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New Rule ?


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Being a user in a similar forum does not mean anything , lol.

Leeching things from mxc / being a mod in similar forum , yea that is not allowed.

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Being a user in a similar forum does not mean anything , lol.

Leeching things from mxc / being a mod in similar forum , yea that is not allowed.

I am asking for rule that will ban members on other forums too.


It's not joduskame it's other forum that global mods here have already checked it from yesterday even if they removed everything they will get punished.


I though it's NoriaWorld forum now i guess is not and btw i stopped League of Legends it's bored game only 2-3 games per week and i am never cheating :D

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Dafaq this alien creature with name iSquid.. Is he trying to communicate with us? Vorfin short little boy its pathetic how no lifer you're. 

I enjoy, i mean i feel good inside me by watching you post those crap. 


Also: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/205336-report-accessdenied-dramaflamingbad-behaviourofftopic/  (Request ban Access Denied)

PWNED right into your face.


I am really annoyed by the fact that maxtor allow a weird creature like you in this forum. I'm sure he hide something else cannot be explained.

You friend of maxtor honey? :3

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Dafaq this alien creature with name iSquid.. Is he trying to communicate with us? Vorfin short little boy its pathetic how no lifer you're. 

I enjoy, i mean i feel good inside me by watching you post those crap. 


Also: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/205336-report-accessdenied-dramaflamingbad-behaviourofftopic/  (Request ban Access Denied)

PWNED right into your face.

offtopic again ??

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I am asking for rule that will ban members on other forums too.

There will never be such a rule.

The only rule that exists is for moderators. If you are a mod in another forum you will get banned here.

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offtopic again ??

Yes so what? They probably chat ban me again for 1 month, so? 

And really what you expect me to talk in a serious way toward you? No way.. i prefer to die than sit and have a conversation with a creature like you.


I can't believe Justice e.t.c let you still go around and report people or suggest thing after all these happened im really speechless.

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Being a user in a similar forum does not mean anything , lol.

Leeching things from mxc / being a mod in similar forum , yea that is not allowed.






There will never be such a rule.

The only rule that exists is for moderators. If you are a mod in another forum you will get banned here.




Also I am gonna discuss about this forum with Maxtor and we will see how this is gonna end.



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