me an example or how is this supposed to be implimented on java...



Thank you very much :P 

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If you check how it rly works ull find your answer :D All vars are strings... Next step is to make them integer with checks.. take a look in the example u said..

private static int getCoinId(String name)
		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("adena"))
			return 57;
		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ancientadena"))
			return 5575;
		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("festivaladena"))
			return 6673;
		return 0;
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If you check how it rly works ull find your answer :D All vars are strings... Next step is to make them integer with checks.. take a look in the example u said..

private static int getCoinId(String name)
		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("adena"))
			return 57;
		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ancientadena"))
			return 5575;
		if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("festivaladena"))
			return 6673;
		return 0;


Does this actually apply for xml i mean should i write if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ArmorS"))

                                                                                              return ? what the xml number/name for example 25040.xml

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if you are working on acis you can check how admin gm shop works..

	final int val = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(10));
	final NpcBuyList list = BuyListTable.getInstance().getBuyList(val);
	if (list == null)
		activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid buylist id.");
		activeChar.sendPacket(new BuyList(list, activeChar.getAdena(), 0));
catch (Exception e)
	activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid buylist id.");
Edited by melron
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