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Καλησπέρα παιδία μηπως μπορεί κάποιος να μου πει πως μπορώ να κάνω όταν κάποιος πατάει shift+click για να δει τα drop να γινεται μονο σε attackable npc ? πχ mob - boss klp



else if (Config.ALT_GAME_VIEWNPC)
// Set the target of the L2PcInstance player
// Send a Server->Client packet MyTargetSelected to the L2PcInstance player
// The player.getLevel() - getLevel() permit to display the correct color in the select window
MyTargetSelected my = new MyTargetSelected(getObjectId(), player.getLevel() - getLevel());
my = null;
// Check if the player is attackable (without a forced attack)
if (isAutoAttackable(player))
// Send a Server->Client packet StatusUpdate of the L2NpcInstance to the L2PcInstance to update its HP bar
StatusUpdate su = new StatusUpdate(getObjectId());
su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.CUR_HP, (int) getCurrentHp());
su.addAttribute(StatusUpdate.MAX_HP, getMaxHp());
su = null;
NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0);
TextBuilder html1 = new TextBuilder("<html><body>");
html1.append("<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Combat Stats]</font></center>");
html1.append("<table border=0 width=\"100%\">");
html1.append("<tr><td>Max.HP</td><td>" + (int) (getMaxHp() / getStat().calcStat(Stats.MAX_HP, 1, this, null)) + "*" + (int) getStat().calcStat(Stats.MAX_HP, 1, this, null) + "</td><td>Max.MP</td><td>" + getMaxMp() + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>P.Atk.</td><td>" + getPAtk(null) + "</td><td>M.Atk.</td><td>" + getMAtk(null, null) + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>P.Def.</td><td>" + getPDef(null) + "</td><td>M.Def.</td><td>" + getMDef(null, null) + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>Accuracy</td><td>" + getAccuracy() + "</td><td>Evasion</td><td>" + getEvasionRate(null) + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>Critical</td><td>" + getCriticalHit(null, null) + "</td><td>Speed</td><td>" + getRunSpeed() + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>Atk.Speed</td><td>" + getPAtkSpd() + "</td><td>Cast.Speed</td><td>" + getMAtkSpd() + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>Race</td><td>" + getTemplate().race + "</td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
html1.append("<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Basic Stats]</font></center>");
html1.append("<table border=0 width=\"100%\">");
html1.append("<tr><td>STR</td><td>" + getSTR() + "</td><td>DEX</td><td>" + getDEX() + "</td><td>CON</td><td>" + getCON() + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td>INT</td><td>" + getINT() + "</td><td>WIT</td><td>" + getWIT() + "</td><td>MEN</td><td>" + getMEN() + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<br><center><font color=\"LEVEL\">[Drop Info]</font></center>");
html1.append("Rates legend: <font color=\"ff0000\">50%+</font> <font color=\"00ff00\">30%+</font> <font color=\"0000ff\">less than 30%</font>");
html1.append("<table border=0 width=\"100%\">");
for (final L2DropCategory cat : getTemplate().getDropData())
final FastList<L2DropData> drops = cat.getAllDrops();
if (drops != null)
for (final L2DropData drop : drops)
if (drop == null || ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()) == null)
final String name = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(drop.getItemId()).getName();
if (drop.getChance() >= 600000)
html1.append("<tr><td><font color=\"ff0000\">" + name + "</font></td><td>" + (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop") + "</td></tr>");
else if (drop.getChance() >= 300000)
html1.append("<tr><td><font color=\"00ff00\">" + name + "</font></td><td>" + (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop") + "</td></tr>");
html1.append("<tr><td><font color=\"0000ff\">" + name + "</font></td><td>" + (drop.isQuestDrop() ? "Quest" : cat.isSweep() ? "Sweep" : "Drop") + "</td></tr>");
html = null;
html1 = null;

9 answers to this question

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Τι Project χρησιμοποιείς αμα εχεις L2jfrozen

πήγαινε Εδω και  καντο True




# Allows Players to Shift-click Mobs and view their Stats and Droplist
AltGameViewNpc = False
  • 0


Τι Project χρησιμοποιείς αμα εχεις L2jfrozen

πήγαινε Εδω και  καντο True




# Allows Players to Shift-click Mobs and view their Stats and Droplist
AltGameViewNpc = False


Σοβαρά τώρα δεν ήξερες τι να κάνεις και είπες να "κάνω spam να περάσει η ώρα" ?

  • 0
Posted (edited)


- if (isAutoAttackable(player))

+ if (target instanceof L2Attackable)




L2PcInstance pl = player.getTarget();

if (pl instanceof L2Attackable)

Edited by Fanky
  • 0
Posted (edited)

L2Object target = player.getTarget();
if (target instanceof L2Attackable)


δοκίμασε αύτο για L2JFrozen 

Edited by ~Sens

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