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Buffing A Player



Hello this the code from my project to buff someone:

SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(6777, SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(6777)).getEffects(this, _boat, AutoLootHerbs, AutoLootHerbs);

	public final void getEffects(Creature effector, Creature effected, boolean calcChance, boolean applyOnCaster)
		getEffects(effector, effected, calcChance, applyOnCaster, false);

But it has autoloot etc and cant change nth at true or false, how cna i fix this :3

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well didnt know if this was possible :P

It's enough to read the method, in most cases it's always more or less decumented. You go to the method and it's like blabla(Creature caster, Creature target..) it's self explanatory. But yea, you have to use brain to understand it  :you serious?:

Edited by SweeTs
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Eclipse is giving hints, possible "options" that are used in the file, not coding for ya. The problem is, you dont understand the error, which is simple :3


It's almost like "hey you dumbass, press key A" and you press B  :y u no?:



No hard feelings, you are the best <3

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Just make an instance mob and set it to give the buff every x time spawn in towns finished

You don't even know what's the idea behind the code, how/where/when he want to cast the skill. Shh, let him think, he is a developer afterall :D

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By who? That's the question. You can spawn a npc which will do it in X radius else let the player be the caster, profit.

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Now you say "add". Think about what you want, then ask for help ^^


Look, you can even hardcode it @ reduceHp method and heal it insta, but if you want the skill effect/animation, then you need a caster. No problem, use player as caster and that's it. Obviously use like 100 milis the casting.

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