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someone help me with this code? this error in the SQL database that collects information. "SELECT boss_id FROM raidboss_spawnlist ORDER BY boss_id ASC LIMIT "+ stpoint + Config.RAID_LIST_RESULTS);"


original code: "SELECT id, name, level FROM npc WHERE type='L2RaidBoss' AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM raidboss_spawnlist WHERE raidboss_spawnlist.boss_id = npc.id) ORDER BY `level` " + sort + " Limit " + stpoint + ", " + Config.RAID_LIST_RESULTS);



code for ACIS


entire code.

package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.communitybbs;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class RaidList
  protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(RaidList.class.getName());
  private final StringBuilder _raidList = new StringBuilder();
  public RaidList(String rfid)
  private void loadFromDB(String rfid)
    int type = Integer.parseInt(rfid);
    int stpoint = 0;
    int pos = 0;
    for (int count = 1; count != type; count++) 
      stpoint += Config.RAID_LIST_RESULTS;
      Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection();Throwable localThrowable3 = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT boss_id FROM raidboss_spawnlist ORDER BY boss_id ASC LIMIT "+ stpoint + Config.RAID_LIST_RESULTS);
        ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery();
        pos = stpoint;
        while (result.next())
           int npcid = result.getInt("boss_id");
           String npcname = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcid).getName();
           byte rlevel = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcid).getLevel();
          PreparedStatement statement2 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT respawn_time, spawn_time, random_time FROM raidboss_spawnlist WHERE boss_id=" + npcid);
          ResultSet result2 = statement2.executeQuery();
          while (result2.next())
            boolean rstatus = false;
            long respawn = result2.getLong("respawn_time");
            if (respawn == 0L) {
              rstatus = true;
            int mindelay = result2.getInt("spawn_time");
            int maxdelay = result2.getInt("random_time");
            mindelay = mindelay / 60 / 60;
            maxdelay = maxdelay / 60 / 60;
            addRaidToList(pos, npcname, rlevel, mindelay, maxdelay, rstatus);
      catch (Throwable localThrowable1)
        localThrowable3 = localThrowable1;throw localThrowable1;
        if (con != null) {
          if (localThrowable3 != null) {
            catch (Throwable localThrowable2)
    catch (Exception e)
		 _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load Raid List");
  private void addRaidToList(int pos, String npcname, byte rlevel, int mindelay, int maxdelay, boolean rstatus)
    _raidList.append("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 width=610 height=" + Config.RAID_LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + ">");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=5></td>");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=25>" + pos + "</td>");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=270>" + npcname + "</td>");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=50>" + rlevel + "</td>");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=120 align=center>" + mindelay + " - " + maxdelay + "</td>");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>" + (rstatus ? "<font color=99FF00>Alive</font>" : "<font color=CC0000>Dead</font>") + "</td>");
    _raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=5></td>");
    _raidList.append("<img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"610\" height=\"1\">");
  public String loadRaidList()
    return _raidList.toString();

code for ACIS

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private static void showRaidBosses(L2PcInstance activeChar, int page)


String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm("data/html/CommunityBoard/Statistics/RaidBosses.htm");

StringBuilder _raidList = new StringBuilder();

Collection<NpcTemplate> npcs = NpcTable.getInstance().getAllNpcs();

List<NpcTemplate> list = new ArrayList<>(npcs);


Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<NpcTemplate>()



public int compare(NpcTemplate left, NpcTemplate right)


return right.getLevel() - left.getLevel();



pos = 0;

int myPage = 1;

int i = 0;

boolean hasMore = false;


for(final NpcTemplate boss : list)


int bossId = boss.getNpcId();




if(bossId >= 25333 && boss.getNpcId() <=25338)



if(bossId == 25286 || boss.getNpcId() == 25283 || boss.getNpcId() == 29054 || boss.getNpcId() == 25273 || boss.getNpcId() == 29062 || boss.getNpcId() == 29040 || boss.getNpcId() == 25328)



if(bossId == 29060 || boss.getNpcId() == 29056 || boss.getNpcId() == 29030 || boss.getNpcId() == 29033 || boss.getNpcId() == 29036 || boss.getNpcId() == 29037)



String color = "";

boolean rstatus = false;

String npcname = boss.getName();

int level = boss.getLevel();

long delay = RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().getRespawntime(boss.getIdTemplate());

int hours = (int)((delay - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L / 60L / 60L);

int minutes = (int)((delay - hours * 60 * 60 * 1000 - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L / 60L);


if(delay == 0)

rstatus = true;


if (pos == PAGE_LIMIT)


hasMore = true;




if (myPage != page)



if (i == PAGE_LIMIT)



i = 0;







if(pos % 2 == 0)


_raidList.append("<table "+color+" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=500>");


_raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=30 align=center>" + pos + "</td>");

_raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=220>" + npcname + "</td>");

_raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=50 align=center>" + level + "</td>");

_raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=200 align=center>" + ((rstatus) ? "<font color=008000>Alive</font>" : "<font color=13eedd>"+hours+" hours "+minutes+" mins</font>") + "</td>");



_raidList.append("<img src=\"L2UI.Squaregray\" width=\"500\" height=\"1\">");



int nextpage = page + 1;

int prevpage = page - 1;




if (page > 1)


_raidList.append("<td><button action=\"bypass _bbsbosses;"+prevpage+ "\" value=\"Previous\" width=75 height=21 back=\"L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal\"></td>");

if (!hasMore)

_raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=80><center>Page "+ page+ "</center></td></tr>");



if (hasMore)


if (page <= 1)



_raidList.append("<td FIXWIDTH=80><center>Page "+ page+ "</center></td><td><button action=\"bypass _bbsbosses;"+nextpage+ "\" value=\"Next ->\" width=75 height=21 back=\"L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal\"></td></tr>");




content = content.replaceAll("%raidlist%", _raidList.toString());

separateAndSend(content, activeChar);


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Wow Gam3Master  you nailed it. You managed to triple penetrate SOLID principles, coding standards and basic coding concepts all in 50 lines of code.

I can't even be mad, i will use this in tomorrows scrum.

  • 0

Wow Gam3Master  you nailed it. You managed to triple penetrate SOLID principles, coding standards and basic coding concepts all in 50 lines of code.

I can't even be mad, i will use this in tomorrows scrum.


You can help me by to see the list of raid boss in the community ?

  • 0

Wow Gam3Master [/size] you nailed it. You managed to triple penetrate SOLID principles, coding standards and basic coding concepts all in 50 lines of code.

I can't even be mad, i will use this in tomorrows scrum.

Most devs around have a lot to learn, before they can even understand what "SOLID" stands for... :lol:
  • 0

Love how splitting this if statement to three different ones is his idea of clean code.

if(bossId >= 25333 && boss.getNpcId() <=25338)
if(bossId == 25286 || boss.getNpcId() == 25283 || boss.getNpcId() == 29054 || boss.getNpcId() == 25273 || boss.getNpcId() == 29062 || boss.getNpcId() == 29040 || boss.getNpcId() == 25328)
if(bossId == 29060 || boss.getNpcId() == 29056 || boss.getNpcId() == 29030 || boss.getNpcId() == 29033 || boss.getNpcId() == 29036 || boss.getNpcId() == 29037)
  • 0

I already stopped judging others' code quality. If someone want to learn, there are a lot of books out there... if not, he obviously don't care. :D

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I don't understand what you mean but I am beginner, I write codes by searching in google and watching other examples. Sorry if I disappointed you.


At least I'm trying to help noobs like me. 

  • 0

I don't understand what you mean but I am beginner, I write codes by searching in google and watching other examples. Sorry if I disappointed you.


At least I'm trying to help noobs like me.


Why you didnt use this with a split config ? And you can write all this ids with a config line?
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Why you didnt use this with a split config ? And you can write all this ids with a config line?

From one stupid way to the other.

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Why you getAllNpcs() lol, it's fat and highly unnecessary. Create an int[] with ids you want and then for loop it, profit.

You mean I must put Ids of all raids in int[]?

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