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Respawn On Custom Zone.



I use clan war zone : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/145845-clan-war-zone-l2jfrozen/?hl=%2Bclan+%2Bzone
I have a problem with character's respawn when he dies, i want him to respawn inside the zone but instead of that he teleports to the nearest town.
I tried the on ondie character:

character.teleToLocation(133059, -14748, -1023 +Rnd.get(-500,500), 130351, -13881, -1023 +Rnd.get(-500,500), 138516, -15510, -1023 +Rnd.get(-500,500));

but i get error on .teleToLocation, i must be missing or messed up something

Here is the xml zone:

<zone id='200000' type='ClanWarZone' shape='Cuboid' minZ='-3800' maxZ='3200'>
 		<stat name='spawnX' val='131376'/>
 		<stat name='spawnY' val='-15203'/>
 		<stat name='spawnZ' val='-995'/>
                <spawn X='133059' Y='-14748' Z='-1023'/>
		<spawn X='130351' Y='-13881' Z='-1023'/>
		<spawn X='138516' Y='-15510' Z='-1023'/>
		<spawn X='139994' Y='-14989' Z='-572'/>
		<spawn X='131359' Y='-15124' Z='-98'/>
		<spawn X='132601' Y='-15310' Z='-577'/>
		<spawn X='133484' Y='-16095' Z='-946'/>
Edited by Rio
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is with config like you can use X,Y,Z and again X,Y,Z

elso is working with much location

and from here static int radius = 100 you can use radius in respawn

post error

NewPlayerEffect = false
SpawnLoc = 150111,144740,-12248,150111,144740,-12248

	public static boolean NEW_PLAYER_EFFECT;
	+public static int[][] SPAWN_LOCATION;

	NEW_PLAYER_EFFECT = Boolean.parseBoolean(frozenSettings.getProperty("NewPlayerEffect", "True"));
	+SPAWN_LOCATION = parseItemsList(frozenSettings.getProperty("SpawnLoc", "150111,144740,-12248"));

			LOGGER.warn("Could not load HexID file (" + HEXID_FILE + "). Hopefully login will give us one.");
+    private static int[][] parseItemsList(String line)
+    {
+            final String[] propertySplit = line.split(";");
+            if (propertySplit.length == 0)
+                    return null;
+            int i = 0;
+            String[] valueSplit;
+            final int[][] result = new int[propertySplit.length][];
+            for (String value : propertySplit)
+            {
+                    valueSplit = value.split(",");
+                    if (valueSplit.length != 3)
+                    {
+                            return null;
+                    }
+                    result[i] = new int[3];
+                    try
+                    {
+                            result[i][0] = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[0]);
+                    }
+                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
+                    {
+                            return null;
+                    }
+                    try
+                    {
+                            result[i][1] = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[1]);
+                    }
+                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
+                    {
+                            return null;
+                    }
+                    try
+                    {
+                            result[i][2] = Integer.parseInt(valueSplit[2]);
+                    }
+                    catch (NumberFormatException e)
+                    {
+                            return null;
+                    }
+                    i++;
+            }
+            return result;
+    }

public class L2ClanWarZone extends L2ZoneType
	+static int radius = 100;
	+static int[][] spawn_loc = Config.SPAWN_LOCATION;

find your onDieInside
and use my
   public void onDieInside(L2Character character)
	 + if (character instanceof L2PcInstance)
	 + {
	 +	  final L2PcInstance activeChar = ((L2PcInstance) character);
         + int[] loc = spawn_loc[Rnd.get(spawn_loc.length)];
         + activeChar.teleToLocation(loc[0]+Rnd.get(-radius,radius), loc[1]+Rnd.get(-radius,radius), loc[2]);
	 + }
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Check your PM's for the code.


(Sorry but I do not want to give this code public).

Edited by 'Baggos'
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I use clan war zone : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/145845-clan-war-zone-l2jfrozen/?hl=%2Bclan+%2Bzone

I have a problem with character's respawn when he dies, i want him to respawn inside the zone but instead of that he teleports to the nearest town.

I tried the on ondie character:


character.teleToLocation(133059, -14748, -1023 +Rnd.get(-500,500), 130351, -13881, -1023 +Rnd.get(-500,500), 138516, -15510, -1023 +Rnd.get(-500,500));

but i get error on .teleToLocation, i must be missing or messed up something

Here is the xml zone:


<zone id='200000' type='ClanWarZone' shape='Cuboid' minZ='-3800' maxZ='3200'>
 		<stat name='spawnX' val='131376'/>
 		<stat name='spawnY' val='-15203'/>
 		<stat name='spawnZ' val='-995'/>
                <spawn X='133059' Y='-14748' Z='-1023'/>
		<spawn X='130351' Y='-13881' Z='-1023'/>
		<spawn X='138516' Y='-15510' Z='-1023'/>
		<spawn X='139994' Y='-14989' Z='-572'/>
		<spawn X='131359' Y='-15124' Z='-98'/>
		<spawn X='132601' Y='-15310' Z='-577'/>
		<spawn X='133484' Y='-16095' Z='-946'/>

just go to  RequestRestartPoint.java (gameserver.network.clientpackets)


search for 

if (activeChar.isInJail())
_requestedPointType = 27;
else if (activeChar.isFestivalParticipant())
_requestedPointType = 4;

make something like:


if (activeChar.isInJail())
_requestedPointType = 27;
else if (activeChar.isFestivalParticipant())
_requestedPointType = 4; 
else if(activeChar.isInsideClanwarZone())
_requestedPointType = 372;



case 27: // to jail
if (!activeChar.isInJail())
loc = new Location(-114356, -249645, -2984);

add above your new switch case:


case 372: 
loc = new Location(yourlocx+rndshits, yourlocy+rndshits, yourlocz+rndshits);

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case 372: 
loc = new Location(yourlocx+rndshits, yourlocy+rndshits, yourlocz+rndshits);


what should i set in +rndshits?   

Do i have to make it like this for multi respawn locations?

loc = new Location(-114356+rndshits, -249645,+rndshits, -2984+rndshits);

Edited by Rio
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case 372: 
loc = new Location(yourlocx+rndshits, yourlocy+rndshits, yourlocz+rndshits);


what should i set in +rndshits?   

Do i have to make it like this for multi respawn locations?

loc = new Location(-114356+rndshits, -249645,+rndshits, -2984+rndshits);



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Use command /loc add your location where is 100 tha means the positions where player will teleported..if you set to 0 all players will teleported to the same range that means all will be stucked there :p

loc = new Location(114356, -249645, -2984,100);
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