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high five [L2J]L2 Ava


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L2 AvA coming this summer
with the project  L2 AvA  with high expectations to gather a huge amount of players. The most striking feature of the server will be the hidden 2ndary login system that will be able to  block  all 3rd Programs and Adrenaline party with no form of movement.
EXP / SP:  x20
Adena:  x15
Fall / Spoil:  x10

Global Gatekeeper

NPC Buffer with 2 hours of Bufftime

Item Auctions for Adena and Bidding Market for DP

Fortress system and retail siege

Olympiad period of 2 weeks  (Heroes on 1 and 15 of each month)

Automatic Donation System



2 new in-game events

Full rework in our current events and all up-to-date events with new maps and new features

new hidden from 2ndary Access System with  AntiBot protection 100%


New automatic reward system for streaming with Premium reward for streaming.




Site -  http://l2ava.com

Forum -  http://l2ava.com/forum

Facebook page -  http://www.facebook.com/lineageava


               We have worked hard in recent months on antibot and new features and to prepare this server

Edited by dracula3
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Hello,read our rules and update your topic..


Good Luck..

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L2 AvA coming up this Summer
with the project L2 AvA with high expectations to gather a huge amount of players. The most unique feature of the server will be the 2ndary hidden login system that will be able to block all 3rd Party Programs & Adrenaline with no way of bypass.
EXP/SP: x20
Adena: x15
Drop/Spoil: x10

Global Gatekeeper

NPC Buffer with 2hour Bufftime

Item Auctions for Adena & Bidding Market for DP

Retail Fortress & Siege system

Olympiad Period 2 weeks (Heroes at 1 and 15 of each month)

Automatic Donations System



2 new Events in game

full rework on our current events & all events updated with new maps and new features

new hidden 2ndary Login System with 100% ANTIBOT Protection


New automatic streaming reward system with Premium Account reward for streaming.




Site - http://l2ava.com

Forum - http://l2ava.forumeiros.com

Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/lineageava


               We Worked a lot the past few months on antibot and new features and to prepare this server


Fack me vercetti said the same the and we only can see 3event less than last tales and full bots like always

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Fack me vercetti said the same the and we only can see 3event less than last tales and full bots like always

well vercetti did pay adrenaline so it wasn't working, he just got overran by that new ronin bot which launched their beta at the worst time for the poor greek.

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Welcome to the Elite World of Lineage2
Server is now LIVE and ONLINE! here some links where you can download our system :

1. https://mega.nz/…
2. http://www.mediafire.com/file/qo9zr65xalihsw1/system.rar
3. download our system for windows 8 and 10 in website

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