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Lf Appearances From Infinite Oddysey For H5.


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Your useless spamming on posts is rewarding and not time wasting? get real please

and how come its not rewarding if you would actually get money for it? 

i spam forum when im loading or in champ select :[

chump change worthless for the amount of time put in

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Sorry but you're a L2 Moderator here. Since you're saying that its an awful game and its for stupid ppl, you should consider yourself as a mad stupid person, shouldnt you?


plus why so mad for greeks? lol if the community you've reached is just 10-20 yo whatd u expect? roflmao

He is my ass, he cant code or put up with any java code or anything relative to the game ( i even doubt if he know what polym or encapsul is). even in client mod i doubt if he can make a model and import it as an island..

i have people on my skype who imported whole towns  with beautiful animations and they are not mods.

Cleary he has no skills but only advertise his server :D (l2mid) why u even talk? cant u see he is a troller?

beside he is playing lol.. everyone know that leaque of legend played by 7-16 yo kids so in other words

a 24+ years old sit and play against 10 :D

Generally the mods we have in this forum are 0 knowledge refer to Stacy, MeVsYou, Le Memer Master e.t.c

i havent seen any of them help or suggest or provide, i am not mod yet i helped 35.000 people with my tutorials :D

Edited by AccessDenied
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He is my ass, he cant code or put up with any java code or anything relative to the game ( i even doubt if he know what polym or encapsul is). even in client mod i doubt if he can make a model and import it as an island..

i have people on my skype who imported whole towns  with beautiful animations and they are not mods.

Cleary he has no skills but only advertise his server :D (l2mid) why u even talk? cant u see he is a troller?

beside he is playing lol.. everyone know that leaque of legend played by 7-16 yo kids so in other words

a 24+ years old sit and play against 10 :D

Generally the mods we have in this forum are 0 knowledge refer to Stacy, MeVsYou, Le Memer Master e.t.c

i havent seen any of them help or suggest or provide, i am not mod yet i helped 35.000 people with my tutorials :D


i only know how to use preconfigured packs and i cant compile or apply patches

i have no skills and i am a failure

i play league of legends when im 52 because i like kids

im overgrown kid :okey:  :okey:  :okey:  :okey:

life sux

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i only know how to use preconfigured packs and i cant compile or apply patches

i have no skills and i am a failure

i play league of legends when im 52 because i like kids

im overgrown kid :okey:  :okey:  :okey:  :okey:

life sux

its ok, it will pass :( i wish u were a girl so i can lick you :'(

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im literally the worst

i am cuck.

i love ucoz

Ιf yiou wont, wi can make a sirver with PRO PROTICTION, 100% UNBALANCI, EPIC ARMOURS THE BEST SIRVIR

w w w . bestL2Sirvir.ucoz.freedomain.net

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