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L2 Walker Guide


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I took this L2 walker Guide From a Russian Site

Everything was in Russian Language So i used a translator.

The translation is not the best but i thing is enough to understand





Main screen

- USA - from the revealed list is selected the country in which it is located server, for example: USA.

- HOST - in the revealed list select server on which you you play, on silence stands the 1st server BARTZ.

- CHAR - in the revealed list select character by which you you play, all in all on one [akkaunte] it is possible to create 7 pieces.

- ID - introduce into this line your [LOGIN] which you they registered for the game on the server

- PSW - indicate password which it was by you indicated with the registration of [akkaunta].

- Login, Logout and Restart - these buttons make it possible to go in the game, to leave from the game, and to also make restart ([perezakhod]).

- Begin Of combat/End Of combat - permits boat to begin \ to stop to attack [mobov]. ([moby] - these are monsters in the game).


- Sit/Stand - with the pushing of these knobs your character will it sits down itself or arise from the earth.

- Basic Of actions is analogous to the panel of actions in the game. (extended list of commands it appears during the deployment of list):

*Private Of store - Sell - opens the dialog box of sale of [itemov].

*Private Of store - Buy - opens the dialog box of the purchase of [itemov].

*Private Of recipe - opens the window of the selection of prescriptions for the kraft for the amount of money established by you.

*Find Of private Of store - opens window on the search for stores which they are created by other characters.

*Party Of invite - with the isolation of another character, and pressure on this line, sends invitation to the entrance into the party.

*Leave Of party - with the pressure on this line you automatically leave party in which you are located.

*Find Of party Of member - with the pressure of this line appears the window of the search for Party member.

*Trade Of invite - sends invitation to another character in trade with you.

*Pledge Of invite - sends invitation to the entrance into your clan to another character.

*Return to Of town - with death of character, and the pressure of this line your character is teleeed-PORtar into the nearest city.

*Return to Of clan of Hall - with death of character (and when your character it possesses clan [Kholom]), then with the pressure of your character teles-PORtar into your clan Hall.

*Rotating Of left - with the pressure your character twists himself to the left around his axis.

*Rotating Of right - with the pressure your character twists himself to the right around his axis.

*evaluate - with the pressure of this line you send recommendation to another [charu].

*Move Of type-RUN - with the pressure switches regime walking \ run.


- Social - in this list are enumerated all emotions (all 1 into 1 as in the game)

- Enable/Disable - makes it possible to turn off all impulse actions of boat (boat it is switch oned and active all actions when the inscription of enable, boat it is switched off and inactive when the inscription of disable)

- To the right under the options of [logina] are located the data about your HP (lives), MP (polygon), CP (battalion commander [Points]), and also [pokazuetsya] exp (experience) and LOAD (weight of your character).

- Even shows below BY HP, MP of the chosen purpose, and also name and level (if this is monster).

- Virtual Of map - here is reflected the map of territory on which it is located your character in the game, (into 2d - two-dimensional size).


Let us examine region located under Virtual Map:




And so we see the inscription Of name, also, after it NPC, MON, Player, Item, and opposite each it is possible to place mark in the boxing. And so let us dismantle everything in the order. NPC if you place mark on the contrary that will be reflected names NPC on the map, MON with the installation of mark will be reflected the names of monsters on the map, Player with the installation of mark will be reflected the names of players on the map, Item with the installation of mark will be reflected the name [itemov] on the map.

Below we see the inscription Of shop, also, next to it Buy, Sell, Creation - if we establish marks that will be respectively mapped onto map players who to [sidyat] in the regime of purchase, sale, private Craft.

Next only more to the right we see the inscriptions Of combat Of range, Path Of point (in which are already established the marks), if we remove mark from Combat Of range on the map it will cease to be reflected Radius in which your boat it [farmit] [mobov]. If we remove mark from Path Of point, then will cease to be reflected way on which it runs boat, if there are no [moby].

Designations on 2d map:

- [Moby] on the map are reflected by green small squares, Npc's ([NPTS]) yellow, players blue, the members of party by dark blue small squares, the purpose isolated by you is reflected by violet small square, and themselves you on the map are reflected by red square.

- Wide red square this is your current radius (zone in which you [farmite] [mobov]).

- Slider near the inscription Of scale (scale) makes it possible to draw near and to remove 2d map. Minimum scale 1:1, maximum 1:36.

- Realmap - with the start will reflect 2d actual chart area in the window Of virtual Of map.

- Z -Range - it makes it possible to see monsters which they are located on one with you to height (and to ignore other which are not located). If you will allow they rose to the second floor of what of [nibud] of building, and you do not want so that would show [mobov] from the ground floor, then you will establish Z -range so as to it was reflected only second floor with [mobami]. (Experiment with a height of Z).


Let us examine now region indicated in the figure below:


- Combat - in this window is represented information about your attacks, and the attacks on you of [mobov], players. But also is reflected applied by you \ on you loss. (Note: you can they will be switched between Combat and Virtual Of map clicking on their names).

- L2 Information - in this division is tuned everyone that it relates to the chat room in the game.

- ChatShow (to reflect chat room):

- General - main thing (usual)

- Party - To [pati]

- Shout - general to entire to the region

- Trade - commercial

- Clan - clan

- Alliance - [Alyansovyy]

- Player Of action - action of player (social and so forth)

Next to each inscription (except Player Of action) is accessible the regime of the selection of color, i.e., you can appoint different colors to the different regimes of chat room.

We look at the picture only below, we see the inscriptions Of autoSay of further Chat, and it is still further Delay (s). And so let us examine everything in the order:

- AutoSay - with the installation of mark into the boxing, the boat will by automatic weapon scream out text written lower than word Of autoSay

- Chat - into what chat room will specifically scream out boat text.

- Delay (s) - the delay between the cries in seconds.

For example you want to sell Recipe: Coal and so that the boat would shout into Shout chat room every 30 seconds, that pier I sell the prescription:

we place mark on AutoSay, in the list Of chat we select Shout, in the field Of delay (s) we set number 30, and we write text under the word Of autoSay.


We look still below, [videm] of laying with the names: Sys, All, Whisper, Party, Clan, Trade, Alliance, Friends, Settings. All these layings except Sys, Settings, Friends, relate to the regimes of chat room, to [toest] as in the game, it is possible they will be switched between them, and to look only that information, which was written only into the concrete chat room.

- Sys - in this main window established on silence is represented system information being necessary from the server (for example announcements from [GMov], and also different actions from the player)

- Settings - in this window is tuned color, and also auto-speakKA into the chat rooms.

- Friends - if in you are friends those added through /friendlist that you can with them associate using this window.


Let us examine the field still below, on which we see word GENERAL written in the revealed list - this list makes it possible to select [rezhimi] of chat room, into which you will write what or words. only long line more to the right is located, into it you write text.

We are still below [videm] of the inscription Of playTime, GameTime, Team. Which indicates how long the boat in the game, which hour on the server, and is located boat in the party with other characters.


Let us examine the last region of the interface of boat shown in the figure below:


- Char - in this window are reflected [staty] of your character.

- Party - in this window are reflected the names, HP \ MP of characters which are located with you in one party.

- Inv - in this window is reflected the inventory of your character.

- Skills - in this window are reflected [skilly] (skill) of your character.

- Buffs - in this window are reflected [buffy] superimposed to your character.

- Buddy - here is reflected the list of your friends of those added through /friendlist.

- Clan - in this window [pokazuyutsya] the nick of all characters which they are located in your clan.

- Script - in this window you can start scripts written for L2Walker.

Window located is below:

- Player - in this window are reflected names and the coordinate of the players of those being being located next to you.

- Mons - in this window are reflected name and the coordinate of the monsters of those being being located next to you.

- NPC - in this window are reflected names and coordinates NPC ([NPTS]) of those being being located next to you.

- Items - in this window are reflected names and the coordinate of [itemov] of those being been located by a number.

- Pets - in this window are reflected names and the coordinate of [petov] \ of [samonov] of those being been located by a number.

- Map - reflects your position on the map.

- Report - window with the report.

- Summon - window on control [summonom].





And so let us examine the division Of setup - > Option (fig 1.0)

Fig. 1.0


After pressure on the point of the menu Of option we see window with the large number of tuning (Fig. 1.1)

Fig. 1.1


Examine now each of the divisions of this window in the order.


1. Basic Of options

In this division we see from the right side 4 supplementary sheets with the following names: Base Of setting, Other Of setting, Seed Of crop, Safe Of card. Examine them in the order.


- * - Base Of setting


- SOCKS5 PROXY - in this division you indicate IP- address and port, which you will use as proxy. (Proxy necessarily only when you do not want to light your real IP an address using of boat. But also for some programs for example WP5xxF).

But how to add proxy? Let us examine figure 1.2

Fig. 1.2


*IP: - In this field we enter the IP- address of proxy of server, in my example this

*Port: - in this field we enter the port

*ID: - in this field we enter [login] for the access to proxy to server, [login] is used only in such a case if your proxy paid, and access to it is effected on [loginu] and password.

*PSW: - in this field we enter password for the access to proxy to server, password is used only in such a case if your proxy paid, and access to it is effected on [loginu] and password.

In the majority of the cases of proxy free and therefore the fields must be left empty.

1) *ADD - after you entered in the fields necessary IP and Port, one should harvest to this button in order to add proxy in the revealed list (in the figure point number 3).

2) in this point you see that after the addition of proxy, it must be selected from the list, after harvesting to the black triangle (number 3). Button DEL makes it possible to remove proxy from the opened list selected by you.

In order to begin to operate proxy- server, it is necessary to place marks near the inscriptions Of loginServer Of use, GameServer Of use. However, what they do indicate and it is for which necessary?

*LoginServer Of use - if mark will be established only in this boxing, then proxy will be used only for the entrance on [login]- server, [toest] for [zalogivaniya] into the game.

*GameServer Of use - if mark will be established in this boxing, then proxy will be used for the game on the server himself.

With start of both [galochek] in the boxings entire traffic will be processed through proxy- server. If by proxy slow, then will have terrifically to [lagat] with the established mark Of gameServer Of use you; therefore for this version is used one mark switch oned only to LoginServer Of use.


- GENERAL - in this division is tuned automatic [perezakhod] of boat into the game, delay with the approach on server, the return with death to the city, and so forth examine everything in the order ([ris].1.3)


*Relogin Of delay (s) - after establishing mark into this boxing, and after fixing time in seconds (on silence it stands 5 s.) you will force boat to automatically [perezakhodit] into the game with the break of [konekta], or other circumstances.

*Dead Of return, Delay (s) - after establishing mark into this boxing, and after fixing time in seconds, your boat after death will return to the city. (To an example you they established 8 seconds, then after 8 seconds your boat will return to the nearest city).

*Dead Of logout, Delay (s) - after establishing mark into this boxing, and after fixing time in seconds, your boat after death will leave the game. (To an example you they established 8 seconds, then after 8 seconds your boat will leave the game).

*Logout, When _ _ of min Of not exp Of add - after establishing mark into this boxing and after indicating time in THE MINUTES, you will thus force boat to leave the game if it in the course of the time indicated do not obtain experience from [mobov].

*Enable Of login Of delay - after establishing mark into this boxing you you establish delay with [zalogivanii].

*Char Of login Of delay (s) - after establishing mark into this boxing, and after indicating time in seconds you you establish delay with [zalogivanii] of [chara].

*Login Of game Of delay (s) - after establishing mark into this boxing, and after indicating time in seconds you you establish delay with the entrance of character in server.

- * - Other Of setting


- AUTO MAKE ITEM - in this division is tuned auto-Craft [itemov]. Let us examine (Fig. 1.4)

Fig. 1.4


We see the following buttons and the names:

*Make - with the installation of mark into this field will be automatically it [kraftitsya] the prescription indicated. Further we see the long white field (this the descending list for the selection of prescription which will be it [kraftitsya]) and after it button DEL- it moves away the selected prescription from the kraft (do not fear in you prescription it will remain in the book of the prescriptions: ".

Below we see buttons with the inscriptions:

*Make - with the installation of mark into this field will be automatically it [kraftitsya] the prescription indicated

*Make Of item - you select from the list what prescription you will use for the kraft.

<>*Num- you indicate a quantity of [dostignuv] which boat it will stop, and it will not [kraftit] further. For example after indicating 80000 for the prescription SSC, boat [nakraftit] 80000 SSC and it will stop.

*MP> - here is indicated a quantity of polygon with the reaching which will be it [kraftitsya] prescription. For example in you prescription requires for the kraft 125 MP, it is advanced this number, and boat will be [kraftit] only then when in you it will begin the polygon of 125 units.

<>*Weight%- here is indicated the weight, on reaching of which automatically will stop the kraft of prescription.

*Delay (s) - here is established delay in seconds between the repeated kraft of prescription.

*Add - after harvesting to this button you you [dabavlyaete] prescription in the list of active for the kraft.


- DOWN LEVEL - in this division is tuned the auto-reduction of level, to [toest] boat itself kills against [gvardov]. (Figure 1.5)

Fig. 1.5


*Attack NPC - in order to begin to attack [Gvardov] in the city you will establish mark into this point.

*Level> - here indicate to what level you you want to lower boat.

*ADD - after selecting from the list of accessible [gvardov], only those which you want to attack and after harvesting to the key ADD you [dabavlyaete] them in the list of active for the attack by boat.

*DEL - moves away from the list of those [gvardov] of which you you do not want to attack.

*Die Of after of 60 sec - after death to wait 60 seconds and to neglect script.

*Run Of script - you indicate way to the script.


- FISHING - in this division is tuned automatic fishing. (Figure 1.6)



*Auto Of fishing - with the installation of mark into this boxing boat automatic will begin to catch fish (for the beginning you will be convinced that fishing rod and bait in you be available, and also fishing rod is already undertaken into the hands)

*Use Of fishing Of shot - here from the list you select what [soulshoty] will use for your fishing rod.

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