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interlude [L2J] L2Hooligans


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GRAND OPENING - 3/09/2016, 18:00 GMT +2




We are here to present you the Ultimate Private Lineage II Server.


We are not “Yet another Lineage II Server”.



Server Rates:
RateXp = 1000.00•
RateSp = 1000.00•
RatePartyXp = 2.00•
RatePartySp = 2.00•
RateDropAdena = 1000.00•

Enchant Rates:
Safe Enchant = +5•
 Weapon Max Enchant = +21•
 Armor Max Enchant = +16•
Jewels Max Enchant = +16•
Normal Scroll Enchant Rate = 50%•
Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate = 75%•
 Crystal Scroll Enchant Rate = 40%•
 Blessed Scroll Max= +19
 Crystal Scroll Max= +21
Crystal Scroll Max Armor/jewels= +16

Augment Rates:
Top Life Stone Rate : 20%•
 High Life Stone Rate : 15%•
Mid Life Stone Rate : 10%•

General & GamePlay:
Interlude No Custom
Vote System
Easy Farm

 PvP Zone Allowed Bishop  (Primeval Isle )
PvP Zone (Random 3 Zones)

Start Level 80
Sub Class Level 80

Max Buff Slot 60
Buff Time 2h
Fully working skills
Working Clan Halls
Max Subclasses 5
Max Clans on Alliance 3
Balanced Classes
Auto Learn Skills
Auto loot
No grade penalty
No death penalty.
Full Working Wedding
Paid Geodata + Pathnodes

Apella Armors Same Stats as Retail S
Upgrader NPC you can Give your +16 Draconic Armor For Apella +16

Costum Party Auto Flag Farm Zone (Strong Mobs)

2 New Hero Bosses 1st Boss 3 Hours Hero second 6 Hours Hero

Augment Rate Changed you can have now 1 passive or 1 Active not Anymore 1+1 for better Balance.

Olympiad & Heroes:
You need 50 pvps to play olympiad matches
Olympiad List updated after every match
Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match
Olympiad Period 1 week [ Every Sunday ] [ Starts 18:00 | Ends 00:00 ]

Advanced NPC Buffer with full buffs and counting buff slots
Gm Shop
Top Manager
Castle Manager

Donate Manager
Casino Manager (Only With Vote Items)
Npc Report Manager
Npc Vote Reward
Npc Skill Enchanter 100% max +14
Clan Manager [ Instantly clan lvl 8 and +2000 clan rep each time ]
Advanced Server Information NPC with everything inside
PvP Color System
Stuckable Lifestones on Inventory
Stuckable Bogs on Inventory
Stuckable Scrolls on Inventory


Capture Flag [.ctfjoin or .ctfleave[ Special event commands]
Deathmatch [.dmjoin or .dmleave [ Special event commands]
Team vs team [.tvtjoin or .tvtleave[ Special event commands]
.Menu [ Special Game commands]
.Status [ Special Game commands]

.Donate [ Special Game command Removed from the game]

Dedicated Machine:
Low International ping
CPU : Intel Xeon E5-1620v2
RAM :32GB DDR3 2x 160GB
SSD 1Gbps Connection






Edited by Crazyboy*
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goodluck bulgarians?


BG Best country i ever seen in my life also when i was on bg i just suprised from their food and everything :D what is wrong Skylordsky?

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BG Best country i ever seen in my life also when i was on bg i just suprised from their food and everything :D what is wrong Skylordsky?

also good girls :D

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  • 4 months later...

opoios exei to patch tou l2hooligans as mou steili message edw !!!


pm me if you are looking for l2hooligans patch i can upload it somewhere



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