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interlude [L2Off]L2Promisance & L2Khaos


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Have you even logged in game? Because it seems you played another server we're running with 300 online since the beginning. None of our community members complained about delay, next time try to switch the proxies and stop hating, it's not helping you to become a better man. 

To be honest I was expecting someone to write something similar to your post, because people like you (that tries to hurt a server) won't ever admit their failure, or their mistakes.


I'll invite everybody to check our server to test our ping. You probably logged on a DDoSed proxy but if you check the other proxies, are working fine. If I can help you dear Papa123 let me know.

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Have you even logged in game? Because it seems you played another server we're running with 300 online since the beginning. None of our community members complained about delay, next time try to switch the proxies and stop hating, it's not helping you to become a better man. 


To be honest I was expecting someone to write something similar to your post, because people like you (that tries to hurt a server) won't ever admit their failure, or their mistakes.


I'll invite everybody to check our server to test our ping. You probably logged on a DDoSed proxy but if you check the other proxies, are working fine. If I can help you dear Papa123 let me know.

Guess what i did, 4 proxies, 2 for US, 2 for EU


Both EU proxies are close to 140~ ms


delay is noticable in game


300 members, from what countrie? US? Sure they wont feel delay


how much you got from eu? and where? eu is not only west germany,  if youre gona put proxy in eu, you put it in luxemborg or something like that, cause it has best route to all europe, east, west, and part of russia


i guess you think EU is only germany and france? kappa



L2_Khaos_Eu_Proxies_LUL.pngimage sharing sites

Edited by papa123
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You kappa idiot i am russian and play on eu2 0 delay shut up you nerd and buy internet speed go away with your 10kbps internet random somalian guy

Ignore randoms join for fun!

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You kappa idiot i am russian and play on eu2 0 delay shut up you nerd and buy internet speed go away with your 10kbps internet random somalian guy

Ignore randoms join for fun!

Sure thing son, my internet is average, nothing big, nothing small, good enough for gaming and stable which is most important part.

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Don't consider the ping that it shows in the login screen, that's a fake ping. I doubt you have 140 ping because during beta russian country tested our proxies and they had less than 100 MS. 

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Don't consider the ping that it shows in the login screen, that's a fake ping. I doubt you have 140 ping because during beta russian country tested our proxies and they had less than 100 MS. 

I have noticable delay, i think its correct.


Like 0.5-0.7 sec delay, enough to be anoying

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We will consider adding a new proxy location, but so far this is the first complain from EU and even Asia.

I think there is more people with this problem, its just that they dont complain, they just leave.


Your server looks fine, it should have more people, but it doesnt, and guess why?


I cant say for sure, but this might be 1 of the problems, youre server is kinda easy from what iv seen, i mean kinda too easy but still it should have more online, 300 is not that much for project that is fairly stable and unique.


Anyway I dont think you need to open 1 more extra proxy, I think you just need to re-locate this existing one.


Belive it or not, majority of eu players are actaully from east europe and russia rather than west europe, so you can have 1 proxy in west europe and 1 for east+russia.

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The server is great and I am having a blast seeing people play there.


There only problem is indeed a small 0.5-0.9 seconds no matter your internet connection.

I am in London with 100mbps connection and i am having minor but noticeable action delays.


Still a great game experience by the looks of it. Players seem to enjoy it.

Edited by .Elfocrash
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