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Posted (edited)

Riot's plan to make mages even more overpowered than they already are

This post just shows that riot's balance team is full of silver morons who are extremely biased towards AP/ADC and made AP items more cost effective and stronger (because AP items werent the best already)

Riot should just admit that they want to make mages the most overpowered role in the game by buffing their items and itemization paths (because it wasnt already the best build routes already so making it more overpowered makes sense). I have never seen any balance team in a game so biased towards making two roles outclass every other. In the past 5 seasons majority of changes have been set towards making those two roles overpowered one at a time. ADC's had their fun so it's time to make mages overpowered as fuck again right?


Let's go over why these changes are retarded


hat - already the highest AP item in the game, why does it give even more AP now? So mages can dominate early, mid and late game? Tanks who go cinderhulk in lane have to sacrifice a summoner to go smite, and cinderhulk doesnt even have good base stats but why do mages get a % AP amplification with great base stats? what about a AD amplification item? Zhonyas/Echo -20 AP = -40 ap total, void = +10 ap so you lose 30 flat ap while you gain over 50 in a full build assuming you have about 1000 AP


large rod - might as well make bf sword 1200 too


wota - lets make no counterplay sustain mages (like vlad) even stronger than they already are and the ability to heal a ton of hp instantly


void - only change that isnt gamebreaking


liandries - this change literally fucks your brain because of how bad and stupid this is. liandries is designed to be a ANTI TANK ITEM which had LOW AP but did % HP DAMAGE. that random 30 AP out of nowhere makes it beyond broken since it will now be a item to kill tanks AND squishies while making you tankier. compare it to Abyssal, Abyssal is made to kill squishies by reducing their MR and giving you decent AP. now we have this item. it gives high AP, lowers resistance of squishy champs, AND you get to shit on tanks. overpowered mages = happier player base right?


rylais - 35% isnt enough for long ranged moves right? 40% should be a bit better


nashors - this item still sucks and will likely never be good


roa - looks like ap bruisers that built this item for tankiness and a bit of damage gets no love. fuck melees right riot since this item seems to cater towards ranged mages only now


echo - now people who go echo+lich bane will have +18% speed and be faster than everybody else while having over 1000 AP and killing everybody


hourglass - at least a good change reducing it's ridiculously high AP


archangels - indirectly buffs very strong champions who consider this a core item. ryze and cassio are weak picks now right? we should really buff their core items


probably the only decent balance change so far this season

Edited by le memer master

 toplaners dominating the whole map since season1 and they still do. adc was super strong on season2 and now its still ok. riot changes the meta all the time. you can't go against the river, you take it's flow

Posted (edited)

Unless you 're a salmon.


And no.

It's ok changing the meta.It's not ok abusing this to create overpowered roles that doesn't allow any form of counter play.

Remember a guy named Victor?Prepare to be anally raped.


EDIT:Browsing the LoL forums,one can get melanoma.The level of ignorance on some comments,makes bronze look like challenger.The fun fact is that the RIOT staffers reply to them.But they choose not to reply on comments with rational,explanatory criticism,since it doesn't promote the lame ideas of the "balancing team".

Edited by Eagle_Eye

To be fair, Viktor is quite ok now. The only thing saving his ass 50% of the time is his W, which compensates a bit the lack of mobility and the HUGE mobility of the rest of the midlaners.

The rest is just bullshit. Insane damage & mobility rewards + new champs with the same kit...


yes and 'strong early game' champs like garen or whatever has no chance against 'weak early game' ranged like vayne

But Vayne rocks your socks if played properly and ofc farmed well. -.-


To be fair, Viktor is quite ok now. The only thing saving his ass 50% of the time is his W, which compensates a bit the lack of mobility and the HUGE mobility of the rest of the midlaners.

The rest is just bullshit. Insane damage & mobility rewards + new champs with the same kit...

:dat:  :dat:  :dat:  +1000000000  :y u no?:  :y u no?:  :y u no?:

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