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Buffing A Player



Hello this the code from my project to buff someone:

SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(6777, SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(6777)).getEffects(this, _boat, AutoLootHerbs, AutoLootHerbs);

	public final void getEffects(Creature effector, Creature effected, boolean calcChance, boolean applyOnCaster)
		getEffects(effector, effected, calcChance, applyOnCaster, false);

But it has autoloot etc and cant change nth at true or false, how cna i fix this :3

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I think that he expect you to guess what exactly the exception is, by throwing dices.

darling stop make useless posts :P 


on post..put your log to see the error

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This line is your problem im not working with h5 but this seems wrong


SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(6777, SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(6777)).getEffects(this, _boat, AutoLootHerbs, AutoLootHerbs);
Must be like this i think

SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffid, bufflevel).getEffects(this, player);
Edited by Reborn12
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darling stop make useless posts :P 


on post..put your log to see the error


The only useless post here is this one:

That it isnt used like the statement and give the autocorrect or tells me to creat a new statement


So, why don't you give a useful answer, if you are so professional? :D

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The only useless post here is this one:



So, why don't you give a useful answer, if you are so professional? :D

I think with my reply he have the fix getmaxlevel 6777 he can replace with the buff level or im wrong?
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I think with my reply he have the fix getmaxlevel 6777 he can replace with the buff level or im wrong?

Without proper error report it's like shooting in the dark... you can only guess (by throwing dices) what kind of crap he made.

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This is the error:

From the one Reborn12 shared

The method getEffects(Creature, Creature, boolean, boolean) in the type Skill is not applicable for the arguments (Player, Player)

And from the one i had:

The method getEffects(Creature, Creature, boolean, boolean) in the type Skill is not applicable for the arguments (Player, boolean, boolean, boolean)
Edited by ganjaradio
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