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Some Java Help



I want to add this code: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/49498-sharehero-reward-for-pvps/?hl=%2Bhero+%2Breward+%2Bpvps

Its about giving hero at x pvp's.

+public void increasePvpKills(L2PcInstance activeChar)

+if (activeChar.getPvpKills() >= 5000)
       activeChar.sendMessage ("Congratz , you are now a hero ");

I wonder if there is a way of keeping 

- public void increasePvpKills()

beacause when i change the public void to

public void increasePvpKills(L2PcInstance activeChar) 

  i get erros in some other codes.

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What boorio mean is to add a check on Enterworld.java that check if player\s pvps are above X and setHero(true) everytime. 

Edited by AccessDenied
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What boorio mean is to add a check on Enterworld.java that check if player\s pvps are above X and setHero(true) everytime. 

i don't know who boorio is :P but yeah that's what i meant...

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i don't know who boorio is :P but yeah that's what i meant...

lel sorry :P boorinio <3 i meant


He is the best guy in the forum and best best coder evar :3 

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