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Well , I Saw TheRuleZzZ Post But It's Out of Update.


Anyway Im Here To "Share" Some New Servers.


Also , You Can Show Me Some Servers That You Tried..!


Lets Start...




                                         ~Interlude Servers~




L2 MeMoRieS - http://l2memories.servegame.com {Enchant Bug}


L2 Cannabis - http://cannabisl2.ucoz.com/ { Enchant Bug }


L2 Rebels - http://l2rebels.ucoz.net { Enchant Bug }


L2 Prophecy - http://www.l2prophecy.ucoz.net/ { Enchant bug / Announce Bug }


L2 Smiles - http://www.l2smiles.tk { Enchant Bug / Announce Bug }


L2 Dark Ether - http://www.darkether.xaa.pl { Stuck Buffs }


L2 Core - http://www.l2core.net { Enchant Bug }


La2 Hell - http://la2hell.ucoz.net { Enchant Bug }


L2 Exile - http://l2exile.ucoz.com { Announce Bug / Enchant Bug }


L2 Epic World - http://l2epicworld.quickbb.net/ { Announce Bug / Enchant Bug }


L2 Fantasy - http://l2fantasy.no-ip.org/ { Enchant Bug }


L2 RoComputers - http://rocomputers.ro { Enchant Bug }


L2 Disturbed - http://disturbed.idle.ro/ { Announce Bug / Enchant Bug }


L2 Excelsior - http://www.l2excelsior.net { Announce Bug / Enchant Bug }


L2 Death - http://www.l2death.do.am { Weapon Sa's Stuck }


L2 Aion - http://www.l2-aion.com/ { Stuck Buffs / Crash Server ( DeMEV ) }



                                         ~Gracia Servers~




L2 World - http://www.lineage2world.tk { Multisell Enchants }


L2-Light - http://www.l2-light.com/ { Multisell Enchants }


L2 Athebaldt - http://www.l2athebaldt.net { Multisell Enchants }



I Tried In L2 Dark Ether StuckBuffs Cause It Has No WH And Announce Bug Is Not WOrking..


In Other Servers I Haven't Tried It.


I Will Try It Asap And i WIll Edit My Post Soon..


                                                ~Adena Bugs~



http://reliance.kar.lt - {Go To The Multi Shop And Buy An Charm of Courage S Grade Scroll For 5 Adena

And Sell it For 50k adena :)


http://l2epicworld.quickbb.net/ - {Go To GM Shop , Buy Inferno Panzer , And Sell It :) }


http://www.l2core.net - {Go To GM Shop , Buy Inferno Panzer , And Sell It :) }


http://www.l2-century.com - {Go To GM Shop , Buy Inferno Panzer And Sell it Or , Go To Gm shop and buy masks and sell them }


                                                ~Links For The Bugs~



Stuck Buffs :



Crash The Server :




Enchant Bug Using Warehouse  {GR}:




Enchant Bug Using Warehouse :




Announce Bug :




Multisell Enchants Bug :


For IL : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46300.0

For Gracia + : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45958.0

Post Hided To 200 Posts.



Enjoy :)




as i say to my team private server...

la2hell its a funny server which i make with my friend...

i dont care for protect :P

L2Cannabis xa0ax0ax0a0xa

stefouli this server has your pack...

without changes...all sames :P

Also Good Topic...



/shity servers > ALL ^^


I will just make comments beacuse Use enchant in crapy servers that have 50 ppl of comunity its just sad ;P


I still wounder why people goes to market saying i sell items +25 in l2core jJajajJAjaJAJAJa epic


Btw if u found a server whit over 200 ppls where that work  i go there =P (that it isnt core beacuse even if it has enchant bug donators are more powerfull than gms ;P)


ty Stefi  :-*





Nice share Stef


@Sorry for this question but in "new" L2Core, l2phx enchant exploit is still working? omg..I thought admin fiixed it...



he make only a gracia server for fixed :P

as i said again WTS +25 Full Set and +30 Bow at l2core :@


//agree grisom


Well The Most Are Shitty Servers.


Anyway , Just For Inform.


I Searched For Servers Inside HopZone. I Didnt Knew That It Was Yours. Sorry xD


Btw , L2Exile Has a Growing Population About 60+ People.


I Logged Yesterday. Funny Server Full of Players And Bugs ofC! xD


I Will Edit My Post With More Servers For Ya! Thx For Your Replies People!





I Never Said That The Servers That L2Phx Working Are Servers With 100+ Ppl And Well Known Servers. These Servers Have Protection! xD





if i make a server private and good server i dont make a site from ucoz free...:P

i domain it..for this site appears the server i think..!


for this site appears the server i think..!


Not always. there are some servers that are good and they have ucoz site.


they just wanna pay more.. its a solution...




NEW Server Added! Check The 1st Post!


Kidding me Right?

Weapons dont break in this server!!

How the hell you can enchant with phx there? xD

Check it at your own...


well i didnt know that they dont break.


i just went and enchanted with the wh and i didnt failed.


i thought it was pure luck !


anyway , thx for telling me. i delete this one.


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