Hi everybody. Help me please. People dont connect to me.
I dont have router. In cmd ipconfig - ipv4
I have dynamic IP and use no-ip. My no-ip - l2hellsong.servebeer.com
# Loginserver
# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname
ExternalHostname = l2hellsong.servebeer.com
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname
InternalHostname =
# Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs
LoginserverHostname =
LoginserverPort = 2106
# How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned
LoginTryBeforeBan = 10
# Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600)
LoginBlockAfterBan = 600
# The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs
LoginHostname =
# The port on which login will listen for GameServers
LoginPort = 9014
# If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots
AcceptNewGameServer = False
# If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown
# It is highly recomended for Account Security to leave this option as default (True)
ShowLicence = True
# Database informations
URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
#URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password=
Login = root
Password = password
MaximumDbConnections = 10
# Usable values: "true" - "false", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created automatically or not.
AutoCreateAccounts = True
# Security
# Log all events from loginserver (account creation, failed/success login, etc)
LogLoginController = False
# FloodProtection. time in ms
EnableFloodProtection = True
FastConnectionLimit = 15
NormalConnectionTime = 700
FastConnectionTime = 350
MaxConnectionPerIP = 50
# Test server, shoudnt be touched in live server
Debug = False
Developer = False
PacketHandlerDebug = False
# ================================================================
# Gameserver setting
# ================================================================
# Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs.
GameserverHostname =
GameserverPort = 7777
# This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname
# If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *
ExternalHostname = l2hellsong.servebeer.com
# This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname.
# If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave *
InternalHostname =
# The Loginserver host and port.
LoginPort = 9014
LoginHost =
# This is the server id that the gameserver will request.
RequestServerID = 1
# If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved).
AcceptAlternateID = True
# ================================================================
# Database informations
# ================================================================
URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
#URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis
#URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password=
Login = root
Password = password
# Maximum database connections (minimum 2, basically 10 if number under 10, default 100).
MaximumDbConnections = 100
# Idle connections expiration time (0 = never expire, default).
MaximumDbIdleTime = 0
# ================================================================
# serverList
# ================================================================
# Displays [] in front of server name.
ServerListBrackets = False
# Displays a clock next to the server name.
ServerListClock = False
# If True, the server will be set as GM only.
ServerGMOnly = False
# If True, the server will be a test server (listed by testserver clients only).
TestServer = False
# ================================================================
# Clients related options
# ================================================================
# Allow delete chars after D days, 0 = feature disabled.
DeleteCharAfterDays = 1
# Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server.
MaximumOnlineUsers = 100
# Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.
# You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision.
# Default: 730
MinProtocolRevision = 730
# Default: 746
MaxProtocolRevision = 746
# Jail & Punishements
# Player punishment for illegal actions.
# 1 - broadcast warning to gms only
# 2 - kick player(default)
# 3 - kick & ban player
# 4 - jail player (define minutes of jail with param: 0 = infinite)
DefaultPunish = 2
DefaultPunishParam = 0
# ================================================================
# Automatic options
# ================================================================
# AutoLoot, don't lead herbs behavior. False by default.
AutoLoot = True
# AutoLoot from raid boss. False by default.
AutoLootRaid = False
# If False, herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled. False by default.
AutoLootHerbs = False
# =================================================================
# Items Management
# =================================================================
# Allows players to drop items on the ground, default True.
AllowDiscardItem = True
# Allows the creation of multiple non-stackable items at one time, default True.
MultipleItemDrop = True
# Destroys dropped herbs after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 15.
AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15
# Destroys dropped items after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 600.
AutoDestroyItemTime = 600
# Destroys dropped equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry) after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 0.
AutoDestroyEquipableItemTime = 0
# Destroys dropped items after specified time. Ignores rules above, default 57-0,5575-0,6673-0.
# 57-0: Item id 57 will never be destroyed.
# 57-600: Item id 57 will be destroyed after 600 seconds/10 minutes.
AutoDestroySpecialItemTime = 57-0,5575-0,6673-0
# Items dropped by players will have destroy time multiplied by X, default 1.
# 0: Items dropped by players will never be destroyed.
PlayerDroppedItemMultiplier = 1
# Save dropped items into DB, restore them after reboot/start, default True.
SaveDroppedItem = False
# =================================================================
# =================================================================
# Rate control, float values.
RateXp = 200.
RateSp = 200.
RatePartyXp = 1.
RatePartySp = 1.
RateDropAdena = 1.
RateConsumableCost = 1.
RateDropItems = 1.
RateRaidDropItems = 1.
RateDropSpoil = 1.
RateDropManor = 1
# Quest configuration settings.
RateQuestDrop = 1.
RateQuestReward = 1.
RateQuestRewardXP = 1.
RateQuestRewardSP = 1.
RateQuestRewardAdena = 1.
RateKarmaExpLost = 1
RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1
# Player Drop Rate control, percent (%) values.
PlayerDropLimit = 0
PlayerRateDrop = 0
PlayerRateDropItem = 0
PlayerRateDropEquip = 0
PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0
# Karma Drop Rate control, percent (%) values.
KarmaDropLimit = 10
KarmaRateDrop = 40
KarmaRateDropItem = 50
KarmaRateDropEquip = 40
KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 10
# Pet rate control (float values except for "PetFoodRate", default 1./1/1.).
PetXpRate = 1.
PetFoodRate = 1
SinEaterXpRate = 1.
# Common herbs (default).
RateCommonHerbs = 0.
# Herb of Life (categorie 1).
RateHpHerbs = 0.
# Herb of Mana (categorie 2).
RateMpHerbs = 0.
# Special herbs (categorie 3).
RateSpecialHerbs = 0.
# =================================================================
# Allowed features
# =================================================================
AllowFreight = False
AllowWarehouse = True
# If True, player can try on weapon and armor in shops.
# Each item tried cost WearPrice adena.
AllowWear = False
WearDelay = 5
WearPrice = 10
# "Allow" types - Read variable name for info about ;p.
AllowLottery = True
AllowWater = True
AllowCursedWeapons = True
AllowManor = True
AllowBoat = True
# NOTE : Fishing will "bug" without geodata (if you activate w/o geodata, fishing is possible everywhere).
AllowFishing = False
# Allow characters to receive damage from falling.
EnableFallingDamage = True
# ================================================================
# Debug, Dev & Test config
# ================================================================
# Don't load spawns.
NoSpawns = False
# Debug messages (by default False, easily "flood" your GS logs).
Debug = False
Developer = False
PacketHandlerDebug = False
# ================================================================
# Dead Lock Detector (thread detecting deadlocks)
# ================================================================
# Activate the feature (by default: False).
DeadLockDetector = False
# Check interval in seconds (by default: 20).
DeadLockCheckInterval = 20
# Automatic restart if deadlock case is found (by default: False).
RestartOnDeadlock = False
# =================================================================
# Logging features
# =================================================================
# Logging ChatWindow.
LogChat = False
# Logging Item handling NOTE: This can be very space consuming.
LogItems = False
# Log GM actions.
GMAudit = False
# =================================================================
# Community board configuration
# =================================================================
# Activate or no the community board.
EnableCommunityBoard = False
# Show this community board section when you open it.
BBSDefault = _bbshome
# =================================================================
# Flood Protectors
# =================================================================
# The values are shown on ms. They can be setted to 0 to be disabled.
RollDiceTime = 4200
HeroVoiceTime = 10000
SubclassTime = 2000
DropItemTime = 1000
ServerBypassTime = 500
MultisellTime = 100
ManufactureTime = 300
ManorTime = 3000
SendMailTime = 10000
CharacterSelectTime = 3000
GlobalChatTime = 0
TradeChatTime = 0
SocialTime = 2000
# =================================================================
# Misc
# =================================================================
# Basic protection against L2Walker.
L2WalkerProtection = False
# Delete invalid quest from player.
AutoDeleteInvalidQuestData = False
# Zone setting.
# 0 = Peace All the Time
# 1 = PVP During Siege for siege participants
# 2 = PVP All the Time
ZoneTown = 0
# Show "data/html/servnews.htm" when a character logins.
ShowServerNews = False
# Disable tutorial on new player game entrance. Default: False.
DisableTutorial = True
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It doesn't say that anywhere.
check it from source java file names
example in 367 ->
https://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=30.255 l2bufferinstance renamed to schemebuffer | l2pcinstance renamed to player
check changeset 367 to understand
telegram :
Join our server for more products :
Eldamar Don't tell me what to do, stop spamming and mind your own business, it's 2025, who's going to play your server like it's 2007, you're ridiculous.
Hi everybody. Help me please. People dont connect to me.
I dont have router.
In cmd ipconfig - ipv4
I have dynamic IP and use no-ip. My no-ip - l2hellsong.servebeer.com
Edited by Lancer3 answers to this question
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