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L2J Interlude Custom Pack

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Hello im selling l2gladiators pack/source/patch/backup , server is full ready to open , it was planned to open the next weeks but a problem occur to the Guy who would give the money for dedicate,host,ddos protection and he cant afford them , so i decided to sell it.




RateXp = 500.

RateSp = 500.

RatePartyXp = 1.

RatePartySp = 1.

RateDropAdena = 1.


-Enchant Info

Safe Enchant : 3

Max Enchant : 16

Normal rates : 70%

Blassed Rate : 90%(when it fails goes -1)

Crystal Rate : 100%



-Custom Features

Custom Announcements(Top Pvp,Top Pk,Hero,Castle,bosses)

Custom killer Panel(when you die from someone a window will occur with the killer status etc..)

Custom Character introdution ( A camera will show the npcs you select on config , and when it ends a window appear to choose your classes , armor , weapon)

Custom weapons(Same status with S Grade Weapons , with a bonus(Increase Pvp Physical Damage on fighter weapons and magic critical rate on mage weapons) )

Custom Armor(Same status with S Grade Armors)

Custom Masks(give hp/cp/mp)

Custom Tattos(atk.speed , matk.speed)

Custom Hero Glow

Custom Soulshot Effects

Vote reward topzone/hopzone/network

You need 50 Pvp's in order to speak on Global chat

You need 10 Pvp's in order to speak on Trade chat

Custom messanges from grand/raid bosses when they die and when they born

And much more..



13 new customs skills

puted some skills on bd,spoils,warlord and others , so they can play in pvp too

Changed many things on skills to be more balanced



Nice Designed Npcs:

Augment Manager(Active-Passive)



Top Manager(Pvp,Pk,Online,Farm,vote)

Top Player Event

Bug Report


Raid/Grand boss Informations

Dyes Manager

Services Manaver

Gm shop

Custom Shop



Class Manager





Double Dominion

Last Man Standing

Lucky Chests

Simon Says

Team vs Team

VIP Team vs Team

Zombies vs Humans

Capture the Flag

Russian Roulette

Bomb Fight



Hunting Grounds

Raid in the Middle

Korean TvT

Treasure Hunt


And a PvP event:

Every 30 minutes the player with the player with the most Pvp's will be rewarded

















General photos:


















































































































~I can also open a live server for test if needed

Add me on skype Generic.avel




Also because pack is based on acis i will give and i will put on your source a diff file which will inclunde all changes that done on core side.

Edited by Generic
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You are not allowed to sell aCis Files..

Yes,i know and i forgot to put this.. :


Also because pack is based on acis i will give and i will put on your source a diff file which will inclunde all changes that done on core side.

Edited by Generic
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@celestine if you are interesting add me on Skype to discuss


@baksteen I will upload a photo later cause I can't now.Also the npcs it's not ripped and I don't know and don't have l2impulse pack

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@celestine if you are interesting add me on Skype to discuss

@baksteen I will upload a photo later cause I can't now.Also the npcs it's not ripped and I don't know and don't have l2impulse pack

GK is shared from Kder and you have edit the htmls also if you using this event engine is full bugged and one more think this rev have a lot of bugs.. Edited by Reborn12
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I want to see Custom Hero Glow... show screenshot!


Also, the npc's are ripped from L2Impulse pack lol

typical guy who thinks that he is smart,u are totally a noob,and trying to show that u are skilled,the npc's are from l2impulse?as i remeber i see only the gk html is "same",nothing else,such a noob guy..


p.s im not the seller

p.s 2 good luck with your sells.

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  • 2 weeks later...

omg generis is scammer!!

What ? lol who the fuck are you . A i understood the idiot who added me and tell me that i give you the pack and then you send me money and before asked to talk with me on phone while we talked before 3-4 weeks and you told to give you files first and then you the money . Oh yes

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