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Mana Potions Script + [share my RB party scripts]


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i made 4 accounts on DN shadow server and have healer/buffer,tank,speller,dwarf and made so far 14 raid bosses !!!! 4 chars controlled by l2walker and soloed RB levels 20-50 so far


l2walker owns :)) , i have the best config for them!


so funny ... but to configure right all my chars to act in party tooked me alot  ::) , if you want best buffer,healer,spoiler,tank config for a party pm me and ill give u my saved data :D , just pm me


i also have scripts for enchanted mana potion use (made by myself work perfectly) pm me and ill give it






USEITEM(Enhanced Mana Potion[iD=9264])














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Wait i dont get this topiC...

You made this topiC just to tell everyone that L2 walker owns? <.<

Well..whatever...Someone plz delete or move this topiC...


P.S : Next time post this kind of -bip- in SpaM Section!!

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Wait i dont get this topiC...

You made this topiC just to tell everyone that L2 walker owns? <.<

Well..whatever...Someone plz delete or move this topiC...


P.S : Next time post this kind of -bip- in SpaM Section!!



well i read it says Lineage II General Discussion [English]  so is the right place!


its about lineage 2 and its a general discussion , so stop flaming and get angry on people because ur a noob

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well i read it says Lineage II General Discussion [English] so is the right place!


its about lineage 2 and its a general discussion , so stop flaming and get angry on people because ur a noob

I didnt flame anyone...if you check my post carefully,you will see that. I just told my opinion.

So dont call everybody noob without any reason.


P.S : You should had edited your thread from the beginning...

P.S(2) : Again ...wrong section.This edited thread must go to Bots section.

P.S(3) : You didnt make that script...Check this Link. Next time give credits...



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@SpectraHacker if u r not gonna share anything , dont make a post , even if u say u can give your data

Also u should post this in bot section ^^ not here


@xXSkillerXx there is no need to be agressive he is new in the forum


@SpectraHacker dont start flame wars ok?


@R021 reported for spam [Evrywhere] , w8ting for u to get banned


Btw i want that "Data" if u can pm me whit  the info


I pm a mod so he can move this to bot section bb

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fyi your script wont work well... you cannot have a condition inside a condition. The second condition will get executed no matter what.

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That enchaned mana potion script is working on Dragon-Network hah XD  Also can u send the "Data" to my e-mail? michaello105@wp.pl plz xD


told you im good :D i also made it to react at 60% mana loss AND to last 20 seconds so u dont waste pots!

and about the data ... im still working on them i will give names simple like: Buffer,Healer,Spoiler,Tank etc and zip them and up them

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the "correct" way to script this would be to do this






USEITEM(Enhanced Mana Potion[iD=9264])















Walker scripting is not a well thought language.

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the "correct" way to script this would be to do this






USEITEM(Enhanced Mana Potion[iD=9264])















Walker scripting is not a well thought language.


Good share, thanks sir, I've been looking for this for years already and it works, I just had to replace the mana potion ID.

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