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Dear friends!
Everybody has an opportunity to tell about opening of Genesis x25 and help us to gather as many players as possible.
You can help us in advertisment and get an award!


What should you do:
  • Launch your Skype
  • Add to your contact list our manager on Skype - kazamadex
  • When you make first start of this program you will have request from Skype for permission for Clownfish. Allow it.
  • Then make right click on the program icon and select Broad cast mass massage
  • Send a message below to all your contacts



November 25 at 19:00 (+2 UTC) opening Genesis x25 Craft-PvP Interlude!

I will play on Lineage2dex.com!
Participation requirements:
  • Make a screenshot of your desktop with opened spam program + skype with mailing and number of contacts
  • Number of contacts not less than 30
  • All participants will be checked. So there is no way to lie (for e.g. double mailing to one person)
  • Send screenshot links to our skype with such information as your nickname for getting an award and number of contacts in skype
  • All participant will get Premium Rune 3 days
  • Top 3 players with biggest number of contacts will get 500 ToD
Attention: Competition will last till November 25. Awards will be given out on November 25-26

they are at same lvl of serbers, 1 week and dead , atleast mid got some ppl at start 

You fucking kidding, right? I played on every mid servers...on last 3, max 1 k online at start,1.5k maybe.

I played on all dex servers. I played on last Nanna...more than 4 k players online at start.Yes, it died in 3 months...but on that months, you had good pvp


You fucking kidding, right? I played on every mid servers...on last 3, max 1 k online at start,1.5k maybe.

I played on all dex servers. I played on last Nanna...more than 4 k players online at start.Yes, it died in 3 months...but on that months, you had good pvp

but nanna was dex + liru, now its just dex w/o russian comunity.


liru got new serber l2.eu or something like that 

Posted (edited)

Go search on forum, a lot of russians are joining :). Stop comparing that shit l2Mid with Dex...

Mid was a good server 2 years ago...

Edited by Ioane
Posted (edited)

For login into the game you need:


1. Go to your user CP

2. Select Genesis x25 server



3. Press the button to create a new account



4. Download the patch


Mirror - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byhl0pm6YEZraW1aTi1kRjVrV1U/view


5. Delete system folder, then extract patch to lineage2 Interlude folder and run l2.exe from system folder


ATTENTION: Our server in early beta, it is still being revised. You can check the class mechanics and skill mechanics. In every city there are Test Server Helpers with all necessary items for test

Edited by djvogans


How to start play on Genesis:


There are 3 steps you have to do to start play:
1. REGISTER a Master Account.
2. CREATE a Game Account.
3. LOGIN to the game.


1. How to REGISTER a Master Account.
  • When it opens, you can choose PREFERABLE LANGUAGE and you can make a REGISTRATION.




  • PREFIX is generated automatically, however you can change it, these 3 letters make your Master Account more secure.
  • Next lines are:


Your PASSWORD (minimum 8 signs long),
Your EMAIL address.


  • I agree to the terms and rules CHECKED.
  • I am not a robot CHECKED.
  • After all push a REGISTER button.
  • Check your email box, you should get confirmation of registration


  • Click on the ACTIVATE ACCOUNT button.

Congratulation You have successfully registered Your Master Account!




2. How to CREATE a Game Account.
  • First you have to LOGIN to your Master Account




  • On this part you have to write Your LOGIN with added PREFIX and Your PASSWORD.
  • REMEMBER ME if you want your browser to remember your login and password.
  • I am not a robot CHECKED.
  • After all clock on CONTINUE button.
  • You will get an email after your first login with confirmation all your Master Account details.


  • Click on GO TO CABINET button.


  • Very important thing is to choose proper SERVER on which you want to create a Game Account, so choose GENESIS x25
  • After you choose a proper server you can click on CREATE AN ACCOUNT button.
  • A popup window will appear


  • PREFIX is generated automatically, however you can change it, these 3 letters make your Game Account more secure.
  • After all click REGISTER.
  • Check your email box, you should get confirmation that you successfully created your Game Account.


  • On the confirmation email you will see the details of your Game Account, such as ACCOUNT with chosen PREFIX and PASSWORD.
  • You have to confirm your details by clicking GO TO CABINET button.

Congratulation You have successfully created Your Game Account!



3. How to LOGIN to the GAME


  • Choose the server you want to play on: Genesis - Interlude - 25x
  • Download a CLIENT (note that the old Nanna client may not work due to some corrupted files). Unzip the client and delete system folder.
  • Download, save and unzip a PATCH file on your desktop.
  • Copy and paste the system folder you just unzipped to your Interlude(lineage.ro) folder.
  • Now run l2.exe, from your new system folder.


  • Write your Game Account and Password and login to the game.
  • If there is any problem, download UPDATER to your Interlude(lineage.ro) folder and run it.

Congratulation You have successfully prepered Your Game Client!




From now you can enjoy your GAME!




Posted (edited)
fast guide how to connect to  server :
1 . download the updater from : http://www.lineage2dex.com/reg
2. extract updater files in your Lineage2 folder
3. run the updater and do full check . After press start !


Edited by djvogans




Some fixes added today :

1. Add more stability on server

2. Change Nobl RB spawn time, now is 4h

3. All aly RB in varka/ketra have respt time 8h +2h random time

4. For AQ kick in town if u 49+ lvl

Vote for epic LVL on forum (link on forum)


Now is the time to start the game, the server is stable. We remind you that today will be start of the 7 seals, register and go to the farm of stones!

Posted (edited)

coming from a guy that didnt even started a server is a good thing i guess



at least you have logged to a working server :)

we are not with liru anymore so u can stop stupid hate and go kill yourself :)

Edited by djvogans

coming from a guy that didnt even started a server is a good thing i guess



at least you have logged to a working server :)

we are not with liru anymore so u can stop stupid hate and go kill yourself :)


you never get more than 100 real online 

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