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last night i watch a fight between paladin and warsmith both max lvl but paladin was with IC set and S sword dwarf was with doom heavy,aoba and his summon and warsmith won no cp potions no hp potions just 1 vs 1...also paladin was buffed believe it or no he even got pof..the dwarf is a friend of mine and he is pro..the server is c4 with c5 skills..and dont say to me that paladin was noob and cant play..paladins just sux big time


No, paladin was actually noob. Paladin has very effective heal in C4 like for 3k HP so he could easily use UD and then heal himself and then use AI, too.




WS's playstyle doesn't let u ''OWN'' anything even if u play since prelude..


paladins doesn't suxs at all

paladins can OWN every meele class IG ..


Well , My Friend..


If You Know How To Play A Class You Are Able To Beat Anyone!


Even a Bishop Can Own a Mage.. * In Normal Servers.. Not L2J Servers With Over 25 Buffs With Huge Enchants And Sh1t. *



So.. There Are Two Reasons.


Or Your Friend (Warsmith)


Is Ownz0r , And He Knows Really Good How To Play.


Or The Paladin ,


Was a Noob , And Dunno How To Play This Player!


Paladin Is One Of The Best Classes In Lineage 2..




Well , My Friend..


If You Know How To Play A Class You Are Able To Beat Anyone!


Even a Bishop Can Own a Mage.. * In Normal Servers.. Not L2J Servers With Over 25 Buffs With Huge Enchants And Sh1t. *



So.. There Are Two Reasons.


Or Your Friend (Warsmith)


Is Ownz0r , And He Knows Really Good How To Play.


Or The Paladin ,


Was a Noob , And Dunno How To Play This Player!


Paladin Is One Of The Best Classes In Lineage 2..





i am going to pwn with my bd a dark avanger are u kidding  camon warsmith can't own paladin what warsmith do i don't believe


The guy playing the paladin sux bigtime, not the char itself. There's many ways to play paladin like UD & take out a bow and hit the enemy or stun him then UD and try to arrest him etc. then there's AI which u TOL urself after that and once it's gone u can use vengeance and hit with a bow or if he moves far away u can heal urself. Paladin is actually a very good class if u learn how to play it correctly.



i am going to pwn with my bd a dark avanger are u kidding  camon warsmith can't own paladin what warsmith do i don't believe




U r kidding Right??


U Think That a BD Cant Beat A Paladin..


Pfff Wake up Ur Mind..


Think a Lil Bit...

If This Existed , Then Why NCSoft Would Made Those Classes?


To Be Strengthless ?


I Told You. A Good Player , If He Can Play a Character Good He Can Own Every Class..


I Personally Play With BD For 2-3 Years..


In Olympiad This Char , Might Be The Best * For Me *


If You Know How To Play Ofc.


I Told You. It Depends From The Player. NOT The Character.

Guest skaros

it is not imposible ^^

i used to play l2 ownage with kamael race and no one would put me in his clan because he thought "kamel pff what a noob!"... well big mistake for them :D with +0 i pwned 4 clan members of  a great clan there with +16 and started running just to make the other 2 be alone with me because if someone else would attack i would surely died!And they said "where are u going?" they thought they had me :D when we where far i did FinalForm put out a dagger and i raped them :D... so yes if you know how to play a specific class you'll sure pwn many ppl u couldnt think u could ^^.


it is not imposible ^^


Yhea but has more chances to be imposible than posible xD


the paladin forgot to use angelic icon 4 sure  beacuse whit that u r stronger than an orc whit frenezy =P

And a dwarf cant tank that



I hugely doubt a pro ws can beat a pro paladin.


IMO, Pro players playing paladins are the best chars in l2, specially 1v1.


So, in synthesis, the PA was a huge noob. No way a pro player can lose against a WS using PA.

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