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[BOT]Free Bots - PACK


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This isn't technically a pack but instead a compilation into one thread of several bots, not to mention the best FREE bots. I will also include some links to the best bots that aren't free for simple curiosity.


Pirox Anti-AFK Bot -- Plus Horde profiles - look at profile part to read what to do if you're alliance(profiles are simply something you can use that'll automatically do something for you, that's been used by others and is better than the default.)

PiroX Bots



PiroX Bots - pbInfo


Above are the PiroX Bots homepage and download links off the homepage, they also have a bot you can pay for which has many more features. This bot is currently undetectable and the only way you can get a ban or suspension is from players reporting you AFK, which usually won't happen due to profile use, among many other things. -- this bot is coded with Autoit, please make sure you download Autoit.



The only reason it detects a Trojan is due to AutoIt, which is a windows associated language, use at your own risk, although I've NEVER gotten a warning or ban and I've used this bot for quite a while. I've accumulated in total around 150k honor.




Mode 1:



The PiroX Addon must be turned on or enabled, you may do this in game with /pirox on

Window Mode has to be activated when using.


- Automatically signup for bg and auto join it.

- Recognize whsipers and can answer it.

- Recognize GM whisper and can answer it.

- Run out of the av cave and port into base (put on AV port trinket) -- or many other things due to Profiles

- Attacks other players/NPCs.

- WoW can't be minimized and must be on top


This is very good to use if you want to go to bed or need to go somewhere


Mode 2:


- Sends a key every 3-4minutes (Keys -> AntiAFK keys) to WoW so you don't go afk. WoW can be minimized the entire time with Mode 2, that means you can play another game at the same time.

- No whispers check

- No bot autosignup


Activate sounds with "/pirox sound" and in wow enable "Play sound in background", that you here the alarm sounds.


This mode is perfect to do many other things while at your computer, you can minimize wow when you enter a BG then surf the net, just check every once in a while to re-que.






How to run the Bot? This is a quick and simple guide on how to install.


www.piroxbots.com - for detailed guide.


How does the bot work?

When you first run the bot, an addon will be created and put in your addon folder. When you have this add-on enabled and use Mode 1, you will automatically signup for Bgs, leave bgs, and automatically release spirit. When you enable the add-on in-game there will be a square on the middle of your screen once you enter "/pirox on". This square changes color according to what's going on(See addon info). With this square the bot recognizes if it's in a bg, dead, or if a GM has whispered you. This bot doesn't use memory reading, that means it won't walk coordinates and isn't linked with WoW. This bot acts according to the square color. You can setup a profile though on what to press(AWSD, etc) to get somewhere, that's what the profile pack will do.


Personal tips -- Make sure you have no addons that will pop up on your screen when this is enabled, such as WIM, Recount, etc. Also, you should enable run after profile use, but not to always run, that's a personal choice. Enable close WoW on GM message, after you've messaged them, and make sure you setup messages, I always tend to just add in some no messages for player responses, among other things, it's your choice.


Another other major thing all people need to know when using this, make sure you only use for around 12hours at a time, and only for a few days straight, as to not rack up afk reports. And the major thing for this bot to work is make sure you're facing NORTH when you que and you're all the way zoomed in, that way you'll come out of the bg in the same spot and re-que correctly -- zoom in facing north and be right infront of the bg master.


Pirox Anti-AFK Profiles

These are Horde only profiles, sorry. If you're alliance I recommend putting on a AV trinket so you hearth to the place and then walk around after profile with 1, 2, and 3 as your attack buttons(spells, skills) so you get some damage done on the mobs and no one realizes anything.


AB - Hiding Spot = Under Bridge between Farm & GM

AV - Hiding Spot = In cave near East Frostwolf Tower

AV - Behind Galv = Behind Galvanger's Hut

EotS - Hiding Spot = Behind Blood Elf Tower

WSG - Hiding Spot = Roof

WSG - GY to Hiding Spot = From GY to Roof



With "Hiding Spot" I mean a spot where not many, or none players at all come and when they look on the map it looks like you are participating in the battle.

There are no GY profiles for AV, AB & EotS quz you can res at different locations, just put GY walk forward, which is what everyone should always use no matter what.

I also added the file containing all the standard profiles, my profiles are recognizeable as they have a 0 infront of the name.

The backup-profile.mgp is the one which comes with the Bot.


How to Use:

1. Download

2. Unrar

3. Paste the profile.mgp file to the folder where the PiroX Anti-AFK Bot is located.

4. Click "Yes" to overwrite

5. Run the Bot as usual and select the profile you need.

It's a .rar archive and can be decompressed with WinRAR. File size is 2kb






Another Pirox Bot, I won't put as much details this time, because you can find out everything on the website, which I listed above. -- PiroX Bots


Pirox Fishbot


This is a first class fishbot for World of Warcraft. It's a pixel bot without reading memory and without injection.








Launchpad which polymorph's the bot

You can make profiles for fishing places

The bot sets the bobber color

Option: Beep on fish bait

Option: Shift to loot

Option: Window title renaming

Option: Shutdown pc after "x" amount of time - "I don't like using this :)"

Buff self (30min buff)

Can use lure

Whisper detection + reply

Take screen shot on whisper

Play sound on whisper

Randomly target friend or enemy

A tooltip in left top corner


Help file + pics





Download Bot (.rar)

Extract with e.g. Winrar

Run World of Warcraft and login to your character

Put fishing on a actionslot and bind it to a key

Equip fishing rod

Zoom in first person

Run wowpfb.exe

Click on button "help (pic)" for a small overview

Click on tab "Keys"

Set key for "Cast fishing"

Set key for "Reply whisper"

Click on tab "Co ords"

Click on button "big" to watch the pic to see where u have to set the co ords

Click on button "Setup"

Move mouse to point 1 and click SPACE

Move mouse to point 2 and click SPACE

Choose a profile

Click on button "Run"



How to make a profile:



Run WoW and login

Go to a fishing place

Equip fishing rod

Click on tab "Profile"

Enter a name in field "Name", e.g the place where u are fishing

Click on button "get color"

Move the mouse over the red or blue feather of bobber and press TAB

Click on button "save profile"



How to use a lure:



Put lure to an actionslots

Bind a key to this slot

Put the fishing rod to an actionslots

Bind a key to this slot

Click in bot on tab "Keys"

Set those keys to "Use lure" and "Fishing rod"



Help file pic (click pic to view fullsize)




Additional information:

You can use STRG, ALT and SHIFT for key bindings. Just enter STRG+"key" or ALT+"key" or SHIFT+"key".

But you can't use two modifier: STRG+ALT+"key" does not work!

There are also two hotkeys set. "PAUSE" to pause bot, and "ALT+PAUSE" to exit bot.

The profiles are saved in "profiles.ini."


Q: Bot doesn't click on bobber if a fish baits!

A: Set spell detail to HIGH




Zolo Fighter


Zolo Fighter is a WOW auto grinding bot.

It is currently undetectable, mainly due to the small amount of users, but that doesn't mean it won't be in the near future, this bot is simply a easy and free grinding bot, there are many better bots out there you can pay for.


Welcome to Wow Zolo Bots - Home


fully customizable with Java script.

herb/mine/quest item collection

Fishing (school detection)

--Do not use the PvP part of this Bot.--


As long as you use fighter to launch WOW, it is undetectable (launches WOW as a restricted account, can't read/write fisher memory). No injection is used.

WARNING: Players can still detect and report you.


This bot takes a while to learn how to use, but it's not that bad, I got a toon to 60 with it, I'll add some profiles, alliance and horde for this bot.


As long as you use fighter to launch WOW, it is undetectable (launches WOW as a restricted account, can't read/write fisher memory). No injection is used.


Website Full Tutorial:

ZoloFighter Tutorial Index


Although this bot is officially a demo, it lasts for 2 weeks, so there's no point in getting the full version.


Youtube video:



Zolo Profile pack -- These are simply Glider converted profiles; if you go to the area that they are in and turn the profile on, it'll point you in the direction you need to go.


MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service




Personal Experience:

Zolo - Worked pretty well, a few profiles were a bit glitchy, but I got level 60 extremely easy with an elemental shaman, it's best to use a mage, hunter, or warlock.


Pirox Anti AFK - This bot sometimes gets me reported, but barely ever, and I have yet to get in trouble; I've been using for months and have gotten full PvP gear on two characters.


Pirox Fishbot - Have never used but I've seen great reviews about this bot, just make sure you follow instructions correctly, that goes for all of the bots listed above.



Bots that require payment:


Glider - One of the best bots out there, although it costs quite a lot, the website is Glider -- you can download a demo version to test it out, or buy the key for the normal glider. There's also an elite version, which you can get a lifetime key for too. -- I'm currently selling a lifetime(elite) key extremely cheap if anyone is interested, PM me.


WowMimic - WOWmimic, LOTROmimic,world of warcraft bots,wow bots,lord of the rings online bots,lotro bots,game bots, power leveling, farm gold, WOW gold, AOC gold, AOC bots, AOC tools, AOC power leveling, Age of Conan gold, AOCmimic- Your amazing tools for gamin - This bot is probably better than glider, but costs a lot more, it's a lot cheaper for someone who only wants to bot occasionally though. Look at the website to get a better preview of it.


There are many other bots out there I didn't put in this thread, I'll update it later with another bot that is probably the best and least detectable, which costs a lot of money though. There is also a few extremely good bots coming out soon, anyhow, hope you enjoy your botting! :p


-- Edit --

The virustotal link I put isn't working for some reason, so please use virustotal or http://virusscan.jotti.org/ to scan all programs :)


Enjoy it.

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