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Open Any Url To The Player's Pc


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Pretty self explanatory. This is a new Packet in order to open any url that you want to the user's pc.


Can be used in vote rewards and shit like that. It is for Interlude.

package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets;

 * @author Elfocrash
public class OpenUrl extends L2GameServerPacket
	private final String _url;
	public OpenUrl(String url)
		_url = url;
	protected final void writeImpl()


activeChar.sendPacket(new OpenUrl("https://www.google.co.uk/"));

Client side: entry.dll

Engine.dll in case just the entry file doens't work: engine.dll

If the two things above don't work either here is the whole vanilla system: system


Thanks to Szaka for helping me understand how this shit works btw.

Edited by .Elfocrash
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It won't work, you also need to give them engine.dll

It will work if they have the box standard engine dll which 99% of the users have, and if they don't its because they played in a server that has smartguard or any other client protecting which nullifies this anyway.

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It will work if they have the box standard engine dll which 99% of the users have, and if they don't its because they played in a server that has smartguard or any other client protecting which nullifies this anyway.


Not really, there are a few different engine.dll arround each with unique RVAs I suppose, or someone uses packed engine.dll that won't work aswell, so you better make a more complete share since most people won't be able to implement this.


Also, your DLL is dynamically linked to the CRT, that will cause incompatibility mess, re-compile with static linking on CRT through Multi-Threading MT

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Not really, there are a few different engine.dll arround each with unique RVAs I suppose, or someone uses packed engine.dll that won't work aswell, so you better make a more complete share since most people won't be able to implement this.


Also, your DLL is dynamically linked to the CRT, that will cause incompatibility mess, re-compile with static linking on CRT through Multi-Threading MT

Fair enough. Engine.dll added.

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Put it as a static packet, like ActionFailed, if the only argument is always the same and not based on any external parameter.

Like a give a shit about how they'll use it. I just wanted them to understand how it should work.

I hate static things anyway.

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More like lack of it rather than incompatibilites. Compiled in vs2015 it requires nothing more but proper redistributables


why not just static linking on it, never rely on redistributes for production work

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